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Should i send this text?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 29, 2013
I was running through a bunch of pictures and stumbled across like ten, from Christmas day a few years back, of myself and a girl I used to date. Like many of my casual dating relationships, I didn't really take her too seriously. I did like her, but it was one of those things where i felt like, "i was young and had too much living left to do" to get serious.

Anyways those pictures brought back great memories. I know she didn't really trust me after that, because I led her on pretty bad. We did attempt to talk after that, but it was too soon and didn't work out for either of us.

As i'm going through these pictures, I thought about sending her a text like "I was just going through a bunch of pictures, and ran through some of ours from Christmas. Not gonna lie, they made me smile but also feel like crap. Anyways, i just wanted to let you know i feel bad about being an ass and not taking things serious when we dated. Hope all is well" ... or something along those lines. I don't want to sound needy, but i do want to sound genuine, as I'd rather screw things up forever, than bullshit this girl again.

I have no intention of chasing after this girl (i like things to feel natural, not forced), and I am not even really caring for this great response either. Times aren't great for me at the moment for a relationship. But who knows, maybe it will just get her thinking a little?

Well, anyways, thoughts anyone?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Choosing to send the text or not is your business, but, if you decide to send a text to her. Don't mention how you felt about it, send a text and act like nothing happened, send the text with the intention of just reconnecting, not explaining the pros and cons.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 29, 2013
I'm not sure I agree. If she was hurt, then sending a text as if nothing happened would do no good. She will think something like "oh the nerve of that a-hole" and probably ignore it. What incentive does she have to respond? Zero.I like his text a lot better because it shows some feeling and might get her to think, and respond.

You don't always have to act as if you don't care or as if nothing happened. That's the part of this PUA act I disagree with.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

Personally, I wouldn't send the text. Bringing a girl back from a casual relationship that went sour is difficult to do, and it's usually a lot better if she's the one to initiate it. You're better off working with your new prospects.

With that being said, if you choose to contact her, you want to send a text that only brings up the positive emotions rather than remind her of the negative ones... so to tweak your text, I would just use the following:

I was just going through a bunch of pictures, and I ran through some of ours from Christmas, Anna. They definitely made me smile... :). I hope all is well

She needs to have enough courage and incentive to respond, and she also needs to be interested in responding in the first place. Apologizing after a long period of time just makes you look weak and needy, so make sure not to do that.

If she does respond, then you need to set up a meet pretty quickly after sending some texts back and forth. If she doesn't, then it's upward and onward.

- Franco