- Joined
- Jan 7, 2014
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- 28
Since a few weeks ago I've been actively talking to girls during parties, something I only used to do when the occasion rose.
Anyway, last night I was talking/dancing with a few girls. Eventually I ended up talking with Cuteblond for about 20 minutes. After that she left a some reason i can't remember and came back. She did this a few times. In the meantime i managed to get the number of another blond.
The night ended prematurely as my friend at whose place I was supposed to crash decided that that night was the perfect time to get absolutely smashed. A friend of ours was taking off aswell so we caught a ride with him.
The next morning I woke up from a text message. Apparantly Cuteblond got my number last night, even though I didn't recall giving it to her.
Her: Good morning sunshine
x Cuteblond
Me: Good morning
Up and running already or still sleeping it off?
Her: In class at the moment
Me: My condolences
Her: It's not that bad
Me: I just got the notification that all my classes of the day are dropped
Her: good for you
Me: are you going to be there tonight aswell (sort of a prom party? Party in dress/suit pretty much)
Her: Nope
Me: not up for it?
Her: gonna be in ... all weekend (Belgium is pretty small so it's not that big of a distance to cover)
Me: Does something still happen in ... then? (I used to go to high school there, found the night life there died out quite a bit)
Her: Of course. There's more things to do besides going out
Me: Oh, what do you occupy yourself with then?
Her: just other stuff...
Me: No hobbies? sounds a bit dull
Her: Not anymore
my BF is my hobby
Me: well that and going out apparantly
Her: Yeah
and school of course 
Me: School is no hobby :-S
Her: I don't have any hobbies because my BF is in the army, so I can only see him during the weekends. So I keep my weekends open
Me: that's a shame
Her: comes with the territory
Her: And you? do you have a GF?
Me: why?
Her: just curious
At the start of this conversation I found her quite warm, but she sort of became evasive, in my eyes. Then she dropped the BF thing in there. At that point my intrest shifted from interest to her to why is she even texting me?
Any insights?
Edit: forgot to mention I ended sitting next to smoking hot short-haired brunette. Started thinking about talking to her, then atleast wanted to compliment on how amazing she looked. What i ended up doing was nothing. Damn, was so mad about myself, still am actually
As for the other girl, for some reason my phone keeps claiming it cannot send the message.
Anyway, last night I was talking/dancing with a few girls. Eventually I ended up talking with Cuteblond for about 20 minutes. After that she left a some reason i can't remember and came back. She did this a few times. In the meantime i managed to get the number of another blond.
The night ended prematurely as my friend at whose place I was supposed to crash decided that that night was the perfect time to get absolutely smashed. A friend of ours was taking off aswell so we caught a ride with him.
The next morning I woke up from a text message. Apparantly Cuteblond got my number last night, even though I didn't recall giving it to her.
Her: Good morning sunshine
Me: Good morning
Her: In class at the moment
Me: My condolences
Her: It's not that bad
Me: I just got the notification that all my classes of the day are dropped
Her: good for you
Me: are you going to be there tonight aswell (sort of a prom party? Party in dress/suit pretty much)
Her: Nope
Me: not up for it?
Her: gonna be in ... all weekend (Belgium is pretty small so it's not that big of a distance to cover)
Me: Does something still happen in ... then? (I used to go to high school there, found the night life there died out quite a bit)
Her: Of course. There's more things to do besides going out
Me: Oh, what do you occupy yourself with then?
Her: just other stuff...
Me: No hobbies? sounds a bit dull
Her: Not anymore
Me: well that and going out apparantly
Her: Yeah
Me: School is no hobby :-S
Her: I don't have any hobbies because my BF is in the army, so I can only see him during the weekends. So I keep my weekends open
Me: that's a shame
Her: comes with the territory
Her: And you? do you have a GF?
Me: why?
Her: just curious
At the start of this conversation I found her quite warm, but she sort of became evasive, in my eyes. Then she dropped the BF thing in there. At that point my intrest shifted from interest to her to why is she even texting me?
Any insights?
Edit: forgot to mention I ended sitting next to smoking hot short-haired brunette. Started thinking about talking to her, then atleast wanted to compliment on how amazing she looked. What i ended up doing was nothing. Damn, was so mad about myself, still am actually
As for the other girl, for some reason my phone keeps claiming it cannot send the message.