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Socializing  Should you fake having a cool life?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 5, 2022
So recently I met a girl and got her Instagram. I think she likes me. However I don't feel good enough for her so I came up with an idea:

I should download someone's cool Instagram stories and post them as my own.

That way she will see I have a life and she will like me more. Also I will stay on her radar so she won't forget about me.

However when I did this today I felt terrible and I deleted the fake story immediately before she saw it.

Was that a good thing? Or is fakery+results better than realness but risk of rejection?

I really don't know what path to choose. Because I tend to lie quite a lot and it's always worked for me. But it creates some sort of inner tension...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 18, 2015
So recently I met a girl and got her Instagram. I think she likes me. However I don't feel good enough for her so I came up with an idea:

I should download someone's cool Instagram stories and post them as my own.

That way she will see I have a life and she will like me more. Also I will stay on her radar so she won't forget about me.

However when I did this today I felt terrible and I deleted the fake story immediately before she saw it.

Was that a good thing? Or is fakery+results better than realness but risk of rejection?

I really don't know what path to choose. Because I tend to lie quite a lot and it's always worked for me. But it creates some sort of inner tension...
From reading the above, I would say your issue is that you don't feel good enough.
I want you to try something - ignore that feeling of you not being good enough and 'assume attraction'. You think she likes you. Cool. Run with this assumption that she likes you. What happens then?

She already likes you so
- you don't need to post fake instagram stories
- you'll move things along, because she likes you and she wants that.

In the meantime, ask yourself why you 'don't have a life' and start building a life you'd be happy with. That's the real solution to your problem.
Also don't get lead off track with Instagram, people post the highlights of their life on there. Most women live pretty boring, habitual lives and this is normal.

Also next time, suggest the date and get her number instead of her instagram


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Faking your life to be something your not at best only helps you in the short term. Long term people will find you out as a fake and then cut you off.

Plus how will you feel when everyone validates you for a life that's not yours and doesn't exist?

Working on yourself to build skills, build appearance through fundamentals, and build a lifestyle into an amazing and rewarding life is the better path. It takes longer, it's harder work, but it's a fun type of work that leads you to a powerful place and personal freedom.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I had a compulsive lying buddy.

He built this whole life story web of lies. Extremely intricate. He had all this wealth, these high status jobs, relationships with famous actresses, knew all these really rich dudes, etc.

The funny thing was it worked to some extent. He'd be hanging around with all these rich kids who viewed him as one of them, dating hot girls, and everyone treated him like the richest, highest status guy there. Even though it was all lies.

When he finally couldn't keep up with it anymore (drowning in debt from his rich guy lifestyle + too many of his lies got called out; one friend called the Harvard register's office to see if he'd ever attended school there, and I'd leafed through his passport in front of him and he hadn't visited all these countries he claimed to), he broke down sobbing, saying that he'd always thought if he could lie big enough, it would force him to work his ass off to try and match the lies. Force him to climb the corporate ranks, be a business success, make all this money, meet all these famous and well-connected and wealthy people, etc.

After the confession I didn't hear much from him anymore. I guess he felt like his cover was blown and sought out some new friends (because 100% he did not stop lying, lmao).

Funny thing is everybody still likes him though. People who knew he lied about everything would still defend him as a smart and successful guy. He was a legit brilliant guy, and had SOME success, he just wildly inflated it. But the perception in everyone's minds basically remained closer to the fictions than the truth. Kinda crazy.

Anyway, not sure where I'm going with this.

If you lie all the time and you're asking for advice on it, I doubt you're going to listen to anyone here when we tell you "don't do it!"

If you're going to do it though, you probably don't want to be stupid about it.

Posting someone else's pics as your own is being stupid about it.

Presumably the smart way to do it would be to go places and take cool pics, and then just inflate the crap out of it.

Which is sort of what everyone does on social media anyway, right?

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2023
You could just make stories that are real and imply more but aren’t actually lying.

ex. Go to a dog park and take a picture with a dog, do a martial arts class and take a picture practicing, or ask someone if you can take a photo on their motorcycle. They imply hobbies, it’s not really lying because you aren’t saying they’re passions and if someone asks you can just say “nah I was just checking it out”.

I’ve also found that the stories that get the best responses aren’t high status ones but ones that generate an emotion. I posted a dumb skit I did with a friend and it got a lot of responses, or once I got a bunch of crazy texts from a girl and posted a screenshot of those. Aping the types of things women tend to post in their stories may work as well.
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