Self - Analysis: A Primer
Self analysis is a pretty interesting topic for me particularly when it comes to self improvement. I need to have this skill in order to be really effective in life. I believe that being able to pick up on your own mistakes is quite impressive and it can save anyone a lot of headache because you learn from mistakes and not repeat them. And the best part of not repeating the same mistakes over and over again is that it free's up mental power, builds confidence, and brings more success. Imagine if it only took you one time to make a mistake and learn?
You would be a massive success in no time, but you gotta fail first right? Yes you do gotta fail. Sometime last year I posted a comment on one of Chase's articles asking how to analyse my own interactions with people in general and I hope an article will be coming on that soon. I can't wait on that however; god says those who help themselves are helped so I have to help myself, we all have to help ourselves.
Despite posting on the boards nothing beats great feedback like hearing it from the horses mouth. On the boards its only what you choose to put or what you remember to type that the guys have to work with to tell you where the mistake is and how to fix it. Besides only when someone sees you in person can they give an accurate analysis. I prefer having feedback from persons around me and having an idea of where I went wrong before posting on the boards. Let me tell you: When you learn how to figure out and correct mistakes on your own it builds and builds your decision making skills and intellectual skills, and I'm talking from experience.
I haven't completely figured out how to identify and correct my mistakes, though I've got a few tips, here they are:
Get Experience
Experience kicks ass always and the first step I believe to develop the ability to self analyse your interactions is to put yourself in all sorts of situations and finish what you started. If I approach a girl I stay in the interaction and keep moving things forward until a mistake is made. Talk to a lot of people from various backgrounds and get to understand where they are coming from. Overall get a lot of social exposure with men and women, boys and girls.
Last Event Before Messing Up
Many times the last thing you did is what you will have to use to identify where the mistake is made. Did you ask the cute blond out and she said no? Look back at the last 5 minutes leading up to asking her out and write down what happened. Did you approach a group of girls and a girl in the group cockblocks you? Rewind from getting cockblocked to the second you saw the group decided to approach and check everything you did leading up to approaching the group.
Ask Ask Ask
I use this technique a lot because it's so much easier since I get the feedback right from the horses mouth. Many times I mess up and I just drop a quick question saying something like " What did I say wrong? / What did I do wrong? / Why did she do that? ". And I get honest feedback (most times, I filter out who to ask instead of anybody who might be telling me something wrong to preserve my feelings or judge me negatively ). This technique I use 9/10 times. One disclaimer is don't use this technique too many times on people in the same interaction. My rule is ask for feedback no more than two times in a day to the same person and when hanging out with guys especially look to provide value and they are more likely to tell you where you are messing up. Try to not bother people especially high value people too much else you risk becoming a social burden.
Before I post a question on here I ask myself " What could I have said/done wrong? And then when I get the feedback I can say "yes I was correct " or " Oops I misinterpreted that one ". And doing this as said before builds your skill to self analysis.
Follow Your Gut
Remember that article Chase wrote on self analysis? Yep reread it and you'll see it covers quite a bit on self analysis. There is a little voice in your head and a tingling feeling in your body that tells you when something is going good or bad. Listen to it and ask it what to do and many times it will give you the right answer. So many times I've refused to listen to that feeling and made a mistake. Had I moved the sexy ebony chick when it felt right! Had I not ask out the cute girl when the conversation was already awkward and she wanted to go! And many times I also listened to that little voice and got a number because I waited till the right point or I complimented the girl when it felt just right. Bottom line is give the voice a chance to speak up because many times it is right. And use the techniques above to train your gut; the more training it gets is the better, more accurate gut reads you get.
Use Self Analysis to your advantage because it can help shave time off your learning curve and prevent too much head banging. Learning to identify your own mistakes is a huge step to developing your intellectual and decision making skills. The steps to improving your self analysis skills are:
Anymore tips I left off guys, please share below because I'm sure there is something more to add. I've spent a good deal of time thinking this out and wanted to make it comprehensive. I hope I did a good job!
Take Care,

