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- Aug 9, 2013
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Taking a break from writing in my older women journal to report a New Year’s party. I laid the girl on the first date after meeting at a Meetup.com NYE party sponsored by several professional networks. Just graduated college, so I wanted to try peeking into the singles events in the area. The demographics were surprising for an event catered to the young professionals network. Nevertheless, I encountered new situations and really made up for lost progress the last couple months. After ending my first FWB relationship in November, I’ve been stuck in a rut and had a couple dozen non-successful approaches.
Pt. 1 – Party – 12/28
-Dance w/ group.
-General socializing and approach 6 girls.
-Approach girl sitting down with indirect-direct.
-Sit with girl and her group. Grabs her #.
-Dance with girl.
-Sit down again and invite myself over to her place.
-Go home early (12:00am) when girl dances with her friends.
Pt. 2 – Date – 1/1
-Meet at cheap take-out restaurant.
-Deep-diving & banter.
-Split check.
-Walk around outside.
-Sit in car.
-Invite myself over.
Pt. 3 - Sex
-Fiddled around on the couch for 2 hrs.
-We took a shower
-She compared me to ex lovers???
Pt. 1
-400 ppl.
-70% 40 and over.
-Around 10 ppl under 30.
Room Layout:
-Dozens of tables spread throughout a high-ceiling room.
-Outdoor patio with heated lamps over tables.
-Small dance floor at the back.
-Two bars, each on opposite sides in the middle of the room.
Entered at 9pm and immediately found a wingman because he was the only guy NEAR my age. I spotted a group of five girls (mid/late-20s) posing for the camera on the dance floor and suggested we talk to them. I approached the hottest girl in the group (latina) with indirect-direct and suggested we dance. After showing me the cha-cha and salsa for 15 min., she declined my suggestion to sit down. The conversation was lively and had plenty of contact during dancing, but I could not convince her to sit. My wingman experienced the same with his girl, so we bid them farewell and continued socializing.
My wingman left 10min. later, so we exchanged contact information for more Meetup.com events. I approached 5 other girls with indirect-direct that night. They were very receptive and I would of continued talking if they had not been so old. After 1 ½ hrs of socializing, I see the same group of girls sitting at a table with several guys scattered about them. Spotted a girl (Asian, mid-20s, 5’4’’ish) sitting at the table and approach her with the “just noticed” technique and indirect-direct.
Me: Hello!
Girl: Oh, hi!
Me: How’s your night going so far?
Girl: I’m doing okay, just resting from dancing so long. How about you?
Me: Oh, yeah me too. Actually, I thought you looked stunning so I had to say hello.
Girl: Oh my gosh, thanks! But weren’t you just dancing with my friend X?
Me: Don’t tell me you’re not glad! May I join you? (gesturing my hand).
Girl: Whaaaat! Uh, okay. Yeah sure! (surprised expression and taking miscellaneous items off a spare chair for me).
Me: My name’s Barry by the way (extends hand).
Girl: I’m X.
Our conversation got looks from other girls at the table and w/in minutes were taking pictures of us. One of the guys came back to the table and asked me how long we knew each other. I way like, “I dunno, probably like 5 minutes.” The girl laughed and continued the conversation. I’ve never met a girl so energetic or affectionate before, she was bouncing off the walls with energy. Approx. 10 min. into the conversation, the girls throws me a fastball.
Girl: Aren’t you going to ask me my phone #?
Me: It’s only 11pm! Do you think I’m going anywhere?
Girl: Well you did not ask me yet!
(friend interrupts)
2nd girl: Wow! You two are a cute couple. Get together for another picture!
Me: (To friend) What am I a trophy or something? I wasn’t expecting this!
Girl: Soooo, where do you live?
Never had someone asked for my phone number and where I live at the same time. I lived around 40 min. away, but she was right down the street. She kept pressing for a phone number, so I got hers just in case. We got up and danced with her friends for awhile before sitting back down again. She got up AGAIN to dance with her friends for a girls only mosh pit. I waited at the table for 25min. before getting bored and leaving the venue at 12pm.
Text response:
Me: (12:30 am) X, nice meeting you! Save my number – Barry =)
Girl: Hey! Nice meeting you
We’re still here
Me: Quite the party animal
Girl: (1:10am) Not really haha. Just got home. Have a good night!
I sent a cold-text the next day for a date and got an immediate response about “letting me know later.” Experienced a hassel to choose a restaurant because she was finicky about this one place almost 1 hr. away. I txted to speak to her and demanded a particular place (take it or leave it) near her residence.
Pt. 2 – Date
Met a restaurant I choose called Pho Kim Long LOL!!!!!! She was full of energy like last time and required CONSTANT adjustment during the conversation. A lot of outgoing/bubbly girls just cannot stop talking when nervous. I asked “What do you do during your free time?” at the beginning and rolled with it the entire time. She did not find any information besides a brief explanation of my occupation (she’s a white-collar professional too). Here’s the interesting snipped of the conversation about STI’s she brought up:
Girl: Yeah, I’m really careful about my body. I’m the healthiest personal I know!
Me: Cool, I just got a healthy food routine down as well and I’m starting kick-boxing again next week.
Girl: What I meant to say was, I got tested recently and everything was fine.
Me: Oh really? What made you take the test?
Girl: I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago, so I got a 8 panel test just in case. Everything came up negative.
Noticed how she brought up sexual and non-sexual health at the same time. The conversation had sexual overtones, but I did not expect this to pop up. We split the check and after walking around headed to my car and sat inside. After talking to two minutes or so I invited myself over to her place. She did not hesitate at all and said to follow her car. Should of skipped steps and invited myself to her place instead of taking the date to the car.
Pt. 3- Sex
I’ve seen (and had sex) with her once after this so I have trouble remembering the details.
My escalation steps:
-Touching hands and hips when start drinking/eating
-Kiss cheek multiple times
-Short lip kiss by me
-Returns by tonging me HARD
-Run fingers through hair, make out, and rub crotch.
It took about 5 min. to reach the last step, but she emitted a LOUD moan and thrust her pelvis in the air to twist away from me. “I didn’t say you were gonna get anything” she said playfully. I repeated 5-6 times, while skipping some steps before she offered to take a shower/brush teeth together. Strange how every Chinese girl I ever met was SUPER uptight about cleanliness. Oh yeah, she made me wash my hands like 10 times that night!
I carried her to bed after taking the shower and continued rubbing the clit, making her thrust her hips in the air again. After fingering, I ate her out with my “alphabet technique” (spelling the alphabet with my tongue on her clit A-Z and backwards). Reaching the letter “I” she exclaimed, “What the fuck! I was not expecting this!” I slapped on a condom and lubed her up well with k-9 before entering with Chase’s modified missionary position. Sexual positions were SUPER constrained with this girl because thrusting all the way made her stop sex. Switching to doggy, butterfly, and lying on stomach gave her pain. I eventually went back to the modified missionary position with “do you want me to stop?” and “am I still…?” techniques. Performing 3 waves of the “am I still…?” technique while pulling her in caused a different type of moaning – muffled and gasping for breath. After screaming “I’m done”,pulling me out, and scooting away, I agreed to jack off on her. I timed myself around 11:00 entering her and finished at 11:45pm. Probably the reason I lasted so long was because she constantly stopped me!
After taking a shower and cleaning up, she spoke about her old boyfriend of 2 years and their first night together.
Girl: “I did not expect you to be so experienced. What the fuck British boy!?”
Me: (Forgot what I said).
Girl: “You were too big for me and HAD SOME MUCH ENERGY BRITISH BOY.”
(Starts punching me hard).
Girl: “You know, the first time with my ex-boyfriend, we had sex 5 times throughout the night.”
Me: “Wow, cool” (Unenthusiastic expression).
Me: “Ok, would you rather ride the merry-go-round five time or the fastest ROLLER-COASTER once?!”
Girl: HAHA! “Rollercoaster!”
