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Run It Good.Fuck it up .Take Control Again.

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021

I was scrolling through some WhatsApp groups to see if there are some girls I’ll be down to meet.Stopped scrolling when I saw one in a red backless dress and pictured shagging her before I even texted her lol.

I genuinely compliment her on the dress and she thanks me in her first text. Now, normally if you’ve got good game in person you can replicate that online (if you’ve good texting game)...you wouldn’t run it step by step like you would in person though because that takes time and attention spans are low, especially in our times. For this reason,I prefer cutting to the chase whenever doing “online” game.

We do some back and forth after me having introduced myself and getting to know her name.At some point she says she likes being adventurous after me asking her the golden question .I qualify her on it before screening if she’s spontaneous. She says she is .Again since I like cutting to the chase when doing this I don’t ask her any questions about it to qualify her further . Instead,I use this as an opportunity to get her out .

“You sound fun so far but I’m still figuring you out*.We should meet up sometime definitely”

(homage paid)

*added the figuring her out part because we were like 9 texts in and I just wanted it to sound like she’s winning me over in a way .

It also goes a long way in making her feel special(don’t know how many times I’ve run this scripted line) and puts me in the approver position.Who said you couldn’t flip the frame minutes/few texts in after (e-)meeting them;)

Of course we should . She replies .

“Great…when are you free

We can do it today if you’re feeling more spontaneous

Or later if today doesn’t work(homage paid) …no biggie’’

Wanted to see if I could get her out the same day I texted her …turns out she was kinda busy .

Part of me thought that maybe she wasn’t interested enough so I went with my hard-push-y kind of text and she agrees again .I offer days we can meet and tell her to let me know which one suits her best.

Slaps me with an okay will let you know and I text her no worries.

I don’t text her on the days I suggested.(chase-y since I’m trying to pin her down on a schedule which can be pushy and also high chances she’ll just say no since she didn’t confirm she’ll be free on those dates).As Chase says let her tell you when she’s free then set up the date.Works most of the time )

I lay back for 6 days then hit her up

Hey (her name ) …hope the past few days have been good

Your schedule get a little less hairy yet or?

She texts me it got better and I check her schedule. She lets me know what days work for her and we set it up.

She then texts screens me and I handle that with

How about you know that first thing when we meet up;)

She says ok but insists on having a picture of me(hadn’t saved her no) and I send one to her.

Meet-up day rolls up and I send her our meet-up venue. She declines and offers a different place.Doesn’t inconvenience me any so I head there (some minutes away from the place I suggested )


She texts me her address and I head to hers. I was going to meet her at the place she suggested,pull her back to mine, and game her there.Didn’t work out as planned so I ditched that and gamed her at hers .

She welcomes me in(her door was open) and I find her seated folding her laundry .I greet her with a handclasp and motion for her to stand, by pulling her hand towards me. She tells me she’s not standing and I slap on a bored look and sit on her bed .I let that slide
I then do some small talk , a cold read then take a guess of what she does and have her do the same on me .She gets it right the second time and I reward her for it but skeptically .

We fluff a bit then I tell her we hit a spot in town to have a drink or a bite .She declines since I don’t tell her where(my place ofc) and also because she was waiting for a plumber to fix stuff in her shower.She wasn’t sure of what time the guy was going to come though .

Do some deep dive on why she is doing what she is doing and she doesn’t seem that enthused any about the topic so I drop it and steer my(our?) conversation towards more fun stuff.I am thirtsy at some point and I ask her to get me some water just to compliance test (I was more close to her fridge than she was).She turns my request down and says I should get it myself.I shrug it off and we laugh since it’s kinda amusing .

We talk of her favorite dish and she says we should head to some posh restaurant around .I say , "Sure.These girls always want to wine and dine me.How fun.Lets go”.She drops the idea once she realizes who the prize is :p

She then asks me why I texted her of all the girls in the group and I pause ,think for a moment and tell her she seemed someone worth getting to know.She then tells me to walk out of her place playfully.I feign I’m about to walk away but I realize the tactic I’m about to do will probably not work .So I remain sitted on her bed .


