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Seducuing your teacher?

Good Vibes

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 27, 2013
Make sure you're over the legal age first. A woman teacher went to jail after being pursued and bedded by a 15 year old boy in America.

You have to be very careful seducing women in places where that sort of thing is considered inappropriate. If things go wrong, consequences may be a problem for you especially if other people in authority positions have the power over you like at school, work place, gym etc...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Inferno,

There's couple of things you would like to consider.

1) Society

- Student and Teacher relationship are being put under a bad light.

2) Your age

Like Good Vibes mention

3) Discretion

- Even if you happen to seduce her, how you would do it discretely

4) Authority Figure

- I feel that most beginners will often make mistakes that this will cost their jobs or in school, marks or preferential treatment. You might say personal lifes should not intervene with jobs or school. Guess people are people, and handling emotions can be very particular, messy.

I would hope Chase might come with an article on how to seduce an authority figure without getting yourself into trouble. Likewise, it's best you graduate first and come back later. That's what i did, for school of course. But i didn't get her. that's another problem.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012

I personally think relationships like this are loaded with trouble. I almost put something up on these boards about a teacher I had who I was thinking about and there was serious sexual tension with when I was alone with her...but in the end, I realized it isn't worth it. You clearly aren't going to openly date her (legal issues and all that) plus the fact that she's older (and probably has access to older more experienced guys) and an authority figure (kinda makes it tough for her to chase you) are all things that are working against you big time.

Go out and find girls who aren't your teachers, you'll be happier and have a better relationship.

But if you tastefully flirt with them, it could be a good way to get girls your own age chasing you.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers