Todd V on Eras of Game:
- No Game
- Game doesn't exist, you get girl you're supposed to based on value
- To get girls, become a celebrity, football captain, good job, nice car
- No emphasis on value of social skills and idea that they can be learned
- Most of the world is oblivious to existence of Game and live in marketing-perpetuated Hollywood fantasy
- Canned Game
- Highly scripted and repeat what worked over and over
- Speed Seduction: long stories for NLP hypnosis
- Mystery Method: interactive attraction techniques, but performance-based and meticulously planned (mating dance)
- Pros: low AA, elicit good reactions, provide motivation, powerful (inconsistent) access to hottest girls
- Cons: no calibration or congruence, uncanny valley of attraction, stark attraction/comfort contrast, running out of routines
- Very difficult to escalate if frame of "we're not going to get along"
- Natural Game
- Came about after The Game around PC concerns for marketing and congruence
- Similar to No Game era in that you can just be yourself, more congruent and confident
- Benefitted from discoveries and innovations of Canned Game era (e.g. being the prize, escalation tactics)
- Still can run out of things to say early on
- Hard to structure and sequence interactions for best results
- Discovery of State, achieving flow-state to access natural charisma, and its transference
- Not always practical to attain and creates undesirable reliance
- Tough to attain when thinking about getting it or not having it
- Escalation was a lot smoother and congruent (escalation sequences, two steps forward one back)
- When girl likes you, can carry it forward physically to result
- When she doesn't, can feel pushy and annoying
- More results with lower-quality girls and more guys in the community
- Lower effectiveness with hottest girls, hit or miss at best
- Optimized Game
- Best elements of Canned and Natural for something better than either
- Have a plan and general structure for direction of interaction that is adaptable for circumstances
- A few canned lines to fall back to if needed, not shoehorning in when not congruent or productive
- Process or format for creating lines as needed that are congruent with you and relevant to her
- Ability to be as powerful and charismatic as Canned style but using selected routines
- Also congruent and Natural by being yourself, creating routines on the spot
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