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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Strategies for Flying Solo Without a Wing Man ;)

Hey Guys,

This a guide for Guys Who Run Solo

Primer: I remember when I first started running and experimenting with game back in high school, a lot of my friends didn't have a clue about game. It was mainly a hit and miss process, they would sometimes get "lucky" or have oneitus and cling to a girl. We had tons of girls we were friends with, but I wasn't seeking friends. I didn't want to rely on luck, I knew that romance and dating was not something that happened by chance. The first thing I needed was some sort of direction to go in. I needed to first find out where the girls went and partied.

Finding Girls: Map Your City
I found out basic places to meet girls:
Mall, library, bookstores, coffee shops, concert halls, festivals.
The big note is the time of day I would go out and talk to these girl. They were really awesome, I'd get "lucky" get a phone number or a kiss. Every blue moon I'd even be able to take a girl to bed.

I need Fundamentals: I researched day in and day out about what exactly women wanted
I learned how to get develop a solid process: Just Dave's 4 Step Process
It worked, I was able to bring girls back to place and get intimate with them. I wanted more results so I would always continuously look for ways to up my results. I would test my openers and find ways beating women's tests such as I'm Cold! or Buy Me a Drink. I developed my own unique style and I found out my true potential!.

I developed and found rules for texting and better handled my logistics for setting dates. I was even able to turn some meet ups into instant dates. It was pretty awesome seeing how far I was coming.

Benefits of Going out Alone: Your Results
The thing about when you go out by yourself, you have more control over the interaction. You don't have to worry taking back more than one person. You don't have any hindering you except yourself, you don't have to worry about someone "stealing your girl". You can kind of ease back and take your time. If you have a girl you're talking and your friend doesn't you don't have to worry about jealousy. The number one thing to do when you go out alone, is to record your results. You also have your own place cool place to take them back too. Also keep a journal and play to win, and make sure to give your all each time. I normally set out to do at least 10 approaches each day.

Social Circles: Make friends as you go
Make friends with cashiers at grocery stores, bartenders, gym, and various other places. If people ask why you're out by yourself tell em, "My friends were being lame, but I still wanted to go out." It's easy to make friends when you're practicing being social and charismatic. You gotta get creative with openers, I asked girls how tall they were, I've even opened up sets of girls when I was so tired. What I'm trying to get across is it doesn't matter what the circumstances are, when you want to approach a girl you can do it. After you've done all the hard work and have been mastering your fundamentals. Girls are actually less intimated being approached by one guy rather than two.

Bedding Women: Getting creative!
You learn to pick up women on the fly give them interesting sex like car sex. You even learn to pick women up using technology at times. The most important is to remember to give women hard sex when you get intimate with them. The biggest thing is you learn to use all avenues of seduction to get the results you want. Whether that be online, apps, cold approaches, social circles, work hard and master your fundamentals. Your fundamentals will be your guide to landing girls on the day to day.

Relationships and Hookups: Getting girlfriends and lovers
When you've been hooking up with a particular girl and have been having sex with her, you can easily wrap her up into a relationship. IF you're not into relationships just yet, keep doing your own thing and meeting new women. Never stop approaching women and forgetting to bring new ones into your life.

Conclusion: You won't always have a wing man or someone to hold your hand. You have to learn to be able to stand on your own and make things happen in your life. At the end of the day, you have final say about what you want and you can do with your life. Live it to the fullest, find a style that works for you and keep developing it. There's a lot of great info in this post so take a look at the links. This way you won't have to rely on luck, but you'll have a refined skill. Hope you guys enjoyed this read.

Take care,

Just Dave


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Casanova.Jr said:
With your level of experience I was hoping you could shed some light on why this happens and how I could do this flying solo.

P.S. You mentioned these weapons...

*The Ghost Technique
*The Iron Giant
*Ebony and Ivory

Mind sharing some of them :) ?

I'll post those in the comment section of this post after this comment.

You have to be conditioned for going alone, it could have something to do with having someone to motivate you to approach and feeling the extra confidence boost. When you're by yourself, the only who can motivate when you're not feeling like approaching is yourself.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
The Ghost Technique

Primer: The Ghost Technique is a combination of being a secret lover and doing "stealth" pick up. The whole purpose of the ghost technique is to keep your mysterious vibe with the girl and maintain the secret lover image to lengthen casual relationships. It keeps the girl interested and not expecting too much from you. It's not meant to social circles.

What to Do: This is a technique that relies on you not meeting her friends or having her meet your friends for as long as possible. Keep the relationship between you guys to she if it would actually work. Just tell her that you want to spend time with her first to work on your chemistry. Tell her you don't want to rush through the romance. Tell her you have a lot of things you're working on, and you don't want to give her the wrong impression. This is about being upfront about the right things and expectation setting if she wants to see you whether seriously or casually.

Proper execution: Stay Busy! Avoid any social gathering of hers and keep her from meeting anyone of great importance in your life if you want her to be casual. This includes proper telling her that your busy doing a project or slammed at work. That means no doing friendly activities, you're a ghost no ones supposed to know you exist. You have to frame the interaction as "You're awesome, I don't have the time for something serious though." You know a lot about her, but she knows simple little vague things about you. You're supposed to layers and she's supposed to work hard to uncover those layers. Don't tell her everything and let her discover things on her own.

Drawbacks: If you she wants you in an actual relationships, then she'll want to spend a good amount of time with you. However, as you pace things in the beginning let her know up front that you can only see her a couple times a week. She'll be working hard to get to know you, she'll become greatly emotionally invested in you. As a result she'll want to know how you feel about her very often. She can become insecure after awhile, and wonder about other women.

Benefits: You have time to yourself, and you can maintain your options. You view things with a clear head as much as possible. You don't have her friends, family, or anyone else all in your business. It gives you time to think about what you want out of the relationship without outside pressure or force. It gives you and the girl a real opportunity to connect. She'll fall hard for you and want to be around you more. You'll have a better shot of making the relationship last.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
The Iron Giant

Primer: The whole thing about the iron giant is being unshaken and knowing exactly what you want and knowing how to achieve that goal. You have to have focus, and remember not to let anyone pressure you into doing something that you don't want to do. You have to the ability to thing for yourself and do things for the benefit of you. It's knowing when to not let people take advantage of you and standing firm on your own. It also keeps you from taking things the wrong way when girls, friends, or family members tell you something. You want to response to things from a logical level and not an emotional level.

Execution: It's deal with drama and defusing tension, and setting the right expectation. You have to address each situation with a "I want you but, I don't need you" attitude. Never be afraid to walk away from a bad situation.

example 1
Girl: You never have time for me and you don't love me.
Me: Where is this coming from?
Girl: *Tries to think about things* You don't take me out anymore.
Me: Sweetie, you know I've been busy lately doing this and that, and you know I see you when you can. However, it hurts me when you take this out of context and assume I don't love you.
Girl: *Begins to backtrack*
Me: If you feel bothered by something let me know and don't hold it in okay?
Girl: Okay

example 2
Girl: You should really come hang out with me and my friends tonight! They're dying to meet you!
Me: Not tonight sweetheart, I really need to get this project done for work.
Girl: But you're always working and not making time for me and my friends.
Me: Your friends aren't wants going to put food on the table for me, tonight is just not a good night for me. We can do something next time.
Girl: I understand, I guess that will be alright.
Me: Alright babe, we'll I gotta get back to work take care.

example 3
Girl: You should take me out to dinner.
Me: Why's that?
Girl: Because it'd be nice.
Me: Maybe if you're a good girl.
Girl: But I'm always good.
Me: It's all about consistency babe. So what else is new?

The main idea here is to stick to your guns and not be pressured to do something that you don't really want to do.

Drawbacks [-] and Benefits [+]:
-Girls will try and guilt trip you
+Girls will respect you more
+You set the expectation that you won't give a girl a everything she wants
+You teach her that things are earned and just given away
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Casanova.Jr said:
These techniques are awesome, they'll be put to very good use.

Thanks Dave!


Awesome mate, let me know how they work out for you. I've spun these into some pretty advance things after the original concepts, let me know if you come up with any mods. I'm about to post the "Ebony and Ivory"