With a new fuck buddy though, do you say anything to them before banging them about what you're looking for? Or you just bang, and then seem kinda distant after?
You don't have to say anything. You go on that first date that's super cheap, like a coffee shop and then you try to get them back into the bedroom as quickly as you can.
Then all other meetings are in the bedroom. You don't go out on dates. You don't text endlessly. You don't meet up more than once a week. In fact, all communication more or less boils down to --> when are you free to fuck again? (although obviously not in those exact words)
When she comes over (or I go over) the date might consist of some food. Possibly even a movie. Definitely a little bit of friendly chitchat aaaaaaand sex. Always, always, always involves sex. Otherwise, why have a fuckbuddy that doesn't put out? If a fuckbuddy doesn't put out then she gets booted out. Very simple.
As for everything else? Use the magical word 'no'.
But as far as relationships go, in my experience it's always the men that set the tone. I've literally never had a problem with a fuck buddy wanting to be more. Sure, she may drop hints here and there (which I ignore) but she knows what's going on through my actions. She doesn't have to ask. She doesn't have to put her heart out there and she's not going to get hurt.
Does a girl want more sometimes? Sure, it happens. But she understands that it's not going to happen because I don't act like a boyfriend with her.
And in exchange, I understand that within 2-6 months of seeing her that she's going to leave me. That's how it goes. There's no lying and nothing explicitly said. It's all said through my actions. And it's clear as day for her.
As for feeling guilty, what's there to feel guilty about? I'm providing some fantastic sex. I've studied the mind and body for over a decade. I've also spent a shit ton of time researching how to be a great lover ever since before I even lost my virginity. I'm a great fuck and there are many women who will be happy with not going any further.
If you're feeling guilty it's because you think you're taking from a woman in order to get laid. If you feel that way then it comes down to a few different things:
1) you not feeling worthy of her pussy so you supplement with other stuff, probably boyfriendy like things
2) you not being a good lay
But notice that giving her other stuff besides sex may alleviate your guilt, it only brings pain down the road when the girl thinks it's developing into a relationship while you're like "I told her once like 4 months ago that I didn't want to date her, why does she think I want to date her?"
Answer: because you acted like a boyfriend.
If you act like a boyfriend she will come to think of you as a boyfriend. If you only want to be a fuckbuddy then act like a fuckbuddy