Self analysis is a pretty interesting topic for me particularly when it comes to self improvement. I need to have this skill in order to be really effective in life. I believe that being able to pick up on your own mistakes is quite impressive and it can save anyone a lot of headache because you learn from mistakes and not repeat them. And the best part of not repeating the same mistakes over and over again is that it free's up mental power, builds confidence, and brings more success. Imagine if it only took you one time to make a mistake and learn?
You would be a massive success in no time, but you gotta fail first right? Yes you do gotta fail. Sometime last year I posted a comment on one of Chase's articles asking how to analyse my own interactions with people in general and I hope an article will be coming on that soon. I can't wait on that however; god says those who help themselves are helped so I have to help myself, we all have to help ourselves.
Despite posting on the boards nothing beats great feedback like hearing it from the horses mouth. On the boards its only what you choose to put or what you remember to type that the guys have to work with to tell you where the mistake is and how to fix it. Besides only when someone sees you in person can they give an accurate analysis. I prefer having feedback from persons around me and having an idea of where I went wrong before posting on the boards. Let me tell you: When you learn how to figure out and correct mistakes on your own it builds and builds your decision making skills and intellectual skills, and I'm talking from experience.

I haven't completely figured out how to identify and correct my mistakes, though I've got a few tips, here they are:
Get Experience
Experience kicks ass always and the first step I believe to develop the ability to self analyse your interactions is to put yourself in all sorts of situations and finish what you started. If I approach a girl I stay in the interaction and keep moving things forward until a mistake is made. Talk to a lot of people from various backgrounds and get to understand where they are coming from. Overall get a lot of social exposure with men and women, boys and girls.
Last Event Before Messing Up
Many times the last thing you did is what you will have to use to identify where the mistake is made. Did you ask the cute blond out and she said no? Look back at the last 5 minutes leading up to asking her out and write down what happened. Did you approach a group of girls and a girl in the group cockblocks you? Rewind from getting cockblocked to the second you saw the group decided to approach and check everything you did leading up to approaching the group.
Ask Ask Ask
I use this technique a lot because it's so much easier since I get the feedback right from the horses mouth. Many times I mess up and I just drop a quick question saying something like " What did I say wrong? / What did I do wrong? / Why did she do that? ". And I get honest feedback (most times, I filter out who to ask instead of anybody who might be telling me something wrong to preserve my feelings or judge me negatively ). This technique I use 9/10 times. One disclaimer is don't use this technique too many times on people in the same interaction. My rule is ask for feedback no more than two times in a day to the same person and when hanging out with guys especially look to provide value and they are more likely to tell you where you are messing up. Try to not bother people especially high value people too much else you risk becoming a social burden.
Before I post a question on here I ask myself " What could I have said/done wrong? And then when I get the feedback I can say "yes I was correct " or " Oops I misinterpreted that one ". And doing this as said before builds your skill to self analysis.
Follow Your Gut

Remember that article Chase wrote on self analysis? Yep reread it and you'll see it covers quite a bit on self analysis. There is a little voice in your head and a tingling feeling in your body that tells you when something is going good or bad. Listen to it and ask it what to do and many times it will give you the right answer. So many times I've refused to listen to that feeling and made a mistake. Had I moved the sexy ebony chick when it felt right! Had I not ask out the cute girl when the conversation was already awkward and she wanted to go! And many times I also listened to that little voice and got a number because I waited till the right point or I complimented the girl when it felt just right. Bottom line is give the voice a chance to speak up because many times it is right. And use the techniques above to train your gut; the more training it gets is the better, more accurate gut reads you get.
Use Self Analysis to your advantage because it can help shave time off your learning curve and prevent too much head banging. Learning to identify your own mistakes is a huge step to developing your intellectual and decision making skills. The steps to improving your self analysis skills are:
1) Get Lots of experience socializing with people from all backgrounds
2) Look at the last 5 minutes leading up to the mistake
3) Sometimes you can't do it all on your own so ask ask ask people who will be honest
4) Follow your gut because many times it's telling you the zen of life, the truth
Anymore tips I left off guys, please share below because I'm sure there is something more to add. I've spent a good deal of time thinking this out and wanted to make it comprehensive. I hope I did a good job!
Take Care,