We did a second date a couple weeks ago and agreed to see each other on a casual basis. I made it clear my schedule was busy and could not text often/unsure when I was free.
My thoughts:
Definitely not a smooth LR, but I stuck to a game plan and got results. I gained more experience from sex and foreplay than our conversations.
Hope y’all enjoyed!
Pt. 1 – Party – 12/28
-Dance w/ group.
-General socializing and approach 6 girls.
-Approach girl sitting down with indirect-direct.
-Sit with girl and her group. Grabs her #.
-Dance with girl.
-Sit down again and invite myself over to her place.
-Go home early (12:00am) when girl dances with her friends.
Pt. 2 – Date – 1/1
-Meet at cheap take-out restaurant.
-Deep-diving & banter.
-Split check.
-Walk around outside.
-Sit in car.
-Invite myself over.
Pt. 3 - Sex
-Fiddled around on the couch for 2 hrs.
-We took a shower
-She compared me to ex lovers???
Pt. 1
-400 ppl.
-70% 40 and over.
-Around 10 ppl under 30.
Room Layout:
-Dozens of tables spread throughout a high-ceiling room.
-Outdoor patio with heated lamps over tables.
-Small dance floor at the back.
-Two bars, each on opposite sides in the middle of the room.
Entered at 9pm and immediately found a wingman because he was the only guy NEAR my age. I spotted a group of five girls (mid/late-20s) posing for the camera on the dance floor and suggested we talk to them. I approached the hottest girl in the group (latina) with indirect-direct and suggested we dance. After showing me the cha-cha and salsa for 15 min., she declined my suggestion to sit down. The conversation was lively and had plenty of contact during dancing, but I could not convince her to sit. My wingman experienced the same with his girl, so we bid them farewell and continued socializing.
My wingman left 10min. later, so we exchanged contact information for more Meetup.com events. I approached 5 other girls with indirect-direct that night. They were very receptive and I would of continued talking if they had not been so old. After 1 ½ hrs of socializing, I see the same group of girls sitting at a table with several guys scattered about them. Spotted a girl (Asian, mid-20s, 5’4’’ish) sitting at the table and approach her with the “just noticed” technique and indirect-direct.
Me: Hello!
Girl: Oh, hi!
Me: How’s your night going so far?
Girl: I’m doing okay, just resting from dancing so long. How about you?
Me: Oh, yeah me too. Actually, I thought you looked stunning so I had to say hello.
Girl: Oh my gosh, thanks! But weren’t you just dancing with my friend X?
Me: Don’t tell me you’re not glad! May I join you? (gesturing my hand).
Girl: Whaaaat! Uh, okay. Yeah sure! (surprised expression and taking miscellaneous items off a spare chair for me).
Me: My name’s Barry by the way (extends hand).
Girl: I’m X.
Our conversation got looks from other girls at the table and w/in minutes were taking pictures of us. One of the guys came back to the table and asked me how long we knew each other. I way like, “I dunno, probably like 5 minutes.” The girl laughed and continued the conversation. I’ve never met a girl so energetic or affectionate before, she was bouncing off the walls with energy. Approx. 10 min. into the conversation, the girls throws me a fastball.
Girl: Aren’t you going to ask me my phone #?
Me: It’s only 11pm! Do you think I’m going anywhere?
Girl: Well you did not ask me yet!
(friend interrupts)
2nd girl: Wow! You two are a cute couple. Get together for another picture!
Me: (To friend) What am I a trophy or something? I wasn’t expecting this!
Girl: Soooo, where do you live?
Never had someone asked for my phone number and where I live at the same time. I lived around 40 min. away, but she was right down the street. She kept pressing for a phone number, so I got hers just in case. We got up and danced with her friends for awhile before sitting back down again. She got up AGAIN to dance with her friends for a girls only mosh pit. I waited at the table for 25min. before getting bored and leaving the venue at 12pm.
Text response:
Me: (12:30 am) X, nice meeting you! Save my number – Barry =)
Girl: Hey! Nice meeting you
Me: Quite the party animal
Girl: (1:10am) Not really haha. Just got home. Have a good night!
