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Space Monkey
space monkey
May 10, 2024
Todd V on how his System relates to Verbal Game:
  • The System is the skeleton of the interaction that has to be in place.
    • Roadmap. Designed simple to follow infield.
    • In interaction, ask "where am I? what phase?" and act accordingly.
  • Verbal Game is the muscles, tendons, organs that make the skeleton come to life.
    • Specific implementation of steps in the System.
    • Some canned material for each phase.
    • How to instinctively generate content infield for each phase congruent to personality.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 10, 2024
Summary of Todd V's System with notes from FR Sharing is Caring:
  1. Open
    • Along with Close, one of two phases that are inherently needy/awkward
    • Get it over with as quickly as possible, just need to start conversation
    • Be loud enough to get her attention
    • Assume advantageous position where she can face you and you can game without discomfort
    • Engage group quickly
      • Girl to group: "hey, you're cute; are these your friends?"
      • Group to girl: "hey guys- whoa this one's trouble!"
    • Direct: compliment, convey interest, give reason e.g. "hey, you're cute/looked interesting; I wanted to meet you" (beginners)
    • Indirect: opinion, comment on situation; have to transition to M2W (intermediate to advanced)
    • Situational/Observational: tease right away, conveying premise spontaneously without tryhard e.g. EC "don't give me that look"
  2. Premise
    • Indicating the nature of the interaction/conversation that may happen before you can start to have it
    • Must make clear that "I am a man, you are a woman" in this conversation and acknowledge this fact
      • Not done, resulting in HBTiktok assuming I'm gay, unsure on HBSinger's initial impressions
    • Not necessarily Intent (showing explicit interest in the girl) but Intent is one form of Premise
    • If something happens, it will be sexual in nature; establish M2W frame giving permission to girl to act accordingly
    • Analogy: jobs on offer vs. offering a job
    • Overt compliment: "you're cute/cool; I like you", better keep to her personality/style for best effect
    • Push-pull: "part of me loves you, part of me hates you", keep tension as to whether she can have me
      • Tension dissipated with HBSinger after prolonged bar makeout
    • Premise in the negative: "I'm not gonna go home with you tonight", bring up idea but create barrier
    • Implied premise (not enough, buy time for or add to other premise): teasing, introduction, disagreement, strong opinions
  3. Evaluation
    • Make her and both of you together feel special in some way, and that she earned your affection by winning you over
      • Attempted with singer qualification but could've been done better with real Buyer frame
    • Creating idea that girl is winning by meeting you as opposed to you winning
    • Obvious, just ask: "you're cute but beauty is common, what do you have besides..."
    • Challenge: "I'm really into girls that work out... how often do you work out?"
    • Just lead, talk passionately, leave blank: "I'm really into music...", see if she seeks rapport
  4. Narrative
    • Create connection, some special story between you and her
    • After interaction, what would she tell her friends about you and about you and her together?
    • Hold off until other phases are thoroughly established and she wants to connect with you
    • Part 1: who you are as a man; conveyed from the beginning, helped by Verbal Game
    • Part 2: who you and her are together, must define part 1 before she wants "us"
  5. Close
    • Getting desired result of the interaction
      • Mainly aiming for kiss-close; got it, but then
      • Didn't really believe deep-down I could make it to sex with prevailing logistics so lost steam somewhat
    • Most important part: without it, all preceding stages are meaningless
    • Structure with close in mind: interaction is meant to close and give you results or feedback
    • Game is about being effective and getting results, so focus on closing


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 10, 2024
Todd V on Eras of Game:
  1. No Game
    • Game doesn't exist, you get girl you're supposed to based on value
    • To get girls, become a celebrity, football captain, good job, nice car
    • No emphasis on value of social skills and idea that they can be learned
    • Most of the world is oblivious to existence of Game and live in marketing-perpetuated Hollywood fantasy
  2. Canned Game
    • Highly scripted and repeat what worked over and over
    • Speed Seduction: long stories for NLP hypnosis
    • Mystery Method: interactive attraction techniques, but performance-based and meticulously planned (mating dance)
    • Pros: low AA, elicit good reactions, provide motivation, powerful (inconsistent) access to hottest girls
    • Cons: no calibration or congruence, uncanny valley of attraction, stark attraction/comfort contrast, running out of routines
    • Very difficult to escalate if frame of "we're not going to get along"
  3. Natural Game
    • Came about after The Game around PC concerns for marketing and congruence
    • Similar to No Game era in that you can just be yourself, more congruent and confident
    • Benefitted from discoveries and innovations of Canned Game era (e.g. being the prize, escalation tactics)
    • Still can run out of things to say early on
    • Hard to structure and sequence interactions for best results
    • Discovery of State, achieving flow-state to access natural charisma, and its transference
      • Not always practical to attain and creates undesirable reliance
      • Tough to attain when thinking about getting it or not having it
    • Escalation was a lot smoother and congruent (escalation sequences, two steps forward one back)
      • When girl likes you, can carry it forward physically to result
      • When she doesn't, can feel pushy and annoying
    • More results with lower-quality girls and more guys in the community
    • Lower effectiveness with hottest girls, hit or miss at best
  4. Optimized Game
    • Best elements of Canned and Natural for something better than either
    • Have a plan and general structure for direction of interaction that is adaptable for circumstances
    • A few canned lines to fall back to if needed, not shoehorning in when not congruent or productive
    • Process or format for creating lines as needed that are congruent with you and relevant to her
    • Ability to be as powerful and charismatic as Canned style but using selected routines
    • Also congruent and Natural by being yourself, creating routines on the spot
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 10, 2024
Todd V on non-verbal elements:
  • Law of Least Effort: don't say what you can nod, don't nod what you can wink, don't wink what you can smile
  • Volume: you believe what you say, don't care who can hear it, quiet is more awkward mostly
  • EC (timing, length, intensity): best used when making a point
  • Pauses (timing, length): encourage her participation, emphasize points
  • Inflection (happy/sad, friendly/antagonistic): change meaning of words
  • Tonality (TR, NR, BR): all have utility but generally opt for somewhere between NR to BR
  • Safe baseline is acting as if in supportive environment where positive reaction is expected (like around friends or girlfriends)