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Sexual happiness dropping hard?


Aug 29, 2024
So the other day the national research agency for things to do with sexuality published the results of a great survey. The last big one was done in 2017, so there is a seven year gap between that one and the most recent one.

Some interesting takeaways: condom use is on a strong decline. It used to be around 60% for sex with the last partner (including ONS). Now it's down to 40% for men and a bit over 50% for women.

Hormone based contraception is on its way out. I can attest this is the case from personal experience as well, although I rarely attract women that are actually on the pill somehow. I think this is a good thing, although combined with the lack of condom use it's maybe not that ideal...

The most shocking statistic though was captioned with an ominous 'Men and women are equally satisfied about their sex life'. This was a way of framing a disastrous statistic as something positive... Sexual happiness went from 93% for men and 77% for women to an all time low of about 56% for both genders.

Of course the statistics agency didn't have any explanation for this, but maybe we can speculate on a few. Would love to hear your thoughts!

Bob Z

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 7, 2024
condom one is interesting - no clue at all why that would be. maybe because people are more gay/lesbian than ever so a lot of these "sex encounters" don't actually have pregnancy risk. no clue.

how drastic was the decline on "the pill"? im honestly surprised that rate is going down. might have to do with increase in "femcels" (girls having no sex - which has lagged behind the male incel rate but is slowly catching up) and increase in lesbians. probably also more awareness of negative effects of hormonal birth control with increasing anti-pharma sentiment post covid

sexual happiness - well that ones pretty obvious. whats the difference between 2017 and now? the rise of dating apps and social media


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012

Less condom use probably correlates with the fact that with less people having sex, those that are still having sex are likely higher drive, low disgust sensitivity, sensation seeking types.


Aug 29, 2024
Maybe I should have added that the country in case is The Netherlands, which traditionally is very liberal. Gay sex hasn't had much restrictions since a long time and if anything it has increased due to society growing more conservative.

The decline in the use of the pill and hormonal implant popularity strongly correlated to the scepticism of putting strange hormones in your own body. Yet again some context is needed: the pill that is reimbursed by the insurance over here is one of the older ones available and this particular pill has a high concentration of hormones and is notorious for its side effects. You can get another one, but then you do not simply pay the difference, but the entire thing yourself.

The happiness about sex life survey was about the part of the population that actually has some sex in the first place (three times a month apparently is the average, which I guess most of those here do in half a night once we get to it..) so incels don't count so much.

Hope this extra bit of context helps. I could link the entire document here, but I'm a bit sceptical about everyone's prowess in my mother tongue, including google translate, so I think that's a bit of a wasted effort. Still, if anyone is curious about the document, let me know.

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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake