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Rejecting a woman without creating antagonism



Hello there :)

Would anyone have any suggestions on how to handle unwanted attraction from women, whether you slept with them or not, and still staying friends with them?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 14, 2012
Block, ignore, don't answer her calls. etc :)
OR You can just tell her it's over! Be honest.


That's what guys usually do, but that doesn't inspire very good feelings and definitely doesn't help to maintain friendship. In general, telling a girl that you just want to be friends with her works in the short term and if you don't need to be around each other, it can also work in the long run. In times when you still hang out together in the same social circle, her feelings might get even stronger and end up blowing up in your face anyway. And when they do blow up in forms of hostility, it's an unpleasant mess to clean up. And what if her hostility is indirect, where she is sabotaging you without you knowing.

Basically, the concern is how to lead a woman or help her to get past her insecurities without having to be in intimate relationship with her. I can't come up with any better strategy but indicate that you would be very much interested in sleeping/having relationship with her if you were available and tell her that you would like to be friends instead. There are issues with that, especially if it's a lie. Maybe, set her up with someone else? Is there simply no way for a woman to mature or feel secure without having to become a mother or being married? In many cases women don't get any more secure even if they do have kids, and still might be willing to abandon their family for a better guy.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Moved to "General."

With this kind of thing, ASky, you're often best behaving calmly and neutrally with the woman when around her in-person, and reacting to solicitations by telling her that you're not doing relationships right now, and (if she offers you sex without a relationship) that you don't want her getting attached. She'll insist that she won't get attached; you've simply got to say, "Yes you will," and leave it at that.

Under no circumstances do you want to outright tell a girl you aren't interested; that's a big blow to her ego (it's worse for a woman to be told a man isn't interested in sleeping with her than it is for a man to be told this about a woman, because sex is cheaper for men than it is for women; thus, the statement carries more weight - if you can't give her something cheap, then she must be REALLY undesirable).

Instead, just tell her you don't want a relationship and won't give her sex because it'll make her become attached, and that's what always happens to you with girls and you value her too much as a friend to have that happen.



Dec 6, 2012
Hey, I found this thread, and especially Chase's response, very useful in a situation that I recently found myself in.

A girl with whom I'd had a few dates with, but hadn't really hit it off with, had asked me over text what the situation was regarding 'us' after I hadn't replied to her last text after a week or so (not good I know, I'm just not particularly good at texting back!). I explained to her that, although our dates had been really fun, I just wasn't ready to commit to anything serious at the moment, but hoped she understood and that we were still cool. There seemed to be no menace in her reply back, and it will make it much less awkward if we happen to bump into each other again. So cheers!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
spikey_g said:
Hey, I found this thread, and especially Chase's response, very useful in a situation that I recently found myself in.

A girl with whom I'd had a few dates with, but hadn't really hit it off with, had asked me over text what the situation was regarding 'us' after I hadn't replied to her last text after a week or so (not good I know, I'm just not particularly good at texting back!). I explained to her that, although our dates had been really fun, I just wasn't ready to commit to anything serious at the moment, but hoped she understood and that we were still cool. There seemed to be no menace in her reply back, and it will make it much less awkward if we happen to bump into each other again. So cheers!

I remember Chase posted this somewhere, but it is by far the best response ever:
"I'm just too busy for a relationship... and it wouldn't be fair on you."