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Sex drive and exercise—short-term


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Hey fellas, me again, I need your opinion! Again ;)

Supposing I generally stay in fine shape by means of regular, rigorous exercise (and a sensible diet of course)... then supposing also I have no sexual activity at this precise moment, but a weekend of debauchery is in the offing.

What is the best policy, if my main concern is to ensure the woman's enduring satisfaction (her appetite is voracious)? Would you counsel quitting exercise altogether 2-3 days before the matter in question, in order to stockpile my strength, so to speak? Or even earlier, 4-5 days before? Or just continue as normal?

Advice will be appreciated. This is not a joke, I am seriously concerned about my own ability to keep up. Nothing else worries about the encounter whatsoever, but this is bugging me big-time. A nice problem to have, you may think, and you'd be right; nonetheless I'm sure there are those who can offer useful pointers.

Thank you :)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jun 13, 2013
Hey Marty,

I think it depends on you and your own body. How much recovery do you generally need before you feel 100%? I've met guys that run a marathon, and are good to go again after a short break. Other guys might be out a day or two before they are running again at peak capacity.

Typically, if you're just mentioning regularly healthy exercise (like hitting the gym), then most people shouldn't need more than a day for full recovery (unless you haven't been in a while). You might even still be good the same day. There's no evidence that supports "stockpiling" energy or testosterone levels. In fact, a lot of research shows the reverse to be more likely. In my opinion, you shouldn't need more than one day of rest, at most.

If you plan on going into overtime, then make sure you eat hearty and keep plenty of fluids nearby. A bottle of water on your nightstand is never a bad idea ;)

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
One thing I prefer is to not masturbate for 4-7 days prior to seeing a girl (sometimes even longer, in fact). It builds and delivers your sexual intensity far more, and you conserve your full sexual energy for the act(s); the flipside is that you're far more sensitive and prone to cumming quickly. So, if you think you have great self control during sex (or use a thicker condom), it's incredible.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Marty said:
This is not a joke, I am seriously concerned about my own ability to keep up.


I have no expert opinion or advice but I don't think you should be that worried about "stockpiling" your energy to get your fucking on... even if she is voracious.

However, just throwing this out... toss the idea around of doing 50-100 pushups and 30 bodyweight squats, about 20 minutes before you see her, to get your testosterone flowing and your mind/body primed for domination... not to mention your chest will be gorged with blood which won't hurt as far as sexiness goes.

Interesting topic though ;)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013
The other guys gave a lot of great points.

One that I could add to the list, that I personally love to do, is eat aphrodisiac foods leading up to the big day.

Here's a fair list of some of them: http://www.alternet.org/story/132846/th ... siac_foods

Could cook something up for you and your girl too (if you're a decent chef)... I like making some veggies with garlic and spices and a few other things that compliment it all really well.

Shoots already high test levels through the roof to horndog levels :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

Thank you for your very solid responses :)

Gem, you're really living up to your screen-name! I'm gonna make a shopping list and take it to the grocery store tonight.

Rob, haha you cracked me up... I was concerned people might not take this seriously as it sounds like a hoax. I very much like the idea of doing bodyweight resistance exercises in the run-up to the rendezvous. This however caused me amusement...
Mr.Rob said:
toss the idea around of doing 50-100 push-ups and 30 bodyweight squats, about 20 minutes before you see her
...as I can just picture myself doing this on the jetway right after leaving the airplane, LOL :)

Grand Pooba, thank you, I am not doing that anyway and I don't think I'm gonna have hairtrigger trouble in any case, based on past experience; my issue, sometimes, is getting and staying hard (could be anxiety-driven). So thanks for reinforcing that anyway.

John, that's a great point. Basically, I never kill myself with exercise... I'm always good to go again the next day. At the moment I'm running 4.5 miles before breakfast every morning, and then 2-3 evenings a week I generally go to the gym and do some weight training. I think what I might do is slack off the pace a bit for the next few mornings, so that I still get the fresh air and exercise but it'll feel more like a picnic.

I like your point about drinking lots of water... funnily enough, thinking back that does seem to help. A lot. I'm wondering if my sense that exercise is possibly draining me has more to do with dehydration. I'll put this into practice right away.

I think what I'll do is keep up the routine through Friday, but at a gentler pace, then skip it altogether Saturday morning before I get on the plane. And if I ever get into continuing proximity with this girl I don't think I'm gonna need any additional exercise at all LOL :)

Just to be clear I have no concerns about general body stamina through the process, I'm in good enough shape to cope with whatever's thrown at me. It's purely maintaining erection that concerns me. Fortunately she comes very quickly to climax, so on the strength of past evidence, I should be able to give her 2-3 orgasms before taking a breather for a bit and regaining strength. What I'd really like to do though is keep going non-stop, but it may be a stretch as I get closer to the big 40.

Thanks again, fellas, greatly appreciated.
