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FR  regret is worse than rejection


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
this one was absolutely accidental, im not even actively practicing nowadays. the bottom line is - move faster and act because regret is worse than rejection or dead end.

I know a very beautiful hostess (asian though so not in great demand around here) greeting the guests at an upscale bar in the financial district i work. We never really spoke but since i`ve been in this country & area we smiled at each other, later reagularly said hi and in the last week i just realized she was a free dinner basically. all i should have done is to ask her out. which i didnt.

yesterday i decided to man up, leave the memories of bad experiences i had with actually picked up girls this year. so the plan was to act, ask her out, grab the number and close the case.

epic fail: the bar is closed from today for a month due to local customs which means she is probably back to her home country and it is quite possible she will never come back given the fluctuation in this country. the joke is i didnt really care about her up until yesterday. now when i do she`s effectively gone. :D

lessons learnt (nothing new really):
- dont let bitterness come over you, keep you eyes open at all times
- if you have a chance to ask a girl out you like even if you are comfortable there will be tons of opportunities for it dont take your chances - act fast or you`ll regret it.

Good Vibes

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 27, 2013
The best way to learn is from mistakes. I've been there, done that many times. You can learn what to do and what not to do from books, internet and people but nothing teaches you quicker than real life mistakes.

stratvm said:
...last week i just realized she was a free dinner basically. all i should have done is to ask her out. which i didnt.
Don't assume a girl is a "free dinner" just because she shows signs of interest and especially don't get excited either or show it. Women are excited to meet you and for you to approach them most often but don't match their excitement (I'm not assuming you're doing that necessarily). You need to stick to your game as if you don't realize she is interested in you much at all and move fast of course.

BTW Regret leaves you with a "what if" wonder for the rest of you life if it's something you wanted to do, where Rejection is challenging and becomes fun.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
re rejection im getting better in managing emotionally but i still take it as an insult IF i invested time and effort in it.

i dont blame girls anymore for this as im absolutely aware of the fact that it is my fault if i cant excite them sexually enough.