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Sexy Walk to Music


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Hey y'all Jay here.

I was walking across campus today thinking, and I remembered a little something I wanted to throw up here.

In all of Chase's articles that mention walking, he emphasizes that slow, fluid, yet deliberate movements are the key to a sexy walk.

When I was perfecting my walk, I had trouble with an exact speed for my walk. I knew it had to be slow, but how fucking slow? Did I have to consciously put one foot in front of the other like I was walking through molasses? Could I speed it up a bit when I really needed to get to class?

Eventually I found a personal solution.

In a few of the posts I have written on here, I have mentioned my love of music and its use in seduction. I have been playing various string instruments since I was five, and since have expanded to include fairly extensive knowledge of the guitar, drums, bass, and a few wind instruments, as well as the mandolin; therefore, I always found I gained more understanding from something being explained to me musically.

I had settled on a few walking speeds, until one day last Fall, I was going to class listening to my iPod, and Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix came on.

I love some fucking Jimi, so I got into it, walking in a sexy fashion (feet forward, thighs apart, shoulders swaggin' as stated in a more recent, specific GirlsChase article; golden shit, useful read) to the music with a slight smile on my face due to the badass feel of the song's intro.

Suddenly I noticed that the amount of girls shooting looks my way increased dramatically, almost instantaneously.

I was baffled for a second, but then it dawned on me that I had found a perfect fucking tempo for my walk!

Whenever I walked around for awhile, I just imagined the intro of Voodoo Child in my head, stepped into the tempo, and after a while it became my natural walking speed. I've never looked back.

I suggest finding a good 'swag song', if you will, for yourself to get a good walking speed. It helped me immensely, and anyone is welcome to use Voodoo Child. Trust me, it fucking works.

Hope this helps,



Jan 30, 2013
Hey, Jay!

I find that mostly groovy songs with a distinct, cool rhythm tend to prime up your nonverbals, even though motivational lyrics helped me as well. Voodoo Child works like a charm, I also got the same effect from Not Their Fight by David Holmes(a bit faster, usually use it when I need to hurry, but still want to practice my walk).

I had settled on a few walking speeds, until one day last Fall, I was going to class listening to my iPod, and Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix came on.
Made me grab my guitar and play some Jimi. :)

All in all, a great post!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Jay said:
I suggest finding a good 'swag song', if you will, for yourself to get a good walking speed. It helped me immensely, and anyone is welcome to use Voodoo Child. Trust me, it fucking works.

I be dancing all over the street instead, man. HAHA! but i do have a certain kind of feel, that i need when i started to learn slow walk, like a momentum.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
"I knew it had to be slow, but how fucking slow?"

This cracked me up!

Agree on the tactic and song.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
I noticed something similar while warming up on the treadmill at my gym. I never thought to use that natural strut you get when a song you like comes on to pace yourself though, excellent tip.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake