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Hiring  Review Girls Chase programs (& get paid to do it!)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey there,

Girls Chase is looking for a few guys who'd like to review some of our programs and create review videos we'll be able to show to our audience!

You'd need to:

  • Have a decent microphone able to record quality audio (no echoes/reverb/etc.)

  • Know how to put together a halfway decent product review video (show clips of the program, what you like about it, or any dislikes, etc.)

Nice to haves but not mandatory:

  • Some familiarity with the products already so you can also talk about results (e.g., tried this tactic out, had this result; this other strategy was my favorite; etc.)

  • If fine showing face on camera that is a plus (helps your credibility as a reviewer that the audience can see a real person behind the review)

Review videos can be of any length.

Rate's negotiable. You can let me know what you think is a fair rate for a review. Or if you have really no idea, I can propose something.

If interested, please send an email to:


... and let me know:

  1. Your name
  2. Your level of familiarity with Girls Chase material & programs
  3. How familiar you are with creating videos for online
  4. Anything else you think might be relevant

I look forward to hearing from you!

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take