I sent a cold-text the next day for a date and got an immediate response about “letting me know later.” Experienced a hassel to choose a restaurant because she was finicky about this one place almost 1 hr. away. I txted to speak to her and demanded a particular place (take it or leave it) near her residence.
Pt. 2 – Date
Met a restaurant I choose called Pho Kim Long LOL!!!!!! She was full of energy like last time and required CONSTANT adjustment during the conversation. A lot of outgoing/bubbly girls just cannot stop talking when nervous. I asked “What do you do during your free time?” at the beginning and rolled with it the entire time. She did not find any information besides a brief explanation of my occupation (she’s a white-collar professional too). Here’s the interesting snipped of the conversation about STI’s she brought up:
Girl: Yeah, I’m really careful about my body. I’m the healthiest personal I know!
Me: Cool, I just got a healthy food routine down as well and I’m starting kick-boxing again next week.
Girl: What I meant to say was, I got tested recently and everything was fine.
Me: Oh really? What made you take the test?
Girl: I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago, so I got a 8 panel test just in case. Everything came up negative.
Noticed how she brought up sexual and non-sexual health at the same time. The conversation had sexual overtones, but I did not expect this to pop up. We split the check and after walking around headed to my car and sat inside. After talking to two minutes or so I invited myself over to her place. She did not hesitate at all and said to follow her car. Should of skipped steps and invited myself to her place instead of taking the date to the car.
Pt. 3- Sex
I’ve seen (and had sex) with her once after this so I have trouble remembering the details.
My escalation steps:
-Touching hands and hips when start drinking/eating
-Kiss cheek multiple times
-Short lip kiss by me
-Returns by tonging me HARD
-Run fingers through hair, make out, and rub crotch.
It took about 5 min. to reach the last step, but she emitted a LOUD moan and thrust her pelvis in the air to twist away from me. “I didn’t say you were gonna get anything” she said playfully. I repeated 5-6 times, while skipping some steps before she offered to take a shower/brush teeth together. Strange how every Chinese girl I ever met was SUPER uptight about cleanliness. Oh yeah, she made me wash my hands like 10 times that night!
I carried her to bed after taking the shower and continued rubbing the clit, making her thrust her hips in the air again. After fingering, I ate her out with my “alphabet technique” (spelling the alphabet with my tongue on her clit A-Z and backwards). Reaching the letter “I” she exclaimed, “What the fuck! I was not expecting this!” I slapped on a condom and lubed her up well with k-9 before entering with Chase’s modified missionary position. Sexual positions were SUPER constrained with this girl because thrusting all the way made her stop sex. Switching to doggy, butterfly, and lying on stomach gave her pain. I eventually went back to the modified missionary position with “do you want me to stop?” and “am I still…?” techniques. Performing 3 waves of the “am I still…?” technique while pulling her in caused a different type of moaning – muffled and gasping for breath. After screaming “I’m done”,pulling me out, and scooting away, I agreed to jack off on her. I timed myself around 11:00 entering her and finished at 11:45pm. Probably the reason I lasted so long was because she constantly stopped me!
After taking a shower and cleaning up, she spoke about her old boyfriend of 2 years and their first night together.
Girl: “I did not expect you to be so experienced. What the fuck British boy!?”
Me: (Forgot what I said).
Girl: “You were too big for me and HAD SOME MUCH ENERGY BRITISH BOY.”
(Starts punching me hard).
Girl: “You know, the first time with my ex-boyfriend, we had sex 5 times throughout the night.”
Me: “Wow, cool” (Unenthusiastic expression).
Me: “Ok, would you rather ride the merry-go-round five time or the fastest ROLLER-COASTER once?!”
Girl: HAHA! “Rollercoaster!”
We did a second date a couple weeks ago and agreed to see each other on a casual basis. I made it clear my schedule was busy and could not text often/unsure when I was free.
My thoughts:
Definitely not a smooth LR, but I stuck to a game plan and got results. I gained more experience from sex and foreplay than our conversations.
Hope y’all enjoyed!