Oh the tactic I was about to use mostly works on girls that are already into you.I’ve tested it a few times in the past so not sure of its efficiency rate. I wouldn't say it’s kind of a tactic really ...more of a rapport break takeaway. Anyway,the first time I used it , it worked so well on the chick she kinda "panicked" lol.I had met her off the streets and got her hooked enough so when we were talking about music as a topic I had her guessing what songs I like.

Her guesses were so off that I stood still and asked her ,”Really ?Me? (pointing myself, squinting eyes,playful exasperated tone) “music genre”?*We are done.”(increase my pace leaving her behind )

*can’t remember the music genres but they were definitely not the kind of music I would listen to….not in a million years

She started screaming but not in a loud voice(lacking a better term here ...screaming is not it) with her hands out reaching out to me (picture someone falling into an abyss crying nooooo!!).That was her.

I chuckle and slow down after moving some meters away from her until she’s next to me. I just changed topics and moved things forward until we made it to hers . Anyway, I’m branching to a different LR here.So back to the original one …


Yeah I figured using a takeaway here won’t work .It’s not like I was in a venue where I could just drop her and see if I could get her later .Also, she was challenging right from the start and I wanted to see if I could suck her into my world.I have been in practice mode with her all along but I had this gut instinct I could get her .So I stay instead of ejecting.

We had earlier talked about movies she liked and I teased her about liking the romantic ones .She said yes emphatically and went on to list a bunch of sexual ones she liked the most .Bingo!She’s setting a sexual frame herself. So far ,she seems to open up and get giddy when I use arousal tech on her and I choose to focus on that to move things forward while not forgetting to connect with her . These two will help with compliance.

So as I’m feigning I’m about to leave I ask her curiously who she thinks have the most freedom between men and women.I want to steer that to the good lover gambit and show her how women can be free around a guy who embodies the qualities of a good lover.

She says men of course and I agree with her before transitioning to the gambit. I am planning to run the gambit then come full circle to show her how women can be free and let go around the right guy towards the end.

When talking of it’s hard for a woman to feel desire for a guy that is out to impress her on a deeper emotional level .She says she hardly feels emotional and in fact likes older guys because they know how to treat a woman right.I am a couple years her senior but not that old old. I tell her I bet she gets emotional for a guy that she is attracted to and just don’t talk about old guys.Not productive.

She agrees but keeps saying she rarely gets emotional.Lol I figure if I am to run the gambit fully I’ll have to shorten it up .So I make her curious of what it takes for a chick to feel allowed to act upon the emotions generated by a guy she’s deeply attracted to .

I start off with the non-judgmental frame and she says she doesn’t care if people judge her .All good stuff from her seduction-wise(shows carefree-ness) .I tell her that’s okay but some part of us do care what other people think of us .She says she’s different and I bet her to walk on the street naked and she says I’m right...indeed we do care.

Move on to the low-keyness and secretive frame and she asks me why secretive(prolly wanting to imply that if a chick is together with a guy she should be public).I talk about women minding their reputation and loathing the slut label and she’s back to not caring of what others think of her .So I tell her while some girls really don’t care at all ,most of them do mind their reputation.She agrees.

Finish up with the sexually liberated frame and she’s now looking at me with her head tilted ,all girly now ….she had stopped folding her laundry entirely and was now carefully listening to me.She agrees with the frame .While I can’t remember what led to it I talked of how most guys that label girls sluts are always guys that got rejected and she agrees and high-fives me.

