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Slave to the rhythm


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
The social momentum was building this past week to a crescendo yesterday.

After five intense days of 9 to 5 classes and welcome events, I had a free day in the city. I went to "try out" (free trial, even though I was leaving the next day (today)) a local gym to do my workout, then went to meet a couple of guys for some fresh pasta for lunch.

We then went to a food market where I got a sandwich, and we were sipping cold high-pressure draught Spanish beer. (I got a half pint - these days I don't drink (when I drink) more than 2 beers per week, never of the pint size)

Then one of the guys had to go return an item at a store. Then I invited them along with me to a birthday party barbecue. We rocked up at 4.00 p.m. (the start time was supposedly 2.00 p.m.) but the birthday boy hadn't even showered yet.

We hung around, chilling, and then about an hour later he asked me to light and then man the grill. The lighting part took longer than we anticipated, since initially there was no kerosene. Then one of the bros I rocked up to the party with went to buy the kerosene and after that it was easier.

The grill position gave me a lot of visibility in the party. We were in his big patio at the back of his house, with stellar sound and a DJ booth. The night before I had met this really cute and sexy Asian girl at another drinks (she was the younger sister of a more butch dyke kind of chick who just started one of the postgrad degrees at the same school as me) and I was happy that she showed up to the bbq as well, even if I wasn't sure I'd have the patience to disarm her sister or if it was even feasible considering that they live in the same apartment.

At some point I went inside (maybe to wash my hands of the charcoal, and to take a piss), and as I was walking back out to the patio, I saw this new girl (she had apparently just arrived) who was looking for a cup. I told her to follow me and went to get her a cup, then smiled at her, and went back to the grill.

A little bit later she appeared on the patio and introduced herself (or maybe one of my mates introduced her to me) but I was still busy with the grill role. We chatted a bit. She had been studying my language, had visited my hometown, and loved our food, weather, and culture.

The girl was short, tanned, slim body, with the typical visage of one of native South American stock, with thick lips and a salient nose. She was cute, dressed in sports leggings that highlighted how fit she was.

She was the first person I served up grilled chicken, which the birthday boy’s crew had been marinating in the typical African way. She told me it was delicious, and, as I went to get something from inside, I told her, to her ear, “It was made with love.”

I continued working the grill, and would sporadically go chat with HBLeggings. Very soon into these excursions, she started putting her hand on my chest, shoulder, etc. Sort of “taking ownership” of me. The hot Asian saw these developments unfold from the side with interest, butch dyke sister in tow.

In reaction to her kino, I started holding her waist, then letting go of it, when I spoke to her. Then we started dancing to the African beats, in a very physical way.

Soon into that I asked her if she had plans after the party. She said “no,” so I asked her if she’d be down to grab a drink afterwards, and she said “let’s see how the party unfolds.”

A couple of hours of dancing together later (we were in a bubble, and I had already grabbed her ass once or twice (I couldn't resist...)) I asked her if she “wanted to get out of there” and she asked me “to go where?” and I said, “to a bar,” and she said, “which bar?” and I said, “I can find a good one.” She said she wanted to stay a little longer.

Of course, she wanted all the other people in her course to leave. From these, there was a warpig who tried to sabotage my set by pulling her along to some pointless escapade in a touristic and chaotic part of town, as part of a series of maneuvers executed once they noticed that we were inches away from making out, as we danced super sensually to the exotic beats.

I should mention though, that letting the tension build by NOT making out, and letting my body react to the rhythm and really get into it, were crucial tools in this seduction.

After carefully swatting away the warpig, we were suddenly both alone in the party (the party was still full of people but we knew none of them except the birthday boy at that point, who was smoking up in another part of the house), at which point she asked me which bar I wanted to take her to. I had already given her options when I countered the warpig’s sabotage plan, and decided to take her to a pub a stone’s throw away from my airbnb.

Then I led her to the pub, grabbed a half pint of Guinness, then asked her if she didn’t want to listen to native hip hop from my country as I had proposed earlier on to her (to seed the pull, I’d suggested we could perhaps “listen to it later” in response to her question about what types of music we made in my country). She said, “sure.”

So I took her home. In the back of my mind I was wondering if I needed to talk about comfort and trust, or the tea and consent video, but once we got home it was pretty cookie cutter. She was 100% ready to fuck, because we’d been dancing sensually (and she said she “loved my moves,”) with her feeling my huge boner, for hours, which is already a form of foreplay.

She wanted the condom and I did the bit where I went to fetch it, got it out of its packaging, but went in raw regardless with the explanatory “I’m getting hard to put it on.” In my experience, once she tastes you as God made you, she forgets about the rubber.

We fucked like rabbits for 2 straight hours. Somehow I managed to not cum. She called me "hot," and "sexy," complimented my muscles, and asked if she could touch them, lol. It was nice to get some recognition for all those hours spent in the gym.

Then she slept over holding onto me, and we fucked twice again once in the night and another in the morning, whereupon I finally ejaculated on her stomach. During the night fuck I’d unsuccessfully tried to get her to wrap her mouth around my shlong so I could jizz into it. I suppose she's one of those "BJs only deeper into the relationship" chicks.

Walked her to the subway station this morning. She wants to meet again. I’m down, even though I’m gonna be super busy for the next two years, and we don’t live in the same city. But she’s clearly from a moneyed family, and stated she’d be down to visit me.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake