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Right after being rejected for a kiss, what do you think of these responses?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 1, 2020
Grab a candy bar or something to eat to feel better/get comfy and eat it and be like "tell me about _____ (something she mentioned" as if nothing happened

BUT I do wonder if she will take the going off to grab a candy bar or leaning back away from her on a bed (if on a bed) as weird/weak/not giving her enough attention. And maybe "tell me about____" is a bit too open ended and a bit too obvious you're trying to change the topic?

What would you do instead and why?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2015
Say something like this: "Who can blame a brotha for trying". Smile a little and just continue to talk about the thing you were talking about.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 1, 2020
Say something like this: "Who can blame a brotha for trying". Smile a little and just continue to talk about the thing you were talking about.

Hm... do you think if she doesn't like that slang if "who can blame a man for trying" will sound the same or sound too defensive/desperate?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 24, 2019
Don’t respond, ignore the rejection and continue regardless.

pull away from her and continue to engage, DHV as much as possible and go in for the kiss again after an hour or so.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
This is way too reactive. Are you not capable of pulling back a few inches and smiling at her warmly? This kind of thing is par for the course, she wants to know how bad you want her and if you're going to get all tense when she backs up a bit.

When I go for it, it's on. I keep the pressure dialed up until she's either underneath me or reacts in an actual negative way (which a kiss rejection is not). That means I stay very close to her personal space, I let my eyes wander to her lips, neck, hair etc, my body language becomes very still and slow, my voice is a low rumble, and I enjoy myself the whole time with a smile on my lips. She could walk away that very moment and I would still enjoy what we had done up to that point. But she won't, because what she's seeing is a man getting turned on by her, enjoying the experience of getting turned on by her, and gently holding pressure against her resistance (which she can't hold for very long anyway) without getting all anxious about it. And I can stay in that mode all day.

In short, let her enjoy seeing what she can do to you without trying to hide or cover it up or being tense about whether things are going to work out.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Did you lean in really quick when she was on the other side of the bed? Or did you slowly reduce the space between you and her till your bodies were touching and your lips were millimeters apart, and then tried kissing her?

I'm willing to bet it was the former [which, btw, is quite common for a lot of guys when they are nervous or are still working on intimate touch with girls]

If you leaned in really quick from the other side of the bed, then, she wasn't expecting it... it shocked her and turning away was more of a kneejerk response than anything. OR, it was uncalibrated and turned her off.

Regardless, act as if nothing happened.

Are you close to her on the bed? -> Give her a minute to recover (now she knows your intentions) and try again
Are you not close to her on the bed? -> Reduce the space, build up tension, and try again when the moment is right
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers