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Seeking advice/assessment about relationship gone sour



I’m seeking an objective alpha assessment on a situation. I’ve packed it with a good amnt of background & info, but if anyone can bear with the length, I’d really appreciate some 3rd party insight.

My ex-girlfriend and I originally dated for 9 months (together at first & turned into distance after I graduated). I’m 23 she’s 21. In the months leading up to the breakup, we were pretty happy in love but I felt as though she was getting lazier in the relationship (didn’t cook or do nice things for me). I let her know that I wasn’t happy about that and I wasn’t going to tolerate it given what I do for her and she assured me it’d be fixed. Then the next time we’re together, nothing is fixed. I break it off, she is an emotional wreck begging me to reconsider & promising change but I’m not swayed (she had plenty of fair warning; if she cared she would’ve handled it).

For months after the breakup, she continuously contacts me saying she made mistakes/apologizing/begging for another chance. I just kept saying no, but I made the beta mistake of engaging in long text exchanges w/ her just repeatedly saying no instead of ignoring like I should’ve. After 3 months she begins seeing another guy (call him Mike); I didn’t know about it but I don’t blame her. We hadn’t talked in a month until she found out a friend of mine had passed so she called to gimme support. We had a long talk and she said she still wanted back together (I failed a MEGA shit test by lying & saying no when she asked if I’d hooked up w/ anyone); I said we can start talking again and see how things go. She agreed but never stopped seeing Mike and I found out a week later through mutual friends (this was the first I’d heard of him). I told her to end things w/ him if she had hope of us being together & she agreed (more angrily reactive than I should’ve been).

Soon we agreed to get back together and things seemed off: she was distant - hot & cold. Saying things like she was scared about us, didn’t wanna hurt me, and twice asking to give her a month break. I’d say I didn’t want someone who wasn’t sure they wanted me and that I’m not gonna wait around for her for a month, then her tune would instantly change to wanting me but soon go cold again. I strongly sensed that another guy was in the picture so I braced myself for that reality but never brought it up or acted insecure/jealous knowing the truth present itself. After a month of that, I told her I was going to her city one weekend and she asked if I could come another time b/c she worked… right then I knew I had to end it, but she beat me to it the next day. She was a wreck but I just let her go.

I still go to her city that weekend (all my buddies are still there). Thurs we hit the bars first night and her acquaintances (who all wanna bang me) see me. Friday she bombards me w/ texts & calls saying how she made the biggest mistake/wants to be with me etc. So I go to her place, we hook up a bunch and it’s all great.. she’s obsessed and makes me swear we’re together cuz she fears me banging someone else that night. Sat we meet & it’s going fine then I see a text from Mike on her phone (confirmed my suspicion). I tell her I’m out, then come the waterworks, begging, and bs about how she’d only talked to him after we split days before. I knew better but played into it. Sun I go out w/ friends all day & ignore her. I get an angry night text about how I don’t care.. ignored it but figured she prob ran to Mike. Mon morning she’s bombarding me w/ “where are u, we need to talk ASAP.” She reiterates how upset she is but I weather the storm and we spend the day together.

Mon night she gives me the “I can’t do this anymore.” I’m indifferent and let her go (she said to her girl friend’s but clearly to Mike). So I expose our past month’s relationship to all her friends (she obv hid it from everyone to keep seeing Mike), give them proof which they gave to him (they claim he wants to date her), and then left town. For the 2 weeks after leaving, she hounded me with calls/emails/texts profusely apologizing & begging me to talk (ignored them all). Since, she’s made more civil attempts to try to talk, and I’ve just told her I’m busy maybe later. Been hooking up with 2 girls since getting back.. she likely knows through my fbook wall (she never fails to text me within an hour of a girl posting something).

I’m objectively a good few notches above her on the SMV scale (have looks, family $, attend a top 10 law school - and she’s a 7.5) - I had 100% hand the first 9months. She knows I nailed a bunch of girls before we dated, many hotter than her. I feel as though my Beta backslides were too much communication at times (got away w/ it when I had hand), some negative/butthurt moods before the 1st split, and obv letting her think that I only had eyes for her. She’s always been sold on a future w/ me, mostly b/c of what I can bring from a beta provider standpoint. Mike is real average in every way: not great with chicks, and her friends claim he has oneitis for her. The last weekend I was there, we prob banged wildly 15 times - surprised she could even walk to go see him.

Where do I stand in her eyes, or contextually compared with him? Am I paranoid thinking that I’ve become a beta provider to her that she wants as a safety net? Was my beta backslide strong enough that it caused her to keep seeing him after we got back together? I’m positive she’ll try to hook me back if I agree to talk and it’d be weak to give her any attention after her disloyalty, so is there any way of recovering her respect? Reason I ask is b/c I’m headed back to her city for an internship in July & Aug: would like to hookup but refuse to do so unless I have hand.

I know this is long, but any insight would be much appreciated


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

It sounds to me like you need to let this girl go. A relationship is obviously not going to work between you two given the amount of constant breaking up and jealousy involved. If she truly is a "7.5" on your scale, then I'm not sure why you're working so hard to either (A) take her into a relationship again or (B) hook up with her for a few months for whatever reason. It's probably not worth the time or emotional effort that you're both investing (which is obviously driving her crazy at the same time).

My advice here would be to end things in a very calm, respectful way with her. Give her a call (or see her in person if it's an available option) and explain to her that you both want different things right now, and this back-and-forth hooking up and breaking up isn't healthy for either of you. She's going to obviously plead and beg, but be firm in your stance.

Given that you've already done this several times as well, it might even be wise to instantiate a "no contact" period for the both of you so that you can both cool off and come to your senses. Maybe tell her that it would be best for the both of you if you didn't contact each other for an entire month, and then if things have settled down, you can get in contact with her again (if you even feel the need to at that point).

Any continuation of hooking up with her is only going to send her emotions into a whirlwind, and it's going to be an endless cycle of unnecessary drama and emotional drainage on her part. I would let her go and start to meet and/or hook up with new women.

Hope this helps.

- Franco
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
You know what is Alpha, so why do you worry how she sees you? Why would you even want to compare yourself to other guys?

Keep it simple. You can bang many girls, you are young and she is young. There is already too much pain in your relationship, it is not gonna get better unless you'll go for some couple therapy when they make you feel miserable and sorry about yoruself because you are a bad person, and then they will totally strip you off of your freedom so you can be honorable Beta male who serves happily his woman... Screw that. She is "lazier" in the relationship, and she won't change. She might pretend for couple of months just so she can keep you, but it is not her to cook and do nice things for you. Tell her that it doesn't work out, that both of you grew apart, and move on...