Going through a bit of a tough time, hope you guys can add your two cents to this:
I"m currently a sophomore studying in an extremely small college; about 900 people on campus. I rarely meet new people and it's the same faces everywhere I go in college. Not to take anything away from the college itself, the students are bright and intelligent, however the small size of the school and its subsequent social hierarchy really confuses my identity.
It wasn't until Spring semester of Freshman year when I found Chase's website and really implemented its teachings to my life. Prior to that, I was a mess; I projected a tryhard front to mask my inner insecurities and my social skills were abysmal. That said, I kept to myself for the whole freshman year, rarely going out to meet new people. Looking back, that was a big mistake as social groups are pretty much congealed by now and more and more do I feel like an outsider. I have this immense sense of shame as I walk around campus, perhaps it may be delusional persecutory thoughts, but people know my face yet they never see me out socializing. I believe I have good fundamentals; I dress fashionably and don't project "nerd" externally but the incongruency I've created by presenting myself as a cool guy yet who doesn't (afraid) to go out really confuses my identity at college.
Nevertheless, my college feels more like a high school and social hierarchy is significant. I'm so conditioned in college that whenever I come back, regardless of the fact that I would be completely different back at home in terms of friends and pick up, I would revert to this socially awkward, unconfident, emotionally unstable person I was in Freshman year.
I know I'm a good person in the core, but the sense of shame I feel in school really messes with my emotions. I can't act naturally no matter how hard I try and I know I carry a "loner" reputation at school.
I've read Chase's article on escaping hierarchy mentality but I can't seem to change my belief systems. Even when I logically understand the concept, the social hierarchy at school is so overwhelming that the shame I feel about myself does not allow me to be who I really am. In many ways, my identity is restricted by expectations and the initial impressions I've given off to people at my school.
To make it clear, I'm not promoting negativity in my post as I'm meta-conscious of what is happening and who I truly am inside. That said, if you guys can add your two cents to my situation, that would be truly helpful. Thanks!
- Zen
I"m currently a sophomore studying in an extremely small college; about 900 people on campus. I rarely meet new people and it's the same faces everywhere I go in college. Not to take anything away from the college itself, the students are bright and intelligent, however the small size of the school and its subsequent social hierarchy really confuses my identity.
It wasn't until Spring semester of Freshman year when I found Chase's website and really implemented its teachings to my life. Prior to that, I was a mess; I projected a tryhard front to mask my inner insecurities and my social skills were abysmal. That said, I kept to myself for the whole freshman year, rarely going out to meet new people. Looking back, that was a big mistake as social groups are pretty much congealed by now and more and more do I feel like an outsider. I have this immense sense of shame as I walk around campus, perhaps it may be delusional persecutory thoughts, but people know my face yet they never see me out socializing. I believe I have good fundamentals; I dress fashionably and don't project "nerd" externally but the incongruency I've created by presenting myself as a cool guy yet who doesn't (afraid) to go out really confuses my identity at college.
Nevertheless, my college feels more like a high school and social hierarchy is significant. I'm so conditioned in college that whenever I come back, regardless of the fact that I would be completely different back at home in terms of friends and pick up, I would revert to this socially awkward, unconfident, emotionally unstable person I was in Freshman year.
I know I'm a good person in the core, but the sense of shame I feel in school really messes with my emotions. I can't act naturally no matter how hard I try and I know I carry a "loner" reputation at school.
I've read Chase's article on escaping hierarchy mentality but I can't seem to change my belief systems. Even when I logically understand the concept, the social hierarchy at school is so overwhelming that the shame I feel about myself does not allow me to be who I really am. In many ways, my identity is restricted by expectations and the initial impressions I've given off to people at my school.
To make it clear, I'm not promoting negativity in my post as I'm meta-conscious of what is happening and who I truly am inside. That said, if you guys can add your two cents to my situation, that would be truly helpful. Thanks!
- Zen