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Request feedback on One Date lesson 2.


Apr 2, 2022
Hello all! I'm new to this so please go easy on me :p

I'm trying out Chase's One Date lessons, and tried out the homework in the second lesson, which concerns Similarity, Arousal and Compliance pings. I am posting my experiences here along with some questions that cropped up in my mind. Would be great to have your help on this!

Task: Meet a girl and try to classify her between Similarity, Arousal and Compliance.

_Learning Phase_

This is where you need to give SAC pings, which lets you classify a woman into
SAC parts. Each woman will have some different distribution of each, and there are
some signs that relate to each of these.

I decided to do some homework for this one, and read some blog posts along with
watching this video and the one on SAC. In order to get a better idea of conversation,
I read the following:
+ Building emotional connections: https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-build-emotional-connection
+ Deep diving: https://www.girlschase.com/content/secrets-getting-girls-art-deep-dive
+ Approaching girls at the cafeteria: https://www.girlschase.com/content/tactics-tuesdays-how-approach-girls-who-are-eating-alone
+ Getting her to say yes: https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-get-her-say-yes
+ How to attract women guide: https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-attract-women-guide
+ https://www.girlschase.com/content/approaching-girls-sitting-down
+ TDA module 2: 7 sins of conversation.

_Implementation Phase_

------- Experiment 1: Girl I met at a party. --------

I had hosted a house party for some close friends, and one of them brought
with him his female friend who he met in the university a few days ago. She
was quite enthusiastic about talking with the others. We even danced togehter
briefly during the party. By the end of it I took her Instagram and we started
chatting. I did make it a point to keep eyeing her every now and then during
the evening.

I was thinking of asking her out on a date explicity, but it so happened that
she was around the area and we decided to meet up for a snack casually. Surprisingly,
she had brought with her a lot of snacks for me that her friend had wanted to share
with her. When we ordered food, she also ordered extra food for herself and started
to share it with me. I decided to try out the SAC pings with her and see where this

We ordered food at the counter, and then proceeded to take a seat. While we walking
around I asked to see her bracelet and asked her how she chose the dress that she
was wearing, asked her to tell me the story behind her ear-rings (which had 'FUCK OFF'
written on each side), to which she complied reasonably well. When we sat down with
the food I noticed that she had bought a lot more food that she could consume and
kept trying to feed me from her plate. So compliance was definitely happening.

Then I thought of proceeding to arousal. I asked to see pictures of her family that
she might have on her phone, and touched her hand gently as she brought it forward
to show me the phone. She smiled slightly but did not take her hand away. I then
teased her a few times casually, and every time she would smile and look away for
a second. I made it a point to do a handclasp every now and then.

All this while, I tried to build similarity by noting that we are both pretty close
to our respective families, and talked about various things that go on around our
university. This one definitely seemed high on arousal. She was giving very plain
replies to my similarity building, and was getting pretty excited about feeding me
more food and showing me pictures on her phone.

When our snack was done, she said that her home is close to mine so she'll walk with me
till my place and then proceed home. We reached my home, and then as I was hugging her
goodbye she stuck her tongue into my mouth! Never been so shocked before. Then of course
we proceeded into the house and the rest is history.


The SAC method really seemed to work well in this case. What I learned is that
women tend to find arousal building cringy if you do it too suddenly. When I asked her
later what she felt like when I first touched her hand, she said that it was super smooth
and she thought I was a natural, when in reality I was almost shivering as to what is
gonna happen when I touch her like that.

Starting with compliance is a good idea since it helps you build a sort of rapport with
her before escalating it further. Also, I notice that women are REALLY keen on sharing
stuff about what they are wearing. I think that is good starting point for bringing
up various other topics.

------ Experiment 2: Girl sitting in the university lobby ------

Sitting at her laptop in the lobby below the lab. I was eating a chocolate and looked at her and
smiled. She smiled back. I asked her what's she doing here sitting alone in the lobby, and she said
she is working on some homework for a class. She was a student of behavioural psychology and wanted
to work for people facing mental difficulties with their family life. She was smiling broadly when
I approached her.

I was standing the whole time while she was sitting. She said she is from Alaska, and since I've
never met someone from there before I asked her to pull up the location of her home town. She obliged,
and then we had a brief chat about winter sports. She was here for the university and because her
sister lived here. She was quite close to her family in the city and liked going out to restaurants
with them. Said she liked milkshake the best. I said I liked that too and we spoke about that for sometime.

I asked her if she would like to grab a milkshake sometime, which she happily said yes to. I had forgotten
my phone in my room so I asked her to take her phone out and send me a text in front of me so that we could stay
in touch. I later texted her, but her reply was "I'm not looking for a relationship or anything like that, but I
appreciate you talking to me."

My question : what went wrong here? She seemed to be all smiles and into the conversation for a good length
of time. Thought she would come along, but no!


The compliance pings seemed to working nicely initially. She also seemed to be quite into
the conversation pretty fast given the way she was responding. Given that she had travelled
from Alaska and was quite open to conversation, she seems like someone who is dominant
in arousal. I did not make any physical contact with her though. Might this be a reason
for rejection?

------ Experiment 3: Girl sitting with her dog in the park -------

Was walking around my university and saw this beautiful girl sitting with her dog in the park and sketching
something on a notepad. I casually started playing with her dog, to which the dog responded positively.
We did run around a bit while I was talking to her about her dog and our mutual interest in animals.
She seemed quite aroused from the first interaction and we went to talk about her major, design background
and various other topics. Turned out she was very intersted in advertising and communication, and had
just started her own T-shirt company. We kept talking for about 15 min, and then I left to get some
stuff from a store close by without asking her out.

On the way back from the store I still saw her sitting there and I asked her to show me the drawings that
she had been working on while sitting there. She obliged, and we got talking a bit about the design world
and her motivation about pursuing that line of work. Upon parting I asked her out for a coffee later, and
said 'Yes' with a wide grin. I took her number. I texted her later to fix up a date, but she replied saying
that she is not interested in getting to know me further and that she had a great time chatting with me.
This was quite unexpected too!

Compliance seemed so-so, probably more of arousal and similarity since she was pretty excited about
playing her dog and getting some blood pumping. Starting a business is also a risky decision, which
might point more to arousal.


This one is very similar to the previous (second) girl. What exactly is going on here? Why would they not
come out with me for a coffee after having a cheerful conversation? I have been working on my fundamentals,
i.e. mainly my hair, facial hair and voice, and so far many women I knew before have actually begun telling
me that I am thinking more about my looks than before, so I think that part is working fine (of course it needs
improvement and I am working on it). Why not the part of approaching and getting a date?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers