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LR  Sex On The Beach (Old 2008 Report - Re-edited)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Edit: Pictures of the Venue Added. It seems the venue doesn't exist anymore and closed a few years later. This explains the 2008-11 vibe in the pics (it closed in 2011). The logistics of the venue was magical.... basically it was terrace in the old town... next to the beach....

Hey guys. For some reason I skimmed my old childhood email today and I found this old report that I initially sent to another poster. I read though it and there was so much nostalgia involved. I just had to share it with you guys. It dates from 2008 and it is one of earlier reports.

This is a report from a trip in Crotia. This trip really kickstarted my journey since I had the chance to go on a field-marathon (went out 7 days in a row, this is the 6th day) and really practice my skills. This was important to me, since back at home I couldn't do that since I couldn't get into clubs and was relying on home-parties - which were scarcer. Daygame was not my cup of tea since home parties, and clubs had better logistics for me due to the fact that I could with more ease bathroom pull (in my head that was the only way I could get lays back then - bathroom sex or public sex).

Also note that this report does not involve any sex talk because I simply did not invent it yet.

Anyway, I did go through plenty of edits. I am not a native English speaker and my English when I was 16 was... terrible. So, I reformulated many of the settings and fixed typos. It took a while. But the content is the same.

I also added some personal comments in bold. Many of them involves reflections and comments.

I can post the original version if there is any interest.

PS: TVA_Oslo/TVA was my old username. So, TVA = me.
PSS: as I was having sex with plenty of underaged girls in my past (when I was underaged myself) I will not share reports involving girls under 18. The girl in this report qas 18-19 which explains why I did not mind sharing this report.

LR+: Sex On The Beach
Date: July 26th, 2008 11:48:07 AM (EDT)
Group: alt.seduction.fast.fieldreports
Author: TVA_Oslo
Email/Info: <mASF profile>
This article is under strict © copyright rules. For personal use only.

Hey playahs! I got a report for you involving some club gaming in Croatia. I hope you will like it

So, this is a quite long and detailed report from an outing in Croatia, to be more exact: Brac where I have had the chance to really practice my game - been hanging in this beach clubs a few nights and had a blast there, resulting in some success. This is the report of my last night there.

Nevertheless, I think there is a lot of useful info for all of you in here.

I decided to label this report a LR+ since I did manage to get compliance from many many girls and got multiple hooks.

Note: LR+? really?

Now that all said, I did really want the girl in question, but I had to face numerous obstacles. It was very satisfying to finally get the pull. Nevertheless, I do consider having to deal with these obstacles to be good training for me...

In this LR, you will find:
  • - Isolation (isolating a 2-set)
  • - Building huge amounts of compliance
  • - Boyfriend-destroying
  • - Social proof and pre-selection
  • - Physical escalation
  • - Reframing and frame-control
  • - Increasing her buyer's temperature (stimulation and arousal)
  • - A lot more… but mostly things from my usual stack (no sex talk, since sex talk was invented a few months later).

Let's start.

Preparing myself for the night… here’s a pic… guy told me my clothes didn’t fit me… you guys sure?

(Pic not excisting anymore)

So, this was my last night in Brac (Croatia). The girl in question was a Russian HB8 or so (but very charming) living at the same hotel as me, it was a tourist resort. I had bumped into her previously, but she didn't appeal to me since I prioritized going out in order to practice my skills. It was not until the 2 lasts nights I started taking a liking in her. Eventually, I really started to want her as she was so cute and had such a charm. Sadly, she had a boyfriend, which she told me she really loved, in fact she was crazy about him for two years before they eventually got together.

If I wanted her, I need to play solid game. I had to follow the book.

And thus, I had to pick a setting that was advantageous to me. My home ground would be the club… especially that venue I had frequented non-stop for a weekend wreaked havoc at. The bouncer started to get to know me (although I kept my age very very secret… not sure how well they would like to have a 16-year-old there). I also met many girls there, who may show up tonight, providing me with some free social proof and pre-selection. The plan was clear.

But before heading out, I was sitting at the hotel bar with with two polish girls, (hb7…) and a German girl hb7 as well. I had met them at the hotel a few days earlier and I would chat them up and play around with them every night or so in order to just get warmed up before heading out.

The Russian girl joined us. And because I was surrounded by other women, attraction would thus be generated as a result of social proof causing pre-selection (I use the word attraction over compliance here simply because this was the norm back then – there was no distinction)

And I could tell that this was sparking some interest in the Russian girl already. However, her level of interest was too low to be of any significance. That said, it was a good starting point to build upon.

On the other hand, the German girl, seemed to show a bit more interest... maybe a bit too much interest.... because she was simply very into me. She invited me to her room a few days before… but I didn’t escalate, simply because I didn’t want her.

At the hotel bar (we had free drinks due to an all-inclusive hotel) we were chatting, drinking and having a good time.

Anyway, I told all the great people that I knew about a nice beach club downtown and that we should go there… all of us together. I was only 10 minutes walking anyway.

So, we did. We went to the club. Walking there, I had the company of 4 women: 2 Polish girls, 1 Russian girl (target) and 1 German girl (huge obstacle – since she was all over me)

(picture of the Venue)

When we arrived the venue, it was still a bit too early and the night hadn’t really started yet. So instead, we opted to just walk to the beach and just chill there for a bit and enjoying the water and the beautiful landscape.

Note: we went early because I wanted to, since I was just a teenager who wasn't free to stay up all night (my rule was always: follow the rules unless you have a pull - but don't risk getting your parents mad unless it is for a good reason) I remember my dad telling me be home by two (he was pretty relaxed with me since I never came home drunk and during my childhood I never really got into any trouble, so as a reward my parents showed a lot of trust in me.

We talked and took a few cigarettes… then we eventually entered the club. Once in there I got a drink and we all started dancing!



(The actual venue - pic taken from google)

I was walking around a bit by myself since I did not want to be that guy who stick to girls all night – especially not when my target is nearby since that would come off as needy.

I eventually saw 2 Serbian girls… so what do I do? I open them.

TVA: (to one of the Serbian girls): Hey girls, my friend (point at 1 of the polish girls) says you look cool, she wondered if you want to join our cool little circle…
HBSerbian: Yeah sure! (of course, they want to come with me when I am so pre-selected by the social proof of being seen dancing with 4 girls… how could they say no?)

Result? I am now dancing with 6 (!) girls, all showing interest in me, and me being in the center of the show only amplifies the effect of social proof! Other men did not seem to like that they saw (prob didn’t like to see a 16-year-old kid rock the show)

This created a lot of social proof.

After dancing and having fun (15 min later), 1 of the polish girls wanted to get back to her hotel room...She wasn’t really a party girl…

I truly prayed that her wanting to get back home wouldn’t spill over on the other girls.

Note: She probably wanted to go back because she didn’t feel like she was getting enough attention… I mean it probably isn’t much fun having to fight for attention over one guy. She didn’t seem like on of those high confidence girls.

God saved me; the other polish girl ended up being the only one who followed her back home.


But things weren’t that easy… because now, I had to deal with a 2-set: the Russian girl, and the German girl. The Serbian girls weren’t a problem since they eventually vanished.

Upon the German girls’ suggestion, she wanted to head to the beach to take a break from the noise.

After sitting and chilling, I saw a guy walking by with a girl. He stopped and hugged goodbye to his girl. The guy was now alone, and he seemed and looked cool - was good-looking, young, and definitely not an AFC (average-frustrated-chump).

I opened him, and asked if he wanted to sit with us…

Of course, he wanted. I did have an extra girl with me after all.

We did the introduction and all that boring stuff. Rapport was built and we started to get to know him a little bit.

We shall call him “AlphaMartin” from Slovakia.

Really cool guy, funny and entertaining…

We asked if he wanted to go the club with us.

Sadly, he had to decline because he had no money…as it was his last night… and he had been wasting all of his money down here.

We said we could pay him a few drinks (I needed him).

Note: This was smart of me. Dealing with two-sets can be hard. A known strategy was to find a good-looking cool guy and make him your wing on the spot. This was the strategy I opted for. I probably would have done the same thing today.

He felt bad about us paying for him… but eventually it worked out.

Note: Croatia back then was cheap. Despite being 16 with no money, I could easily afford drinks. These days, Croatia is like Western Europe...

Entering the club, we sat down, me beside my target, and AlphaMartin beside the German girl who probably had given up trying to get me by now and felt it would have been a better bet for her to opt for the Slovakian guy – who after all, wasn’t a bad bargain be honest. I did my best to pimp him with her.

Note: She probably just wanted dick. As long as the guy was good enough, she would have gone for it.

I opened a very rich older guy from Switzerland who was seated not far away from us. He was seated next to a very hot Bosnian girl – probably a gold digger.

But he was Rich, so he paid us drinks: 2 cocktails… for each one of us.

Yet, the interesting part here is that I gained social value from this, since I was the man who made this happen. If it wasn’t for me, the guy wouldn’t have bought us drinks. This ups my social value.

Note: Sure, it did up my social value. However, these days I tend to avoid approaching or interacting with men unless I have to. Not only does it bore me to death 95% of the time, but it also provides more risks than benefits. That said, In this setting, he was no threat since he was with his sugarbaby.

After drinking a bit, I realized I had to piss. On the way to the bathroom, I reopened a set I had met a few nights before


(where those two guys are standing was the place where I met those girls as the bathroom was situated near that elevated spot - picture taking from Google)

Here’s the audio recording…

Note: I obviously don’t have my old Nokia anymore, but I remember girls getting super excited since I probably said something stimulating. The audio was filled with “wooooah” with Usher’s “Yeah!” in the background. Now I was so proud of that recording back then, but yeah looking at it now, it was all just empty stimulation (see my latest GC article on the subject).

When listening to the clip, pay close attention to the fact that I am recovering from them being upset that I didn’t say “hi” to them when I walked past them on the street earlier (I probably didn’t notice them) despite them saying “hi Alek (edited)”. My excuse was that I probably was too busy with a girl (super ballsy move – not recommended). PRE-selection due to implied social proof was the result of telling them I was with a girl earlier (maybe… hard to say for sure since they may have just enjoyed the fact that I was ruthless – which I was known to be back in the days - calibration and smootheness wasn't my strenght back then)!!!!!!!!

I ran my usual game, before I asked: "so.. how’s your daddy", in a joking way…

The girls responded: Ah you remember!!! Cool…

The story goes like this: the night I met them some cockblocker dude chimed in claiming he was their daddy. One of the girls told me in secret that he was beating them and shit.

Note: was he their pimp? Nevertheless, I was already smart enough back then to not get involved…

TVA: Sorry girls, I got to go! Need to get back to my girlfriend.
Girls: Stay a bit longer… you want a drink?! (social proof? or were they just being nice? or a mix of both?)
TVA: A Bacardi Breezer would be perfect… (did I really like that shit back then?)
TVA: Thanks that’s a fucking good Bacardi Breezer… thanks for the drink… catch you later.

Went to the toilette… I feel much better now.

On the way back, I reopened older sets, like HBCrazy from an earlier night (see other report - not available)

Then I went back to my set… I think I was missed by them… but that’s a good thing since girls missing you = attraction being generated.

Note: True but it also leads to girls getting pissed. They either leave as a result of getting pissed, or due to auto-rejection. It may also trigger potential frame-wars. However, in this case, they were out with me, so they were kind of forced to stick with me. So, generally, overplaying this with girls you have a good hook with (which was the case between me and the Russian and German girl) can be risky since you may lose them. But in this context, I think this move was appropriate.

I went back to my original group. They were all happy to see me again. I wasn’t gone for that long. After all, they knew I went for a piss. We kept drinking, I took some pics, with HBGerman’s camera… of AlphaMartin and HBgerman. In fact, I was using Style’s camera routine.

Note: I don’t remember exactly how Style’s routine worked, but if I am not mistaken, it was all about taking pictures of girls and make them pose as a compliance request. It could also be used with a wingman, where you make the girl do sexy poses with your wing as a mean to get them closer to one another – basically help promoting a sexual vibe and use those pictures as plausible deniability to get them to escalate on one another.

The routine worked. AlphaMartin and the German girl were now getting a bit closer to one another, and the vibe was getting a bit more sexual between them.

AlphaMartin seemed pretty excited about how things were unfolding. At the same time, I made sure to sub-communicate to him that HBRussian was my girl. The rules were set.

And as a result, he focused on HBGerman primarily and in all honesty, he did great. After 10 mins or so they started kissing. I used this as an opportunity to engage in some kino-escalation with my girl (physical escalation).

HBRussian eventually put her head on my shoulder. Great! We are starting to get somewhere, yet the journey is still quite long. She does have that boyfriend who she loves after all.

Not long after, HBGerman left with AlphaMartin. They were never to be seen again.

Great! I am happy for both of them.

But the best part is that I am now all alone and isolated with my girl. Things are getting interesting.

You can’t go "full Russian" without having some Vodka, right? So, we ordered a glass of Vodka each. She paid since she was the one who insisted on having vodka.

Note: probably a way for her to loosen up and not feel guilty towards her boyfriend. I remember a guy called RagsToRich on mASF claiming that girls who starts drinking with you, usually do so to ease up and thus this phenemena should be considered a sign that they are AT LEAST considering having sex with you – a clear sign of interest from her end.

She taught me how to drink vodka. The way she suggested was doing some“crossed arm” drinking…

Note: fun fact – since that day, I always do this with girls up to this day. It just adds swag to the interaction and also seems to add some closeness between you two. It looks like this:


Her: You hold your drink up… and then you cross you arms with mine… hold eye-contact - very important… and then drink at the same time as me…

I liked this… it forces eye contact, which is key. There is also some touching going on… while facing each other. All great stuff.

We drink.

And then… we kiss.

But… it was only a quicky… a peck… I tried to go for the tongue down… but she stopped me “don’t kiss me”.

Note: I should not have attempted to push things to a full makeout. I now just ruined my frame. The compliance wasn’t high enough… especially considering the circumstances (her having a boyfriend). This was just an unnecessary risk. And going for a kiss is fine, but if she rejects it, you end up killing the tension. The frame is not within her control, since you were the one "wanting more", and she was the one resisting. Additionally, these days, I prefer not kissing in clubs unless I have to (i.e. to get an extra compliance boost before pulling).

I needed more game. The iron wasn’t hot enough.

To break this awkward situation, I suggested we go dance a bit. On the dancefloor, I caught a lucky break. In fact, I bumped into HB9Blond from my previous lay report (LR: The Scandinavian Artist). When I met her last time, she was initially mad at me for some reason (bitchshield?). Yet this time around she was really cool around me and even started showing IOIs (indicators of interest).

Note: For clarity purposes, HBBlond was not the girl I shagged during the “The Scandinavian Artist” outing.

Good thing was, HBRussian saw this stunning blond girl showing me interest. Again… social proof! Exactly what I needed to get back into the game.

I eventually got to meet HBBlond’s friend, namely HBDancer (she was dancing like nuts). Then the girls from earlier, the ones I met one the way to the bathroom who gave me that Bacardi Breezer showed up as well and seemed happy to see me again.

I waved HBRussian over and introduced her to all the girls.

HBRussian: You have many friends here!
TVA: Nah… I just MADE many friends here.


(Random pic of the venue taken from Google - seems like the venue shut down not long after since they all have that 2008 vibe)


Each time I introduced my girl (HBRussian) to the other girls, I would introduce her the following way:

TVA: Here, HBrussian, this is my friend HBX (HBBlond, HBDancer… etc…), she is really cute/cool/lovely/interesting (etc…)

Note: By hyping up the other girls when introducing them to someone (i.e. the girl you are trying to get), you are not only upping your own value for knowing cool/hot/interesting people… but you may even also create a bit of a jealousy plot. All these things up compliance.

I am now a man with very high social value.

Suddenly, one of my favourite songs from this summer came up!

“Funkerman – Speed up”

“Try to keep up with me… me… me”

“Cause I can give you some…. Some… some… “

“I give you such a rush”

While the song was being played, I was pointing at my target (HBRussian) while dancing with her, so that she could associate the lyrics with me and her.

This opened up for more kino (touching) and physical contact

Good for kino and getting physical contact. Things are moving forward.

But as things were getting hot between her and I… I would suddenly turn around to say “hi” to one of my friends… who was the bartender (remember that I was going to this venue 7 days in a row… lol).

Note: Technically this is fractionation, but I wasn’t familiar with that concept back them. However, I was very familiar with Push & Pull and showing mixed signals. It is clearly what I am attempting to do here. After all, Push & Pull is... a form of fractionation.

I secretly gave him 50 Kunas (Croatian currency) in exchange for him making 2x Malibu mixed with milk and ice-cubes (my home-made cocktail).

I added some extra tip and told him to tell the girl that the drinks were on the house. This was a good way to DVH even further (DHV: Demonstrating Higher Value).

Note: The Malibu-Milk… lol that eventually became a meme. It was a drink that I invented at a house party when I had a bottle of Malibu and nothing to mix with other than milk. So… I tried it… and it actually wasn’t that bad… kind of like an over-sweet coconut milkshake. I eventually called this drink “Threesome on the Beach”. The name came from a set… where I met two British girls (in Croatia a few night before actually) … who told me they were both drinking “Sex on the Beach”, who then proceeded to ask me what I was drinking to which I responded “Threesome on the Beach” while looking at them both. And no, I never shagged them.

She loved my mixture.


Back to the dancefloor… we were enjoying another great song. The DJ was one fire.

And because of that… I was on fire too! Enjoying the songs fully.

She called me a crazy guy.

Memorize this statement of hers, because it will be relevant for later.

Note: I probably entered “dancing monkey” territory there… but yeah whatever. I was young and wanted to have fun.

After dancing for a bit we decided to take a break from the centre of the dancefloor. We eventually went somewhere quieter. I did so with the purpose of isolating further in order to escalate the process one step further.

We sat down on this coach in this isolated spot. While seated, I danced to the music a bit and she mirrored me. A good sign!

Compliance test passed.

And therefore… as per the rulebook, it is now time to qualify her.

Note: The old Mystery Method had this thing in the C1-3 section of its method – namely that you first build “attraction” (A1-3). One she is attracted; you will have to reciprocate it in order to create this moment where the mutual attraction becomes official in order to make something happen out of this mutual attraction. This was oftentimes overlooked by men diving into the Mystery Method: they were too obsessed with displaying value, negging etc… and they never actually showed interest back. The idea behind indirect game, and Mystery Method in particular was to first get her into you (build attraction)… and once she is very into you, you show interest back. The way you show interest back was through "qualifiers" – basically challenging her and once she is qualifying to you, you reward her. You kind of give a plausible deniability to your attraction towards her - e.g. “it is because she said or did X to you that you like her”.

TVA: There are many cool people here…
HBRussian: Yes, there are.
TVA: What kind of people do you like being with?
Crazy people

Remember she said she liked “crazy guy” to me earlier? Well, here she was clearly qualifying to me and showing a major sign of interest.

So… what do I do? I qualify back.

TVA: So, do I! And you happened to be a bit on the crazy side yourself!
HBRussian: I guess so!
TVA: That’s my girl!

I smiled to her, and she smiled back. It is on!

I attempted to elicit her value (rapport building technique – very similar to Deep Diving)

She told me she was an artist… and that she was passionate about painting: that it was a way for her to express herself. I asked her what she was feeling when she could express herself through painting. She responded: freedom and creativity. I told her those feelings are similar to those you can feel on a good night out.


She was sitting beside me. The spaces between us were cut and she was now sitting very close to me (as per Sinn’s advice about “cutting spaces”). She is now showing many IOI’s (indicators of interests).

As a result, I started moving my head closer to hers. She reciprocated.

But as my mouth was reaching hers… closer and closer… I eventually pulled back. Just to tease her.

Note: Actually, a good move. In general, the rule was: if you felt she would be a hard nut to crack in regards to escalation, then opt for “Push & Pull” escalation – basically do 1 step backward for every 2 steps forward. It leaves her excited and wanting more. It adds an additional layer of compliance.

And as I stepped back, I gave her some strong eye contact, followed with a little smirk.

A minute later or so… I repeat the whole process… but this time around I move in a bit closer…. almost reaching her lips… with my nose caressing hers for maybe 30 seconds or so. She was smiling.

I would then proceed to more sexual touching such as touching her legs… and put her legs over mine for maximum closeness.

Note: I haven’t done this in ages. I avoid escalating too heavily in public. There are multiple reasons for that. First one is because it is always better to escalate that heavily once you are back home. Secondly, you can get cockblocked by her friends (not an issue in this situation). Thirdly, you may trigger resistance… which would be much easier to deal with at your place compared to in a club… and lastly… and this one is odd: I do not want the staff of a venue and bouncers in particular to see me hook up too often. I have had too many problems with bouncers getting jealous and banning me from venues.

Then I do it again, and we get even closer to the end goal: lips on lips this time, but no lip sucking - no real full-blown make-out. I’m waiting for her to make the final move in order to test for compliance… She eventually passed it as she then engaged in a full make-out with lip sucking, tongue-downs and all that good stuff.

The kissing got hotter, followed with more sexual and intense touching. I start kissing her neck. She reciprocates and kisses my neck back.

I then break rapport fully… and open a nearby set! I did not introduce her… since I wanted to freeze her out in order to create a jealousy plot. Not long after I went back to my girl (HBRussian) and re-engaged her with a “hello” delivered with a cute and innocent voice while smiling. I then resumed making out with her.

Note: Totally unnecessary move. My intention was to make her “more attracted” by getting her to chase me as a result of the freeze-out and the jealousy plot. It may get her to invest more and eventually chase me even further. But it can also trigger unnecessary insecurities which could cause resistance later on (FSC-Based). In general, such moves are unnecessary… especially when things are going well. You do not want to punish good behaviour (her making out passionately with me) with freeze outs and jealousy plots. It is just too risky for the reasons I mentioned above. It also conditions her to believing that “behaving well gets her punished”. You do not want that. You want the opposite. In addition, you risk causing frame-wars – namely that she starts mirroring this exact behaviour… and trust me you do not want that to happen.

I keep touching her a bit more… licked around her lips, sucked her ears (Note: I did that to every girl I hooked up with without knowing it was actually a fetish… I learned that at the age of 24…). She started licking the area between my ear and my jaw… I loved it (of course I did).

As we were making out, she stopped and took of her necklace and gave it to me. It was a metallic necklace with a strawberry pendant.

I gave her my necklace in return. It was a sweet moment.

Note: I kept this necklace as a memory. I still have it to this day. It is at my mum’s place somewhere.

Well, the iron is hot as Gunwitch would say… and when the iron is hot you got to close.

TVA: It’s so noisy in here, maybe, we should go back to the hotel and chill by the pool? and since it’s my last night, I would love to spend some cool time with you.
HBRussian: Of course, that sounds like a good idea!

I walked back with her. As I walked, I tried to mirror her walking rhythm.

Note: The fuck? Say what? Yeah, back in the days we really had some weird ideas. Mirroring her walking rhythm most likely had 0 impact. She probably didn’t notice it. I hope she didn’t haha.

While walking, I also used TokyoPUA’s KAMI technique (touching while walking – yeah we had a term for that too back then…).

We also fluffed a bit more. I attempted using some NLP (Neuro Linguistic programming) patterns, including a quoted story… (a story with the use of a proxy – namely telling it from another person’s perspective as a mean to get away with more explicit stuff and so on… sadly I cannot remember what I talked about) in order excite her and make her horny.

I tried using more NLP patterns (Milton Patterns). Couldn’t hurt trying… even if I suck with NLP.

I could see DDB in her eyes (DBB: Doggy Dinner Bowl – a term to refer to the look girls give you when they are hungry… another fucked up acronym from back in the days).

Note: funny how I used to suck using NLP-Based game… I was in fact very sceptical about fancy verbals back then. When I started out, I was more seduced by the aspects of game that revolved around social dynamics such as Mystery Method and Swinggcat’s Real World Seduction). How things have changed… now I am all about fancy verbals, even though I do not favour using Milton Patterns (which SS – Speed Seduction is based upon). I did have a period where I would go very hypnotic and use Milton Patterns very similarly to Speed Seduction, but I realized that it can easily backfire when mixed in with sexual intent (this is probably why Ross Jeffries never verbalized sex or explicit content directly, but only indirectly through sub-communication).

HBRussian: I don’t want you to leave tomorrow… I will miss you, you are so crazy, I love that, and you are so strong inside (typical Russian girl talk), it reminds me of my dad (which turned out was dead… she never told me how).

Note: Rereading this right now… I am like… THE FUCK? Daddy issues for sure.

TVA: I will miss you too. However, I may see you again (bullshit). I got a Russian friend (Sosha/Haus – old mASF poster who was on a private forum with Chase and I back in the days), and he asked me If I was down to go to Moscow with him one day (she was form Moscow) … and we agreed to head to Moscow in October (never happened because I was underraged and wouldn’t travel unless it was with my travel-loving dad. I guess she never asked me about my age!)

HBRussian: Oh… So cool. I am looking forward to it becauseI really like you!!! I am gonna miss you so much until then!

We arrived back at the hotel, and she went for a pee, and so did I. I considered going for a bathroom pull. But I felt I had better options. After all, it would kill the cute romantic vibe between us.

Note: due to me mostly doing home-parties, bathroom-pulling was oftentimes my only option. Not long after this, after the invention of sex talk and the rise of the school of “physical game” (Cosy,Sleazy, 60 years of Challenge, BradP, Kineticcharm etc…) I quickly became known as the notorious “bathroom wizard”. I was even featured on Tundercat’s seduction lair to post about this exact subject. In all honesty, I kind of had a thing for it. II quickly grew away from bathroom pulls, especially after bouncers started enforcing stricter bathroom rules.

I grabbed some water and smoked a cigarette (I am to this day only a party smoker - always been like that - never got addicted weirdly enough)

She came back.

HBRussian: I want to take a bath!
TVA: The guards will kill us if we swim in the swimming pool… What about the beach?
HBRussian: Yeah!!!
TVA: Let’s go…

So, we went to the beach…

Arriving at the beach we dressed off. We were both in underwear at this point.

We went into the water and started swimming in the night under the stars.

Note: I remember this moment as it was yesterday. I forgot how the girl looked, but I surely remember the way the sky looked and how the sea in the night smelled… and the way things felt in that moment. It made me realize how awesome my life was becoming already.

It was a bit romantic, but let us make it erotic, shall we?

In the water I touched her… and I tried to kiss… but it was difficult since I kept gagging salt water.

Then we went out of the water. I wanted to make it badass by carrying her out of the water… with her laying in my arms. It looked cool… but then....

I realized walked on something spikey. I stepped on a sea urchin.

FUCK MY LIFE. But I tried to disregard the pain. Had to keep my head sharp. Gotta seal the deal!

As I exited the water, she saw I was in pain. She asked me what happened. I told her I had stepped on a sea urchin (couldn’t help myself but tell her, the pain was too much). She put up some light on with her phone and took out a tweezer from her purse….

And thus, a surgical process began. It was actually really cute of her to take care of me.

Note: because of the sea urchin experience… I never ever had sex on a beach ever again. I also disliked the discomfort of fucking on a beach. Stones… sand… and all that.

HBRussian: I know you want me…
TVA: and I know you want me…
She didn’t reply…she didn’t really have to.
HBRussian: Why me? (Insecurities? Probably as a result from going too far earlier with the unnecessary freeze-outs and jealousy plots)
TVA: well because you have such a charm… You know if I only wanted to shag some girl, could run up to the bar… and meet a new girl… and get her. You know that (she saw me on fire that night).
HBrussian: Yeah, I kno

Note: Good job younger me!

We laid down on a sun-chair.

I kissed… her more… things were getting hot. I started licking my way down her neck, then back up again, then down again, then down to the area around her boobs, then up again, then down to her boobs again before… and then lick her boobs before going back to kissing her mouth.

I would then lick my way down her belly, passing by her breast… yet this time too I would back to kissing her.

After lots of back-and-forth I would eventually lick my way to the lower part of her belly… and spend some time there in order to excited her to “the point of no return”.

Note: again, another good example of “Push & Pull” escalation.

I went down to her pussy, licked around it, and pushed her panties aside and licked her pussy… then back to her mouth… and kissed her…

I took off her panties… and went down on her. Her body told me she was orgasming.

Her whole body was so salty due to the sea water (another reason why I do not like sex on the beach)

She went down on me… Getting sucked off while enjoying the beautiful sea landscape of Croatia was to me in that moment the definition of Paradise.

Well what came next was: sex on the beach.

We were done eventually. It was hot and nice.

It was time to go. We went to her hotel room and slept together after a long shower.

We woke up at 6 am (i.e., not long after) since I was leaving that day (heading back to Dubrovnik – aka “Kings Landing” for you “Game of Thrones” fans). We wanted to eat breakfast together.

Note: My dad never noticed I didn’t come back home. I made sure to drop by our room (was an appartement in which I had my own room). Dad woke up. I told him I was up early in order to say goodbye to a friend and eat breakfast with her.

I went back to her, and we hung out for a bit.

Now I dropped the pua stuff, talked from my feelings.

Note: really? You hopeless romantic.

TVA: I know you like me a lot, and you know I like you a lot too… and I know you have a boyfriend…
HBRussian: But I don’t think I love him; I think I just like him… You see the difference… (I never ever since that day took things women said at face value anymore).
TVA: Listen to me… when you get home, you should love your boyfriend since I know you won’t resist months without banging haha… and then when I come to Moscow, you can love me instead. Obviously, we will stay in touch. I may meet other women in the meantime since I won’t simply lock myself up in a room waiting for you, but when I do see you again, you will be mine and I will be yours.

Note: What a pile of crap.

HBRussian: At least, you are honest; and yes, I will go back to my boyfriend … but I think I am falling in love with you Alek (probably a cultural thing in Russia: you fuck, you love? But that’s not true since I have been with other Russian women after that. Well no idea what went down here).
TVA: I like you too. Now time to go. Let this be the beginning of our journey! You should come to France one day, that is where my mum is from.
HBRussian: That will be so great...

Note: Interesting. Even though I never saw her again, and even though this never was the beginning of “our journey” but rather its end, it surely was the beginning of MY journey… and what is so poetic is that I did eventually end up in France… I smile reading this. I love when things get poetic like that… it all comes full circle.

As I was meeting up with my dad and jumping on the buss to Dubrovnik… I waved her goodbye. On the bus ride, I kept looking at that Strawberry necklace. It was a sad moment.

Maybe I will commit to her when I turn 30-35? Why not? I will probably have laid enough girls by then.

Note: Maybe Sadly I am not in touch with her anymore. That would be poetic. But she may have turned fat…. So gotta be careful what I wish for.

So all-in-all… despite a sad moment… I did get a good time in Brac… with plenty of stories. I had a strong emotional moment with a great girl. But more importantly, I am more motivated to go out and work even further on my skills once I get back home.

And after all, I still have a few nights left near Dubrovnik (Cavtat) where I had a lot of fun in field. Perhaps I should post some field reports form those nights? We will see if I have the time.

Note: Surely did not take long before I was out there again…

As I returned home, I realized I miss the field so much (couldn't get into clubs back home and was depending on home-parties - until I eventually got a fake Id... and trust me that's when shit started to go down for real).

Hope you enjoyed this report…

Post comments

Wish you all love, fun, and no tears.



Yeah well... I hope you enjoyed this reading. Let me know what you think.

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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
So much purity and fun in this report! Being infield can really be great.

The stories and little moments like
As we were making out, she stopped and took of her necklace and gave it to me. It was a metallic necklace with a strawberry pendant.

I gave her my necklace in return. It was a sweet moment.

Note: I kept this necklace as a memory. I still have it to this day. It is at my mum’s place somewhere.
We went into the water and started swimming in the night under the stars.

Note: I remember this moment as it was yesterday. I forgot how the girl looked, but I surely remember the way the sky looked and how the sea in the night smelled… and the way things felt in that moment. It made me realize how awesome my life was becoming already.
Countless other small moments of triumph and human awkwardness.
It was a bit romantic, but let us make it erotic, shall we?

In the water I touched her… and I tried to kiss… but it was difficult since I kept gagging salt water.

Then we went out of the water. I wanted to make it badass by carrying her out of the water… with her laying in my arms. It looked cool… but then....

I realized walked on something spikey. I stepped on a sea urchin.

FUCK MY LIFE. But I tried to disregard the pain. Had to keep my head sharp. Gotta seal the deal!

As I exited the water, she saw I was in pain. She asked me what happened. I told her I had stepped on a sea urchin (couldn’t help myself but tell her, the pain was too much). She put up some light on with her phone and took out a tweezer from her purse….

And thus, a surgical process began. It was actually really cute of her to take care of me.
Gagging on water, stepping on a sea urchin and having her nurse you while feigning toughness... just lol

Then the silly dumb moves you grow out of like that freeze outs on good behavior, some of your uncalibrated attempts at new tech before discarding it or mastering it, and fractionation paired with moments where you did something really fucking good like social proofing, avoiding sets that weren't as conducive to your aims, and logistical plans.

A really fun and motivational read of a teevster who was around my age. With that youthful goofy flair to it ( basically all the dancing sections.)

until I eventually got a fake Id... and trust that's when shit started to go down for real).
This is one of my next moves 100%. I already get in by confidently walking into bars, sneaking through back doors, or relying on them not ID'ing me. US business are really up your ass on it sometimes *sigh*

Finally this report has given me a sizable amount of "future nostalgia". I mean this young cat grew into a pretty bad ass seducer through continued work and many nights plateauing and working for that breakthrough.

He eventually got into threesomes, orgies, fast pulls, calibration game, sex talk, logistic based game, etc just so many badass things. Do you think he ever could've saw it coming? :D

I wonder what some of us younger or beginner seducers aren't seeing ahead of us? Especially to those that put the time and sacrifice in.

Thanks for reposting this Lay Report brody definitely a nice read. Especially after getting laughed out a restaurant after approaching a 9 haha. It happens. Gotta grow y'know.

Cheers for the countless the FR's and LR's from our Skilled Seducers and cheers to many more to come!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 25, 2021
I’ve always found it funny how western girls and Russian girls rationalize sex differently, but end up doing the same.

This girl was talking about how she was “falling in love” for you, while a western girl probably would have just thought that she liked you so why not having some fun.

But the emotions inside would have been most likely the same, just different “excuses” in their inner talk

Actually, sometimes I wonder if this “falling in love” thing actually makes it easier for them to be open for sex (less ASD) instead of just feeling empowered to do it (ironically more ASD).

Sorry if I look KJ with these comments lol


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I’ve always found it funny how western girls and Russian girls rationalize sex differently, but end up doing the same.

This girl was talking about how she was “falling in love” for you, while a western girl probably would have just thought that she liked you so why not having some fun.

But the emotions inside would have been most likely the same, just different “excuses” in their inner talk

Actually, sometimes I wonder if this “falling in love” thing actually makes it easier for them to be open for sex (less ASD) instead of just feeling empowered to do it (ironically more ASD).

Sorry if I look KJ with these comments lol

Maybe, maybe not. As I mentioned I have been with other Russian girls and I never experienced this ever again. I never cared about making generalities about women from X place are Y. I simply do not care because it is totally irrelevant.

All I care about is the girl's response right there in real time. The way she behaves in the current context and in my presence, and how she reacts to my material. That is all I care about because those are more accurate variables.

