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Righteous Anger, advanced to Righteous Physical Punishment?


Dec 3, 2017
Hi Chase, also all mentors and members in Girlschase Forum. I'm new to this forum, yet I already read Girlschase materials for about 4 years. Currently still improving myself, especially mindset. All mentors here are awesome and have many practical knowledge, also experiences that i can relate. I have a special interest for Chase and Drexel articles, so i hope you guys can join this discussion. Enough the introduction, lets go to the discussion (I dont have a prefect English skill)


I currently managing relationships with 3 girls. The first one, A, is get the most attention than the two others. The second, B, get the second attention, and C, is the least to get my attention. All of them have been bedded by me. Our ages are 21++. But my focus here is not on the sex.

A, the first girl, get the most attention because we often together because of works. I managing a small business, she helped me. Often time, she do something that we agreed that is wrong, by accident. At first I only do some righteous anger (im really angry when i do this, not a fake angry) and tell her what is right, and teach her, even sometimes making a 1 hour speech about why it is wrong and how to do it right and she promises not doing it again. Yet, it always repeated, until im not satisfied with a righteous anger anymore, then i naturally do righteous HIT (yes, physical hit like slap in the face, fist, push her, grab her hair very hard, etc even more harsh than you might imagine)

Yet, when im offering "I dont want to hit you, but I dont want you go unpunished when you do something wrong or fatally wrong, it is better we break-up, this relationship might not for you. Im not going to change myself, I will always be like this if you make the same mistakes that i already teach you how to do it right (i even teach her about the right mindset *for submissive of course). So let us breakup", she would say "No. Please give me more chance. I will pay you a dinner/drink/etc for the compensation.

I currently have a very firm mindset when dealing with her. We agreed not to let other people know the inside of our relationship (also no police involement of course. Even if the police involving, i already have preparation for that with some Machiavelli technique, also i know some high ranked police). If she not agreed, its ok, we just have to break-up (and again she refuse to break up so she always agreed with my term and condition). And im not bluffing when i said break-up (thanks to Girlschase material about abundance mentality).

I know feminist or white knight guy or even other than these might not like my attitude, that I'm to harsh or evil. But i just want to tell that i dont feel like evil. I feel that i have the right to have a relationship that i want with someone that want it and accept it too. I have a standard for my relationship, i tell that to the girl, i tell the term, rules, and punishment, she agreed, REALLY AGREED, even when i re-create the agreement many times (she always agreed with my rules) and she is a normal girl (not a mentally ill, she has pasts with normal bfs too). And when she break our law, me (as the authority/police.of our relationship) give her the punishment for breaking the law that she agreed. As simple as "i have a product (relationship with me), the price is $xxxx (might get hit when breaking the rules), you want it or not is up to you, i dont force you to buy this, and she say " i WANT it". The other 2 girls doesnt experience this much (B, rarely meet me, just get slap in the face lightly. And C just for sex, i dont have tendency to hurt her because i dont let myself get hurt by her (invest less, care less)). I have a special feeling for A, like a a strict firm father that loves his daughter (of course not including the sex). A father (authority figure) that punish his daughter (women is a silly girl right) when she wrong, and reward her, care for her, love her when she good behaviour.

Ps: I hit the girl not because I'm needy, but because I feel she need our relationship the most, accept the rules, yet he break the rules. She is la 7/10 girl for me physically (might be 8/9 for a westerner/asian who like southeast asian girl). I never found her cheat, or disrespect me, she often act like s silly and cute girl. I often punish her even she do a bad voice.tone (arrogant or authority tone). Again, I punish her because she already agreed and accept the law, and of course it only a light slap in the cheek if the mistakes as light as that. And I'm currently mentoring 1 to 3 guys (not actually mentoring, but they interested in my seduction experience, and i give them my knowledge), yet they still hard to accept about the Righteous Hit things (maybe some guy is hard to leave the old mindset that teached since he was a boy. Drexel Scott's "What does it mean to be a Man" about we submit to female teacher/feminist mindset when we was a boy might be relevance about this phenomenon (hesitate to hit a girl)

Also, this dominant&submissive relationship not established at the earlier time of our relationship. At early phase, I was a devil-may-care guy who dont hit or angry to her because she was just a short term girl to me. I was always laugh at her silly and cute act, but yes she was more brave and not submit to me when i was "too devil may care/dont care" (maybe like what Chase said, this mindset not for everybody and on everything). But as the time goes on, she invest more in me, and i invest my.time, knowledge, and others like trust (except money. Money is only when i want.to give her. She even often decline my money gift, maybe because she feel guilty/unworthy to have that money while she is often makes mistakes). She even affect my business to a small degree, so her bad performance might ruined my business plan or income (not that much because i put her not to much trust, but yet still it is a Loss, and thats also why i often do righteous anger/physical punishment).

ALSO, the girl (A) confess that she doesnt mind if i managing many relationship in the future.

The question is:
1. Does the Righteous Hit/Physical Punishment (advanced from Righteous Anger) is approved by Girlschase doctrine?
2. Does my mindset wrong? Or right? As for my goal is to be a powerful man that can manage many relationships with me as the dominator and also successful at my power climbing ambition and economy power (mostly use Machiavelli mindset perhaps, but i edit the mindset a bit to suit my personality and Girlschase doctrine that I keep for long term". If wrong, please give me advice. If right, also give me advice
3. Does polygamy possible? Maintain many relationship but the girls also loyal (not open relationship where the girls not loyal). The point is: We express our will about the idea that "1 man with 5 women but the women are all loyal to only 1 man" and they are agreed. Is it possible? If yes, what is the theory? Can you make the article?

If this topic is sensitive to answer publicly, please let me know, and i hope the mentors can join this discussion, or private message me (if this topic is sensitive), especially Chase and Drexel Scott, who I really respect because i can easily relate the mindsets, feelings, and experiences. Thank you Girlschase Community.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 18, 2016
Dude if you have to hit your women in order to make them submit to you, you are not dominant enough. My girls comply with me because they want to not because they fear getting beaten up.

I think you either want to show off how manly you are or you are seeking Chase's approval for whatever reason. I have never hit a girl (I do hit hard sometimes for sex play but that's beside the topic) but I can understand hitting in some exceptional situations like a soft slap if she's going in shock or if she hits you before. But you are just hitting her so that she complies with you? Wow. And you say yourself that it doesn't work. You are just giving her drama which she apparently craves. So she does it again. Just cut contact if she doesn't comply. No attention is stronger than negative attention with regard to modifying unwanted behaviour.

I think you just get off on it.


Dec 3, 2017
Sandman said:
Dude if you have to hit your women in order to make them submit to you, you are not dominant enough. My girls comply with me because they want to not because they fear getting beaten up.

I think you either want to show off how manly you are or you see seeking Chase's approval for whatever reason. I have never hit a girl (I do hit hard sometimes for sex play but that's beside the topic) but I can understand hitting in some exceptional situations like a soft slap if she's going in shock or if she hits you before. But you are just hitting her so that she complies with you? Wow. And you say yourself that it doesn't work. You are just giving her drama which she apparently craves. So she does it again. Just cut contact if she doesn't comply. No attention is stronger than negative attention with regard to modifying unwanted behaviour.

I think you just get off on it.

Hi, i think you misunderstand our relationship. Well, its normal to think or judge inaccurately when you only receive a few facts, and normal to misjudge newbie people like me to have such experience. Chase's approval? Well he's one of the founder of this site, then yes I need his approval/attention (even when I registering to this forum, I need the approval from Girlschase's system haha) make him considering to answer my question. Chase have power to answer or not to answer, so yes I need his willingness to answer my question. But this is just a simple normal human social intuition, dont be that stiff guy who think that he is Godlike and doesnt need ANY APPROVAL in his life, you even need approval to buy a fried chicken in a restaurant like: you must say your order not offensive, you must follow their rules, you must pay, you must not causing chaos, etc.

And about "you are not dominant enough when you have to hit/physical act". I think you definitely wrong here. For example:
1. Your woman blocking you when you want to walk away from the harsh situation (a situation when you feel your woman disrespect you, and you want to walk away because she is not treating you right). She blocks you like she hug you very hard or block the door with her body (the bigger she is, the harder to pass through). She blocks and said "I want you to stay here, I know that i just burn your $10.000, but I'm sorry okay. I dont have that much money to repay". And you feel thst this woman is not have a good intention to feel sorry, she just want to make you do what she wants. You have TWO ways to respond: (1) be a dominant enough to use anything necessary (start from firm speak "i have the right to pass this door, stay aside or I will think you are a bad person that intentionally want to shackle my freedom" to physical act like hit or move her from the door (much more suit the LAW OF THE LEAST EFFORT) or (2) you talk too much to make her not blocking (risk that you look needy, need her approval to make yourself pass the door, rather than use your power to get what you want (pass the door).

So the conclusion: hitting somebody doesnt mean you are not dominant. In fact it is dominant, when done right (you highly valued your freedom that when somebody try to stop you to get what you want or shackle your freedom, you will not stay unreactive (read Chase's when to stay unreactive and when reactive is necessary), and do anything necessary, even physical power escalation (if you are already advanced enough, you might think killing is necessary when the case is extreme like you face a psychopath that doesnt mind hurting you so bad, and the killing is legally backed up as a righteous act by the law or social norm)

2. Military Operant Conditioning. Do you still think that the military guys that makes our countries respected meaning that they are not dominant. I think you have some misunderstanding here dude.

Extra information:
1. My woman already submit to me, it just I just want experience more submission than average girls to their guys. So when you said I HAVE TO hit her to make her submit, I definitely sure that you didnt get it. I HIT not to make her submit, I HIT because she disrespect our rules (not often), or she blocks me when I want to walk away. it doesnt mean it doesnt work. In fact, i feel IT WORKS. Since the physical operant conditioning applies, she is more feminine and submissive than before. My GOAL is to make my energy used efficiently and effectively, including punishment (i choose 1 slap because it is more effective and efficient than talking for minutes of the same speech I have done before). The fear of her is not of getting beaten up, but getting ignored by me. She even BEGGED TO GET BEATEN UP rather than me breaking up with her (it is not a showoff, just some ADDED FACT so that no one should be misunderstanding about this anymore with their responses)

2. Your girls submit to you because she wants to, you say. The question is can I relate my experience to you? I'm afraid it is because you dont have much order, rules, things like those standard behaviour procedure. The less the law, the less the breaking. The more the law/rules, the more the breaking. So, I think i cant relate to you, because maybe your rules to your girls are not as much as mine, not as strict as mine. It is different, when your girl willing to cook you a dinner at your order is labeled as submission by you, when at my sight, it is just a must/common behaviour that cannot be labeled as submission. You see, Other guys with stricter rules, might have different struggle than you. If and when you say "my GF submitting! You are not! Haha", it must be understandable that make a woman submit at a monogamy is easier than make a woman submit at a polygamy. Evenmore, make a woman clean your clothes and submit to it is easier than make a woman clean your shit and submit to it. (on extreme, some guys might labeled a woman is submit when she happily willing to lose her life for him, while other guy labeled a woman is submit even only when she replied his whatsapp chats).

3. My woman is not intentionally break the rules. She always UNINTENTIONALLY, forgotten, or not doing it on purpose when breaking the rules. But i believe there is an operant conditioning that decrease these behaviour by targeting her unconscious mind. I know some guys will say "not worth it to hit her, just leave her", and I will say that i feel that way, I OFTEN act that way, but the girl dont want to be lefted. And I weigh that with her I still have some benefit (I even permitted to have more girls)

4.I want to look manly you say? Haha sorry to disappoint your reading to my character, but it is wrong. I dont care if I look manly or not, what I care is how I can get what I want (not everything of course. Killing, robbing, to get money is not what I mean. What I mean is something like getting what you want that you have RIGHT to get it, like.your own freedom). I'm a simple human like most of we want to get what we want right.

5. If what you mean is I want to look manly in this forum, sorry I'm not interested in imposing my manliness or social ladder climbing in this forum. I prefer to be a student in this forum, be humble, learning and discussing with the masters, but of course, a badass in real life. Thats what i want.

6. Again, Chase's approval? Im not shy to acknowledge that Chase is one of men that I respect because of his experience, knowledge, and sincerity to make men improve their overall power (im an honest person). Even you who join this site must acknowledge it. But approval is a bit exaggerating here. I just want to discuss with Chase or other members/mentors who not easily offended to this discussion topic, and can give me an answer. Especially discussing about a new theory that might be connected to Girlschase material. Correct me if I wrong, but I didnt see any article about a knowledge that some guys want to know:
- how to maintain a polygamy relationship. (I believe it is possible, many of our ancestors especially kingdom guys can mantain a polygamy relationship, and of course at the old time, radical feminists mindset users have no power, not like these days)
- is military operant conditioning may applies to woman operant conditioning to some extent (from my experience with more than 1 girl that I use physical operant conditioning, it may applies with some terms and condition.
- etc that not in my mind right now

7. I believe devil may care attitude works best at one night stand or short term relationship, but not at maintaning relationships. Maintaning relationship need an extra investment from you (of course the girl should invest more more more than you). I AGREE with "i aint hit her, i leave her" at earlier relationship, but as year passed, she is more investing and i am more rewarding than i used to, she affect me to some degree (like my emotion), it becomes like "I aint hit her, i leave her. But when she begged so badly to not leave her, i choose to hit her and punish her for the damage she cause for my feeling (not a big damage tho, just a bit. But every drops of blood even a 0,001 mili-litres counts for me)

So dude, no offense but I think your answer not helping me to fulfill my curiousity :). I hope there is other guys who is willing to fulfill it objectively without any negative/bitter feeling involving.

I prefer this topic can be discussed more privately with some seniors and masters here if permitted, as it might be not for everybody. I dont mind spending some cash for Girlschase product, if it can fulfill my curiosity about the advance mindset (not the basic, I understand the basics from articles in this site). And also I'm not only interested in seduction, I even more interested in mindsets about how to maintain or increase power in real life (Machiavelli, Sigmund Freud, Sun Tzu teaching seems close to get that, but I dont have much time to read all of them page by pages). I believe there is a strong single mindset that if we apply it to our brain and our unconscious/conscious mind, we automatically get more successfull in all aspect of life like money, seduction, power.

This reply look so long, in purpose that the new informations added might sufficient to help the reader to not misunderstanding the facts that can cause unnecessary response that not related to the facts.

Just a hungry student that still learning, Domino


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 18, 2016
You do you man ;)