Knight said:
Hey guys.
When I'm talking to people who I have as allies and want to further strengthen the alliance I often 'snap' out of my state and fall into theirs. Being in high school this means happy, joyful and vibrant. However in hindsight I understand that I have just lost myself to being average and reaction seeking. Have any of you had this problem? What do you do now to conquer it? I understand in the moment what is happening but for some odd reason I keep going until it's out of my system. This mainly happens when talking about passionate hobbies, however things like that come up way to often.
whats up knight
problem you speak of in the first paragraph, isn't always a problem. Mirroring other people is a natural human tendency that helps you & them feel a bit bonded, but only if you can do it in a way that seems sincere. We've all met that person that is trying way to hard to be on the same level and it makes you kind of recoil. They easily get labeled as fake, tryhard, weird, off, maybe even annoying. Just like showing emotions, and everything else in life for that matter, you need to key in on balance. When you mirror others successfully, it should feel natural.
Something that has really improved my interactions with people in general is being honest. Before, i never realized how much i would say or do things for image instead of conveying how i really felt. It's something that i'd been doing all my life, so it just seemed like the correct way to interact. I'm pretty sure people can see right through that (we all have pretty strong intuition i believe). But now there's not much filter between my thoughts and what i say, and it leaves my words a bit blunt sometimes.
Keep in mind, being honest isn't the same as treating your mouth like a girl's twitter feed. You shouldn't be sharing your every thought with people.
And sorry to hi-jack the thread here but when I'm doing my own thing should I have my eyes wide like in the post on being edgy or should I be walking with straight lips and more focused eyes?
This one's a bit hard. When you start focusing on your vibe right then and there, it kind of counteracts everything. You can pick out the guys that are super focused on being
strong and confident, He just read a post on how to be confident and he needs to use all of it, or else everyone will know how un-confident he is (He thinks). It's like he's marching- looking straight ahead, with his back stiff as a board, then he'll glance down every once in a while because keeping up the act is taking a toll and he has to rest if only for a second.
The trick i use when walking solo- somewhere crowded, like a shopping mall or Waikiki, is do like sexy and confident girls do. To those stunners: No body else exists.
Its just me enjoying me time, and whoever
might catch my eye. But the hard part is, not everyone can catch your eye, or else you're in hunter mode, which isn't attractive.