Hey guys, this is my first post. Glad to be here. A little bit about my current social status: I am a bachelor in my late twenties, I live in a large city on the East coast, and I am very much looking forward to the vast improvement that I am confident I will achieve in my romantic skills by way of, first, completing the newbie assignment, and from then on working on all of the various skills from the GC articles. My first major success has been a change in mindset, transitioning from a scarcity mindset to an ever increasing awareness of the literal abundance of very attractive women that surrounds me, especially in this major metropolis. My first major personal challenge is going to be bit outside of the social skills taught on this site--I've got to quit smoking and I've got to lose about 40-50 pounds.
Despite my currently high BMI, I am regardless a handsome guy, I dress well (when I try--also something I've got to work on), and have a lot of other innate attributes that point to my potential ability to produce real results with women, and otherwise take the bull that is life by the horns and start living more proactively--emphasis on active. I have taken these gifts and other aspects of my life for granted for much too long. I also hope I am not coming off as conceited or as if I am in love with myself, nor is it my intent to talk myself up and "display value" to you guys, so don't take it as that.
I've got a couple of other questions I am going to post in the beginner's board after this, so feel free to take a peek over there and give me some insight.
I am in the middle of reading Nino's newbie assignment journal for starters and am getting a lot out of that. I am, unfortunately, really under the weather right now so I have had to keep pushing back my start date for my own newbie assignment, but I look forward to it a great deal. It is going to be very empowering, and I think it will serve as the very foundation upon which I can build my skills one at a time (or 3 at a time as Ricardus recommends...but no more than that.) At the very least, I'll be able to use the simple approach technique from the newbie assignment on a regular basis, and even though the real improvements in social skills supposedly won't become apparent until about the six month mark (I think as stated in the same Ricardus article)...even with the six month benchmark pretty far away, I will still be exponentially improving my odds of getting some lucky results, because as of right now I am not even trying to meet girls. Well, pretty much not even trying...I'll explain in one of the posts I'm about to write in the beginner's forum.
Ok. Next response I write on this thread will be my FR from Day 1 of the newbie assignment. Wish me luck and better health...
Despite my currently high BMI, I am regardless a handsome guy, I dress well (when I try--also something I've got to work on), and have a lot of other innate attributes that point to my potential ability to produce real results with women, and otherwise take the bull that is life by the horns and start living more proactively--emphasis on active. I have taken these gifts and other aspects of my life for granted for much too long. I also hope I am not coming off as conceited or as if I am in love with myself, nor is it my intent to talk myself up and "display value" to you guys, so don't take it as that.
I've got a couple of other questions I am going to post in the beginner's board after this, so feel free to take a peek over there and give me some insight.
I am in the middle of reading Nino's newbie assignment journal for starters and am getting a lot out of that. I am, unfortunately, really under the weather right now so I have had to keep pushing back my start date for my own newbie assignment, but I look forward to it a great deal. It is going to be very empowering, and I think it will serve as the very foundation upon which I can build my skills one at a time (or 3 at a time as Ricardus recommends...but no more than that.) At the very least, I'll be able to use the simple approach technique from the newbie assignment on a regular basis, and even though the real improvements in social skills supposedly won't become apparent until about the six month mark (I think as stated in the same Ricardus article)...even with the six month benchmark pretty far away, I will still be exponentially improving my odds of getting some lucky results, because as of right now I am not even trying to meet girls. Well, pretty much not even trying...I'll explain in one of the posts I'm about to write in the beginner's forum.
Ok. Next response I write on this thread will be my FR from Day 1 of the newbie assignment. Wish me luck and better health...