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Sieze the Day - Newbie Assignment Journal


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 21, 2013
Hey guys, this is my first post. Glad to be here. A little bit about my current social status: I am a bachelor in my late twenties, I live in a large city on the East coast, and I am very much looking forward to the vast improvement that I am confident I will achieve in my romantic skills by way of, first, completing the newbie assignment, and from then on working on all of the various skills from the GC articles. My first major success has been a change in mindset, transitioning from a scarcity mindset to an ever increasing awareness of the literal abundance of very attractive women that surrounds me, especially in this major metropolis. My first major personal challenge is going to be bit outside of the social skills taught on this site--I've got to quit smoking and I've got to lose about 40-50 pounds.

Despite my currently high BMI, I am regardless a handsome guy, I dress well (when I try--also something I've got to work on), and have a lot of other innate attributes that point to my potential ability to produce real results with women, and otherwise take the bull that is life by the horns and start living more proactively--emphasis on active. I have taken these gifts and other aspects of my life for granted for much too long. I also hope I am not coming off as conceited or as if I am in love with myself, nor is it my intent to talk myself up and "display value" to you guys, so don't take it as that.

I've got a couple of other questions I am going to post in the beginner's board after this, so feel free to take a peek over there and give me some insight.

I am in the middle of reading Nino's newbie assignment journal for starters and am getting a lot out of that. I am, unfortunately, really under the weather right now so I have had to keep pushing back my start date for my own newbie assignment, but I look forward to it a great deal. It is going to be very empowering, and I think it will serve as the very foundation upon which I can build my skills one at a time (or 3 at a time as Ricardus recommends...but no more than that.) At the very least, I'll be able to use the simple approach technique from the newbie assignment on a regular basis, and even though the real improvements in social skills supposedly won't become apparent until about the six month mark (I think as stated in the same Ricardus article)...even with the six month benchmark pretty far away, I will still be exponentially improving my odds of getting some lucky results, because as of right now I am not even trying to meet girls. Well, pretty much not even trying...I'll explain in one of the posts I'm about to write in the beginner's forum.

Ok. Next response I write on this thread will be my FR from Day 1 of the newbie assignment. Wish me luck and better health...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 21, 2013
First off, I will be upfront about the fact that today I will not be completing Day 1's tasks as I had hoped to do, for various reasons.

That being said, I am actually going to adopt an amended and more fluid approach to how I write this journal anyways. First of all, I might have a dedicated post here or there for one particular day of the newbie assignment, but since I cannot complete the assignment in 11 consecutive days, I will be writing about multiple days at once, some of them being assignment completion days, others being just run of the mill days. Point is, even if I don't specifically set out to complete an assignment on any given day, I will nevertheless still be putting different things into practice (poster, voice, et cetera) and I will want to write about them to some extent. I will check in every few days to write about my experiences since my last update. My method will focus on limiting myself to writing about and analyzing actual interactions I have with women above all else. I am going to do my best to abstain from opining and theorizing about various articles and lessons from GC unless I have somehow put it into play in real life.

That being said, I am also going to slow down my consumption of information from GC articles as a deliberate strategy to avoid burnout and information overload. I will, instead, focus all of my energy on "completing" the newbie assignment, although you never complete it...it just ends with "Day 11 and from now on". It's the horse of the whole GC methodology, while the amazing articles and forum posts are the tools and materials for building a bad-ass cart, and as the adage goes, don't put the cart before the horse.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 21, 2013
Nothing to report since last post (from yesterday evening), other than the fact that I got a really stylish haircut which is a step towards that handsome, fashionable, sexy vibe that is important to cultivate.

I will edit this reply later, maybe tonight or a few days from now, after I complete my start to the newbie assignment. I'm actually going to combine the first three days into one task for efficiency sake. Day 1 is scouting four places with sufficient traffic of attractive girls. Day 2 is observing and practicing powerful posture. Day 3 is using eye contact.

I have been walking with the recommended posture for a few days now, ever since I read that article. It feels great, and it's low hanging fruit as through my observations the majority of men out there do not exude confidence, masculinity, and dominance through their posture. This is fundamental, natural, and nonverbal, so it's a subtle and effective tangible practice I can put into place immediately without coming off as tryhard. Plus it makes me feel great--confident, more masculine, dominant, and sexy. So since I've already basically accomplished step 2 of the assignment, it's only logical to progress to step 3's eye contact practice.

The assignment thread says that the benefit of the exercise will be an increase in "your ability to handle social pressure from others (in this case, others who are returning your eye contact)." Sounds good.

I'll kick things off today over my lunch break by going to the mall around the corner from my workplace. I have an errand to run over there, plus it is one of my chosen 4 places from step 1's assignment--plenty of attractive girls all over this upscale shopping center. Then this evening (or possibly spread out over the weekend) I must evaluate other places to go to meet girls in the future and choose 3. I live downtown in a major city here on the East coast, so I have plenty of places to go that are near my apartment. The mall over lunch break may prove to be useful to pack in a higher amount of approaches when I reach that point in my daily habits, and an added benefit to going to the mall over lunch break in the future is that it will help me kick a bad habit and replace it with a positive one-- currently, my lunch break is and has long been used as a break to get away from the office, grab a coffee, listen to music, and smoke too many cigarettes, which is the worst part. I've absolutely got to quit smoking, and am very close to achieving this goal.

