How would you approach it?
For me I've been experimenting with both slipping in a couple of words each time while dancing (partners are rotated very frequently) as well as waiting till after class to point out her exquisite dance moves as an indirect opener and noticing not conversing at all during class had slightly better results.
I've also not entirely sure how to frame the "insta date" if we move off after. Would this be considered a first date or grab number for a proper first date kind of thing? I had a girl that switched up her plans for the night to grab a bite with me. We had a deep conversation but I was afraid of moving things too fast so I just figured out the logistics for future dates. Found out she works just down the street from where I live and logistics would be perfect for anything longer term.
I never really considered that banging one would limit the rest of the pool. Good point.
Honestly, dude, this isn't exactly my area of expertise. While I have picked up women from yoga classes/ art classes, etc, here and there most of the women I have met have been through day game/ night game. Social circle or a sort of hybrid social circle/ pickup (like dance classes and such) has never really been my focus. So yeah there are probably guys on here that have way more detailed tech for these scenarios like
@Derek da man here with his solid advice.
That said, every time I have had success with these scenarios I haven't exactly been a regular in these classes. I was kind of bouncing around from studio to studio making semi-regular appearances. So any appearance I made was kind of sporadic. Whenever I was in classes I had a 'mysterious' vibe to me. Before or after classes I would position myself in a space where it was easy to strike up conversations in a low-effort way finding a good spot to post up and allow the flow of the room just naturally offer opportunities. Occasional making more energetic remarks in passing, like when we crossed paths while setting up for class. But never being too much of a social butterfly. Sometimes being rather short on words but still making my presence felt. A good deal of sniper gaming with eye contact and the likes. When it was study time I would dive in and focus. Because I wasn't a regular but was around enough to make a positive and intriguing presence It was easy to avoid some of the social circle trappings that probably occur with people who are totally regulars. I was around enough to have some good social proof, but not so much that I had to play exactly by the rules. Many women at places like these are actually very intrigued by that 'new' guy. Or 'that guy that drops in from time to time." I was just social enough, but also clearly there to take the class seriously. Women would often approach me, give approach invitations, and whatnot. Every now and then I would hit it off with a gal and grab her number. I couple of times we just kind of had momentum and kept spending time after class. Whenever I did hook up with a gal it wasn't so much a worry for me about how that would affect classes cause it was only semi-regular for me and it wasn't like we were really running into each other a lot. But it did sort of limit my playing field at that venue a little when she and I were actively hooking up. It's been a while since I have even been in these sorts of scenarios So all I can really offer you is broad strokes.
-Consider bouncing around between different classes/schools, so you are maybe a bit more scarce in each scene
-If there is a class you just 'have' to attend regularly because you like it so much, treat it more social scene. But be aware that you can also meet women new to class, and that it is a sort of 'public' social scene. so, there will be a lot of flux as to whos on the scene at a given moment and how well they all know each other. In that sense, it is kind of a social scene/pick-up hybrid. Treat it a little more like a social scene, but be prepared for spontaneous opportunity.
-Consider your presence in the scene and what sort of 'archetype' you are projecting. I knew a guy who was a killer dancer, and an absolute charmer. He would have women lining up to dance with him because he was just so vibrant. He just made them feel so good when they danced. He was full of life and passion. He knew how to make the women comfortable, but would also flirt and flatter in a way that was always welcomed. I remember one time he told me "I just love dancing with them man, I want to dance with them all. They are always so disappointed when the song is over and I move on to the next one." He was a wild card for them. None of the women would know if he was really flirting or if he was just enjoying the thrill of the dance. I on the other hand was playing the 'mysterious outsider' archetype at yoga and art classes.
That's about all the detail I think I really have to offer on this matter. This is definitely making me want to start going to classes again though, now that I have leveled up a bit as a seducer since I was last attending things like this.