Actually, sometimes I wonder if this “falling in love” thing actually makes it easier for them to be open for sex (less ASD) instead of just feeling empowered to do it (ironically more ASD).

I think there is some truth to this however, sine having sex when in love or in a relationship is oftentimes seen as more permissible than empty casual sex.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Thanks for the heartwarming coming Mist22

Then the silly dumb moves you grow out of like that freeze outs on good behavior, some of your uncalibrated attempts at new tech before discarding it or mastering it, and fractionation paired with moments where you did something really fucking good like social proofing, avoiding sets that weren't as conducive to your aims, and logistical plans.

Well how else do you learn :)

A really fun and motivational read of a teevster who was around my age. With that youthful goofy flair to it ( basically all the dancing sections.)

I was known to be a very bold and high energy seducer back then. I was always on fire and had just too much energy. This is pretty usual for young kids. I was also bold, ruthless and not very scared of anything.

Funny how things changed. Now I am mostly a low energy, calm and grounded seducer in field. Again I said calm, not boring. Two idfferent things. I guess "age" is the only explanation.

Most of my reports where from 2009-10. I may eventually share those - although they resemble more my current stack with sex talk - although my game was sligtly more direct (hence making me less consistent and more like a glasscanon).

This is one of my next moves 100%. I already get in by confidently walking into bars, sneaking through back doors, or relying on them not ID'ing me. US business are really up your ass on it sometimes *sigh*

Where I grew up they ID checked everyone.... so I was screwed until I got a fake ID. But beware... it is very illegal and if you get caught....

Yeah do some research first.
Finally this report has given me a sizable amount of "future nostalgia". I mean this young cat grew into a pretty bad ass seducer through continued work and many nights plateauing and working for that breakthrough.

I think most men will not reach high level simply because they do not want to. From day 1 I wanted to reach the highest level. Already back then I was working with pick up at least 3 hours a day and was already familiar with fundamental concepts of pu and seduction.

He eventually got into threesomes, orgies, fast pulls, calibration game, sex talk, logistic based game, etc just so many badass things. Do you think he ever could've saw it coming? :D

Yes and no. I knew it was possible since some of the elders actually managed to pull that off. If they could do it, why couldn't I?

I wonder what some of us younger or beginner seducers aren't seeing ahead of us? Especially to those that put the time and sacrifice in.

You know that with hard work you will get those crazy results. What you do not expect is that you eventually just start loving the game for the game itself and not just for the results. Weird I know, but it is like this financial investor. First he wants to get rich, and then he just takes pleasure in playing the game.

Thanks for reposting this Lay Report brody definitely a nice read. Especially after getting laughed out a restaurant after approaching a 9 haha. It happens. Gotta grow y'know.

Ouch. Yeah happens. I have had some of those nights/days were I feel like the most useless person on earth.

It is not fun but it is a necessary evil. The issue is that they can easily demotivate people. However, if you manage to turn it around and instead of getting demotivated you just keep seeing this as a sign that there is something to work on... well that's how you succeed. Easier said than done though.

Cheers for the countless the FR's and LR's from our Skilled Seducers and cheers to many more to come!

You are welcome.

Thanks for the comment



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Actually, sometimes I wonder if this “falling in love” thing actually makes it easier for them to be open for sex (less ASD) instead of just feeling empowered to do it (ironically more ASD).

Now that you mentioned it, I can't stop thinking about 70% of females needing to "hold hands" and/or lean close.

I'm not sure what it is but I definitely want to dig into it.

Feeling empowered is a 'response to' from bad experience with men. Thus it is still needing to "lean close" but it is the female equivalent of dragging your emotional baggage (states) to the coffee table.

Anyway, talking wacky here but that's for my own. I still want to dig into the "lean close/hold hands/love" thing.

I do think that it is related to Chase's 'Attainability' and that itself branches to what Teev mentioned of sex as "more permissible".



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Now that you mentioned it, I can't stop thinking about 70% of females needing to "hold hands" and/or lean close.

Well depends on the girl though. Some are very cuddly, others less so. I had a girl she was icecold unless when I shagged her but post sex she would get like cold... yet she was a really great person nevertheless.

I'm not sure what it is but I definitely want to dig into it.

Could be a subject to look into for academic interest but I do not think it has much impact in field.

Feeling empowered is a 'response to' from bad experience with men. Thus it is still needing to "lean close" but it is the female equivalent of dragging your emotional baggage (states) to the coffee table.

I agree. There is probably a strong correlation here.

I do think that it is related to Chase's 'Attainability' and that itself branches to what Teev mentioned of sex as "more permissible".

I do think you are very correct.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
Your FRs have always been my favorites!
I think a lot of people under estimate the power of social proof and preselection. It's nice to see how you use it actively in field.

Great stuff.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Pictures of the Venue Added. It seems the venue doesn't exist anymore and closed a few years later. This explains the 2008-11 vibe in the pics (it closed in 2011). The logistics of the venue was magical.... basically it was terrace in the old town... next to the beach....



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Your FRs have always been my favorites!
I think a lot of people under estimate the power of social proof and preselection. It's nice to see how you use it actively in field.

Great stuff.

Thanks man! much appreciated.

Well technically you should talk in past tense since this is actually 13 years ago lol. But yeah I still like to play around with social proof :)