Lunch is an hour from now. I'll probably check back in and edit this reply as soon as I get back to my computer, so as to analyze the experience while it's fresh in my head.

I just returned from going to the mall to run an errand and also practice eye contact while I was there. Nobody would make eye contact with me at all. I am going to add one person to the tally, which in order to complete this eye contact step should eventually total making eye contact with ten people. The eye contact lasted about 8 seconds and ended after this guy and I finally walked past each other. I will continue to look people in the eye as I am walking around the city this weekend, or even while I am sitting at a cafe or posting up at a pub or nightclub. I will then consider this step complete once I reach 10 people, and then move on to the next step of saying hi the following day. I will, of course, continue to practice eye contact from here on out as well--might as well be efficient and productive whenever possible since I cross paths with so many people every day. It's a no-brainer. One positive that came out of this was that my mood and countenance changed to being humored by this strange observation that people just don't look at each other in the eye as much as I had expected they would. That sly, knowing (yet warm) smirk of the devil-may-care man (as well as the devil-may-care mindset) came back to me at last, for the first time in years. Years ago, I had a few periods of social success, and it was largely attributed to my having at that time the devil-may-care outlook on life.

To be continued...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 21, 2013
I have yet to accomplish the task at hand, which is to make eye contact with 10 people. I completely intended to continue my attempts at this on Friday after work, when I met a friend to go out for the night. However, I quickly realized I was unable to truly focus on my GC eye contact assignment because I was busy chatting with my friend, et cetera. So Friday night was a bust.

Then Saturday, he called me up and practically begged me to go with him out of town so we could hang out with this girl he's had a few dates with and I could meet some of her friends. I went, and it actually turned out to be a great time, to include for the reason that I made some efforts in attraction aside from my present assignment.

But I've got to get back focused on this assignment and on self-improvement. I recently read a GC article which mentioned the power of being a "yes-man", I believe it was in the article pertaining to the devil-may-care attitude. I gave it a go last week (being a yes-man), and that's how I ended up getting all sorts of distracted this weekend. Hence, my decision to hold off on reading any additional GC articles until I complete the newbie assignment--there is too much contradictory information, which is completely acceptable and natural for such a dynamic area of study and skills development, but for now it was getting to be a little overwhelming and confusing. So... for the foreseeable future, I am going to be a bit selfish and possibly even socialize less with friends, with an aim to put in the necessary work and make progress towards completing the newbie assignment.

So what did I do on Saturday, though? Well, I put it in a field report. So go check that out if you want.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 21, 2013
Today once I get home from work I plan to jump back into the newbie assignment (currently stuck on the eye-contact task).

On a somewhat personal note, I unfortunately got off to a rough start this morning, as has been a common occurrence as of late. I am having terrible sleep troubles and arrived late to work today. Fortunately, I am making progress working with my physician(s) on this. Health (MUCH more than wealth, as we all know) and, consequently, physical energy to put into your interactions is so fundamental, if not the most fundamental of issues. To me, it's right up there with mindset.

And an observation regarding my most recent somewhat successful interactions, or rather the fact that they were exciting and very enjoyable to me no matter the results--I truly believe that the most, most, most drastic improvement in my interactions is directly attributed to changing my posture. It is twofold-- A.) It instills in me the feelings of power, dominance, confidence, and pride in myself, and literally changes my self-image for the better, and B.) it literally exhibits my power, dominance, et cetera to girls who cross my path and just allows me to exude a commensurate vibe. Then through other body language, eye contact, a sly smile, and kino I am able to add the element of sexiness to that vibe.

I know I've sort of slipped a bit into extensive analysis here, as opposed to reporting objectively and critically on specific interactions, but they are definitely based on actual real live experience, so I'm going to be flexible and allow for that. What I do want to avoid in this journal and elsewhere in the forums is opining and theorizing on various GC articles/instructions. First of all (as I mentioned in my somewhat bombastic and arrogant post about knowing my place as a newbie), I have no "authority" to base my opinions and theories on, and theorizing and opining on GC ideas would be detrimental and counterproductive to my learning and practice here. Second of all, not to bash this board which is an amazing resource and is filled with great users, but there still exists here a noticeable amount of this "noise" as I call it. I promise to be cordial, polite, and subtle about it, but I will be upfront in this post when I say that I'm going to be selective about whose advice I deem to carry weight, even if it happens to be the only response to any of my posts.

Anyways, I'm guilty here in this post of falling into my usual habit of being very wordy and hopping on the keyboard and riding it like some HB10 I've miraculously pulled ;P

Signing off on today's journal entry... time to greet the day and

seize it now.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 21, 2013
I thought I would be able to edit my previous post but find that I cannot. Oh well.

I just wanted to add another new practice, or better described as a new parameter or limit, on the level of my deference to GC, so as to most efficiently improve my skills--not for any other reason, and especially not because I think GC is detrimental to this cause at all.

I am adding to my "list of best practices" that I will abstain from asking for advice on any particular situation and then waiting here for a reply and instructions from others before taking action myself. In other words, I'm just going to be decisive in my interactions with girls and take action, when the timing seems right of course. I may still pose a request for advice before I take action, in the off chance that I'll get a reply before the time comes and the window opens to move that particular interaction/seduction forward, but the priority will be to at least attempt to capitalize on escalation windows and indications of attraction from the girl.