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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013

Me: "Hey"
Girl looks at me, I turn to look at her.
Me: "I just wanted to let you know" (this is important, because I paused here, did the nose wrinkle and the slow spreading smile - this builds a shit load of sexual tension I find, because she is trying to anticipate what you are going to say in those couple of seconds, rather than you just blurting out the compliment quickly) "that you are absolutellyyy beautiful."
Her: "haha... umm... thanks?"
Me: "I'm Darren"
Her: "I'm ____"
Her: "hahaha are you drunk... or high.. right now?"
Me: "um, no... (shouldn't have said this - never say no to a girl!) why, does it seem like I am?" :)
Her: "I don't know... you just have this sort of aura about you" (this was funny, no girls ever said this to me, so I assumed it was a good thing? sober confidence ftw)
Me: " (shouldve added "and" here) I'm guessing that's a good thing. I could say the same about you. You also have this certain aura illuminating from your soul (said really corny and slowly, and sarcastically hahaha, I love sarcasm, it throws girls off so much sometimes)
Her: "laughs"
Me: "Hey, stop for a second." (I wanted to sit down with her but we were in the library and I couldn't see any open seats)
*she was looking around at this point, because we were in the library and I bet people could hear us, but I didn't see any weirdos staring, but there was still social pressure, and I'm sure she felt this.
Her: "I have to work on an assignment"
Me: "me too, but lets get a coffee sometime"
Her: "um... I have a boyfriend."
Me: "who said i was looking for a girlfriend?" *said with a smile and a wink*
Her: "umm, okay, this is getting a bit weird..." (maybe what I said wasn't said right or body language and expressions were off? or maybe shes just not used to this hahah)
Me: "and is that a good *pregnant pause* or a bad thing?
Her: "ummm... neutral" :)
Me: "okay, *take out my phone* just add your number to my phone."
Her: "okay, but no guaranteeees"
Me: "thats ok, I'm not one of those guys that keeps calling and calling, so you have nothing to worry about" :)
Her: "haha okay" *has trouble using my phone - the 'n' button isn't working... oh now it is.... hahaha*
Me: "yeah I know, blast to the past, huh? I'm surprised we didn't meet in an old school ice cream parlour"
Her: "haha, you must be really excited about the new bbm thing"
Me: "to be honest, I don't even use bbm"
Her: "you should get an iphone then"
Me: "and join the rest of the crowd, right?"
*no response from her*
Her: "sort of sad actually" *said while handing me back my phone (talking about how she doesn't know how to use my phone lol)
Me: "not really, we're no techno.... (wait I want to say technology, not techno!) technology geeks, so its ok! (non-judgmental shiet right here brah!)
Her: "haha"
Me: "okay, have fun with your assignment!"
Her: "bye!"


Girl was lying down on sofa
I walk up to her. She looks at me before I turn to look at her.
I opened with a direct compliment preceded by the nose wrinkle and slow spreading smile
She said thanks, and I could tell right away she was flattered.
I take a seat in the sofa right across from her (I should've sat beside her, but she was lying down, taking up all the space - should've been more aggressive here and asked her to move her legs, thus, getting compliance)
She says she has class in 15
I should've smiled and shrugged here but instead I said: "five minutes won't kill ya" (sort of stumbled with my words here, made me look weak)
I asked about class. She said nursing.
Me: "so you must be a really caring person"
Her: "haha, some of the time"
Me: "ahhh, so you've got a naughty side too huh?" (maybe too explicit here, something like 'mischievous' would be a better word)
Her: "yeah" :)
Me: "how'd you get into nursing?"
Her: "I don't know, it just sort of.. interested me"
Her: "what about you? what do you want to be?"
Me: I did the thoughtful look here (gotta do this whenever girls ask me things like: what do you do? what do you want to do?) "I sort of want to do something related to helping people as well. I just feel that helping people is important, we're so privileged compared to others" (said something like this)
Me: "what about you? what interests you so much about nursing?"
Her: "well, I like the human body and finding out what is wrong with people"
Me: (could've said something here like: "and I bet you've got some "body parts" in mind," with a wink and a smile) but instead i said: "so you must be an analytical person then"
Her: "Yeah!"
Me: "haha, you're like 'yes! you nailed it on the spot!'"
Her: *laughs*
Me: "so what do you do when you're not in school"
Her: "nothing really... just study."
Me: "so you're a busy bee"
Her: "Yep!"
Provide positive feedback about how I can respect that she's busy and shit, some people nowadays are so lazy (did lying down action to reinforce this statement and make her laugh), but i can tell she's different.
Her: "thanks!"
Me: "I'm pretty busy nowadays too, getting buried with homework (pretended to be buried by homework), but I bet we could find some time to sit down, and have a coffee"
Her: "I actually can't.... I have a boyfriend."
Me: "who said I was looking for a girlfriend? (winked and smiled)
Her: "hahaha, no I can't, my boyfriend wouldn't be happy"
Me: "and who said he had to know?" :)
Her: "we always tell each other everything. He doesn't like me talking with other guys, and I don't approve of him being with other girls."
Me: "So he's the jealous kind I see"
Her: "Yeah, I guess..."
Me: "Are you the jealous kind?" *skeptical face*
Her: "Hahaha, yeah.... isn't every girl...?"
Me: "no...not evverrryyy giiirrlll"
Her: "Hahaha, I'm really sorry, I am. We've been going out for six years."
Me: "Okay, I can respect that" *said passively* (maybe I shouldn't have said this?)
Me: "Anyways... *getting up to leave* it was certainly a pleasure"
Her: *gets up with me*
Shake her hand
Her: "which way are you going?"
Me: "that way" *point in direction*
Her: "me too, I'll walk with you."
Her: "you really made my day :)"
Me: "thats what I do *pregnant pause* I make girl's days" :)
*while I was walking with her I should've done sexy walk, but for some reason I only do this when I'm walking alone - that's gotta change*
Her: "are you here five times a week?"
Me: "yes, unfortunately"
Her: "me too"
Me: "hopefully, I don't see you following me around" :)
Her: "maybe.... hahaha, just kidding" :) (damn! she almost bit!)
Me: "so what would you do if you weren't in school?"
Her: "hmm, probably work"
Me: "oh ya, almost forgot! you are a busy bee!"
Her: "haha, yeah, and I like money"
Me: "mmm. straight to the point."
Her: "yep!"
Me: "no beating around with your emotions."
Her: "Thats why I want to go into nursing. Good money."
Me: "and because its hiighh in demand?" *raise eyebrows here*
Anyways, we reach the point where we have to go our separate ways. I give her a hug and she smiles and says: "I'm sure I'll see you around. We're friends now!" (this made me angry lol)
I felt that I should've done a hard push here (eg. we probably won't see each other again, I really think you're a cool girl. Lets say we grab that 'secret' coffee sometime).
But I didn't.

- got compliance without asking for it
- set a playful, positive mood - not very often that this happens
- did good with the deep diving and positive feedback
- set a natural chase frame

- should've pushed harder for the date; been more aggressive; failure to do so put me in friend zone
- should've pushed for compliance after the opener (the proximity was making the conversation awkward, that's why I tried for the quick number grab)
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Yo Dern,

I really liked the first interaction. Way to use Reactions v. Results when she said this is getting weird. I would've been nervous at that point.

An easy chase frame whenever you get a number is, when she's typing it in, "just don't call me 24/7!" Or something to that effect. I try to do it when I feel I'm having trouble controlling the interaction or I just want to throw in a frame.

The second girl seemed like she was buying into you but I'm not sure what happened. Maybe someone with more experience can judge it better, but it seemed like she really liked you at some points. That comment that "we're friends now" sucked. In hindsight I think I would've done something like shrug and give her the, you know you want be look and said, "whatever you say".

Honestly your overall attitude is really good. I wish I could channel some of that. Hope to see some more man!