Right after the high-five,she stands up and says we should head out and have that drink.She already has her keys in her hand .This marks the click moment .Her BT is off the roof. While it’s good form to pause a few seconds after the click moment ,I break that rule and stand up to leave.Lol she had been challenging all along before (haven’t mentioned some other stuff else this LR would end up being long ) so it felt like having the winner effect rush through me after bringing her walls down…not in some excited reactive type way mind you. More like yeah we are making progress here(40 mins from skeptical of me to I want this guy)

We are leaving and she’s off to drop her friend’s keys some rooms down the hallway.I wait for a few and she’s back but the plumber is now here.I stay chill and check in with her about how long it’s going to take.She isn’t sure but from the look of things …that’s prolly 40 mins +.I figure I’d rather end it and see her again next time.

I was thinking of having her skip the repair and have the plumber do it some other time but I knew I got this and there was no need to rush
I head to mine and text her I enjoyed talking to her and that we should do it again sometime.She agrees with Yeah we should and that she enjoyed my company too(not rare) and I tell her we will set something up.

Next day she sees me with a friend about to grab lunch.She’s with a friend too.She texts me hey I just saw you in (restaurant name ) and calls me .I don’t pick the call (not big on them tbh) but I know one thing now . I can kick back and smile cause I know who is in pursuit .I tell her over text she should have come and greet me knowing she couldn’t (got this edgy vibe that can make women nervous around me )

I tell her she’s pleasant to talk to and that we should keep the ball rolling the following day .She agrees and we set it up before evening time.


I text her our meetup venue and this time she follows my lead.She asks me what we are going to do .

I brush it off with

I don’t know yet. It feels fun chatting with you. So for right now I’d like to just continue to do that and see where things lead. Is that cool?

I couldn’t pull out the gentleman(she is an aloof type) in me so I went with feels fun chatting with you rather than feels good spending time with you.

She says okay and that she will be there in 10 mins.

Text her the standard take your time…put on something sexy for me text.She laughs and says she’ll think about it.

Hits me up 19 mins later and we meet up .


We head to mine and have a glass of white wine as we talk more.Run the 8 orgasms gambit on her fingers then I switch topics.

I manhandle her and she takes her dress(sexy and skimpy ) , thong, and bra off herself.No resistance .


We lay in the afterglow and I set the post-coital tone .I also get to know she finds me charming and my charms made her fall into my arms but she ain’t sure how.I chuckle and tell her I thought she went for older guys(30+).Goes to show why you shouldn’t take what they say at face value .

She says I’m her type in this affectionate way even after me setting a casual verbal expectation. Anyway I reset this as I kept seeing her in future encounters.

I sometimes ask lovers I’ve been together with what they’d do if my girlfriend stormed in and found us lying together just to mess with them and hear what they'll say.I ask her this and she says she’ll tell her that she snatched me away from her .I tell her she’s yet to see her (my girlfriend) just to exacerbate things.I’m trying to imply she’s a crazy one(I won’t be partners with crazy chicks btw).

This was all an imaginary experiment I was doing. Chose to drop it ever since after having it blow.I mean in the past I’ve had lovers say they’ll tell her that they’ll share me and that sharing is caring lmao.But this chick took it literally.I branched into a talk about open relationships (not good …this will get girls insecure especially when you get good at this).

She asked me if it’s really true I have a gf. I didn’t want her to get clingy so I brought up the open relationships stuff vaguely(totally not good form …still beating myself up a lil cause I knew this wasn’t good)

Anyway,she took it literally and hey I’m okay with letting girls walk or me walk if they don’t want to do stuff on my terms but I’m the last guy that will let a girl open her heart,mind and legs to me then leave her worse than I found her.
I’m always for leaving her with a smile and bounce in her step

She takes it to heart and I use the Ol Chase line here but then she takes it literally again and says you are busy not to have a girlfriend but got time to do open relationships .So I take out the auto-rejection turnaround formula from my toolbox (she was about to leave and was looking for her clothes which were across the room).

I put my hand around her gently and have her lay on my chest then say it (the formula).She is still ambivalent about me and I tell her I was just joshing her with the open relationship stuff and I’m single .She’s like single but sleeping around and I say maybe and then she asks how many girls am I seeing and I tell her ‘I’m not going to answer that”.

She doesn’t mind but she wants me to say sorry.That’s weak …so I do the formula again but change the words .No dice. She wants to hear sorry lol .So I add in more words…I should probably have been careful with your emotions ...My mistake .No dice still.

Is it hard to just say sorry ?

I’m walking a line between not hurting her and not chasing her and being a weak dude.

Hey I said my mistake …what’s the difference?

Is it hard to just say sorry ?

Lol I’m never testing that stuff out again

Anyway, I say it but with an emotionless tone of voice and contrary to what I thought it worked (Still won’t recommend it ).

It was that simple ,she says and sighs.

We make out and I get her cumming her brains out then she leaves.It kinda felt like having make up sex (not good for casual stuff)

Anyway I reset her expectations like I said before.She’s now converted in less than a week’s time.The sex was so good she kept coming back for more .

“Critics into fans”,eh?


Don’t make women insecure unless you want drama.

Chad Tyrone
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 26, 2024
Man respect to you for linking explanations for why u do things, really rewarding reading ur reports

Congrats on the lay and wish u many to come

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
Man respect to you for linking explanations for why u do things, really rewarding reading ur reports

Congrats on the lay and wish u many to come
I appreciate it,man

Happy to hear you found it helpful👍

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Amazing LR. Every single one of your writeups is so well-researched and full of things to learn. Your texting is tightly calibrated, and you use gambits really well in conjunction with SAC for a very precise effect.

I'm kinda curious, what's your approach to reading and absorbing material? Do you have a personal list of articles that you keep on-the-go, or do you just have an insanely photographic memory of all the stuff Chase wrote 😂

You're on another level, to be honest, and definitely my vote for the next Skilled Seducer of the Month award!

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
Amazing LR. Every single one of your writeups is so well-researched and full of things to learn. Your texting is tightly calibrated, and you use gambits really well in conjunction with SAC for a very precise effect.

I'm kinda curious, what's your approach to reading and absorbing material? Do you have a personal list of articles that you keep on-the-go, or do you just have an insanely photographic memory of all the stuff Chase wrote 😂

You're on another level, to be honest, and definitely my vote for the next Skilled Seducer of the Month award!
Lol funny thing I just link the articles when I'm writing the report .I'm not even thinking about it ...I'm typing then look up the article I know that's relevant to what I'm saying at that moment .

Even when gaming in person ,none of the articles I link come to mind.I'm just gaming,doing my thing then get the outcome I want.I then come on here and break down how I got that outcome .

My approach to reading and absorbing material?Nuh,I don't have a personal list of articles that I keep ...if I had to, I'd keep three-quarters of GC lmao. This stuff is so good🤩.Besides you never know what a given girl may throw your way.I mean past a certain point you've seen it all and can handle stuff on the fly but with game you're dealing with humans and humans can be unpredictable at times.

So yeah I'd say I've got a good photographic memory but it comes with a crazy obsession .People not along the same path as you will think of you as crazy .You just have to be if you want to be so good at something . I've had a big-time friend tell me I'm so obsessed with GC multiple times in the past that I've had to hide I was reading an article whenever he was around me.It's all in good fun btw ...I introduced him to it some years and he's a high-intermediate at this point. He has had enough fun and prefers to get good at something else.

Not everyone wants to become a master at this.And that's okay .

For those that do we remember the process more than the event ...the climb to getting there . Like reading 30-50 articles a day when being a newbie😅 and skipping meals just to be better.Go through almost all the articles ,do it again for a second time and probably a third 😖 then go practice that.

Only that you don't have to do it more and more because someone did it for you and handed you his knowledge 😁🙈.
Which brings up a quote I read somewhere that went along the lines:

"Anyone doing better than you has it way way worse than you. That’s why they’re better. It’s the penultimate paradox. You’d never wanna be in the shoes of those you look up to. The despair they’ve been through, the pain; the mauling .They sacrifice themselves for wisdom"

Wondering what it was like for Chase?

I felt what he went through when reading those articles.Thanks to him ,I never had to struggle with chicks before I made my first approach .And this far,I'd trade nothing for it

Chad Tyrone

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
Also on learning


Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
“You sound fun so far but I’m still figuring you out. We should meet up sometime definitely”
This is such a great line for soft closing online. Its like a qualifier and soft close at the same time. Been using it these past couple of days, and its served me well.

Seems like the way to go is: cheeky opener > qualify > investment > qualify > investment > this line > move to other app.

Other than the "adventurous" one, what other qualifiers do you like to use? My go-to are "what do you like to do for fun" and "are you an active/outgoing girl or more of a chill vibe" (sticking to baby talk here as they are mostly non-native english speakers lol).

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
This is such a great line for soft closing online.
It really is ngl
Its like a qualifier and soft close at the same time
For sure
Been using it these past couple of days, and its served me well.
Works 9/10 times if you've got a good thing going with the chick.I've got chicks out without them seeing me five texts in lol

Seems like the way to go is: cheeky opener > qualify > investment > qualify > investment > this line > move to other app.

Opener >Investment>Qualify.

Qualification should come after she invests/passes your screen(s) ...makes her feel like she earned it

I don't use Tinder or Hinge . I prefer using WhatsApp as my version of online gaming just to challenge myself more.So for me after she's invested and I've qualified her I just ask/get her out.
what do you like to do for fun"
are you an active/outgoing girl or more of a chill vibe"
These are screens ...you're screening her with these.

They're okay btw.

Anyway ,not like I'm knocking you down, but a line like"what's one thing you enjoy doing/find fun besides normal stuff like eating and sleeping "* works best IME than "what do you like to do for fun?" Most girls you'll game will have heard that line before from other guys and may easily box you and think you're running standard game especially if she's not yet hooked .

*credit where credit's due

So yeah always try to get her out of autopilot if you can.Yet again don't go overboard at it online that you end up "losing " them or getting ghosted.

Side note: one should always aim for simple and non-standard texts(again not knocking you) when texting.IME girls tend to ghost or not reply back when one's texts are hard to read or boring .A simple question like "if someone texted me what I am about to text her , would I reply?" goes a long way tbh.
what other qualifiers do you like to use? My go-to are "what do you like to do for fun" and "are you an active/outgoing girl or more of a chill vibe" (sticking to baby talk here as they are mostly non-native english speakers lol).
Again these are screens to me (just shared one above ;) )

To answer your question on other qualifiers(qualifying lines) that I use:

"Mmmh.We are going to get along" (I may use different emojis here depending on her level of investment)

"I like that or find that cool/impressive/killer."

"You are starting to win me over or you're winning me over "

There's a partner-in-crime one too but that's kinda contextual

Chad Tyrone
Last edited:

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Great inspiration! Thanks for sharing your material.

Looks like I was a getting screens and qualifiers mixed up.

Side note: one should always aim for simple and non-standard texts(again not knocking you) when texting.IME girls tend to ghost or not reply back when one's texts are hard to read or boring .A simple question like "if someone texted me what I am about to text her , would I reply?" goes a long way tbh.
Good point there. I also try to write in the same way I speak so that it really feels like something I would say. When I do this well, I can often correctly predict whether it will get a reply, so there's definitely an art to it. Hector wrote some good stuff about that in his guide to texting.

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
so there's definitely an art to it.
Definitely ...also would say it comes down to calibrating to the chicks too

I mean there are pictures of some chicks I may look at (physiognomy stuff)and have to phrase my texts differently to up the chances that I get replies.Sometimes my read is wrong though and I don't get a reply. If I don't get a reply after 2 or 3 attempts ,I write her off as disinterested and text other chicas.

Texting is one of those things you can't be 100% good at:cautious:🤷‍♂️ (goes for most things )

Hector wrote some good stuff about that in his guide to texting.
Good read