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Should you try to give social value to EVERYONE?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 8, 2021
I know a lot of people say to give value to everyone you meet. But as I give value, there's also people who haven't 'earned' anything for me to give value to. (If that makes sense).

I don't mean this from a place of ego, I mean it from a place where I noticed certain people tend to think they're entitled to me giving them value (access to girls or introducing to others) while not giving any value back.

What's the best way to figure out who to give value to or who not to give value to?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 23, 2017
I've actually been reading up on value myself lately, not sure if it's in the same sense but I think it applies.

What's the best way to figure out who to give value to or who not to give value to?

In short, you don't. Value is a thing that we build up ourselves, not necessarily something that can be given.

If Hue Heffner came up to you when he was alive and let you borrow his car and hooked you up with two playboy bunnies, does any of his value get transferred to you? No. It's temporary and other people know this, even if it looks cool. If anything, you just gave him value by letting people see how much of a stand up guy he is.

Don't be offended if people try getting you to do things for them, people are attracted to figures with high value. Want an example of this? Why are women more attracted to men in relationships than single men? It's a form of preselection. They see a woman has judged a man as valuable enough and worthy of the opportunity to create offspring with her and take up a few precious years of her life. The girlfriend gives value in that way.

I mean it from a place where I noticed certain people tend to think they're entitled to me giving them value (access to girls or introducing to others) while not giving any value back.

If you can provide guys with access to women, that's a testament to your value. Nice! The way I see it, it's your choice if you want to give them the opportunities or keep them for yourself. If you give them the opportunities, you actually gain value (maybe they'd end up talking around about this guy who's awesome at hooking people up. Who wouldn't want to be friends with that guy?). If you don't, meh, nothing really happens (so long as you don't tell them to literally fuck off, if you do that's a bit socially disgraceful and embarrassing to them. Value lost for both of you). More for you.

Hope that answers your question,
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 2, 2020
When PUAs talk about “giving value” it has nothing to do with “sexual market value” or your “value as a person”

in simple terms it’s providing something to someone that improves their life, if only in that moment, and usually when it comes to PUA, specifically “only in the moment”

yes, having a Ferrari and letting someone use it is technically providing value but the PUA doesn’t focus on providing material value. Sure you could, but the PUA found out that the person doesn’t care about the Ferrari in an abstract sense but rather how the Ferrari makes them feel.

This lead the PUA to realize, “why work hard to buy the Ferrari when I can give the person the same feelings as the Ferrari using communication skills aka game”

Remembering/imagining something can give the same feelings as experiencing it first hand. Instead of taking a girl on a Ferrari ride up the 101 you can get the same effect IN THE CLUB talking about what it would be like for you two to “throw caution to the wind and chase the sunset driving through Big Sur just the two of you against the world”

When it comes to game, providing emotions is what “providing value” means.

when someone interacts with you they are going to be provided with good emotions; fun laughter carefree intrigue suspense jealousy envy.

vs the average flatline boring guy “hi how are you” “do you come here often” zzzz

@Gunwitch talks about this in his smma and gambit courses. Buy both for more information. Also yareallyarchive.com (way back machine it)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
I know a lot of people say to give value to everyone you meet. But as I give value, there's also people who haven't 'earned' anything for me to give value to. (If that makes sense).

I don't mean this from a place of ego, I mean it from a place where I noticed certain people tend to think they're entitled to me giving them value (access to girls or introducing to others) while not giving any value back.

What's the best way to figure out who to give value to or who not to give value to?

@Tr1cky is right on the money.

When you're in a night game situation, you showing up and injecting some life into the party is VALUE.

Good joke, good story, good teasing, good conversation - your presence and interaction is the "value". You're the cause, not the effect. People are reacting to you - instead of doing nothing.

Don't confuse the PUA idea of value with
  • Actually giving people stuff, doing favors for them
  • Sexual market place value
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers