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FR  smooth gym pickup


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
I thought that I'd post this since I really liked how it came about. It just happened spontaneously in the moment.

When I enter the gym, there's always a worker that swipes your card.

I enter the gym today and notice the girl's jersey right away (besides herself -- a young, short beauty with light brown hair and that girl-next-door look). I have never seen her before (but, I usually don't work out on Saturdays).

She's wearing a football jersey which is odd to me, and I don't know the colors. We smile at each other as I hand her my card; I maintain strong eye contact....

Me: "Hey."
Her: "Hi."
Me: "So what team is that jersey?"
Her: "Oh, it's Virginia Tech [not where I live]. Hey, I have a question. What's the difference between a football jersey and a basketball jersey?"
Me: "Well, I think a football jersey is bigger and has the numbers on the arms and a v-neck. I'm not exactly sure though..."
Her: "Oh, I was always wondering what the difference was."
Me: "Yeah, sports." (I give a whatever-kind-of-silly look and then smile)
Her: "Ha, sports."

I walk off to the locker room and then work out. As I'm working out, I realize how dumb I am. She asked me a question on purpose.... to interact with me. She pretty much opened me.

But, if I read her wrong (because she could just be being friendly as an employee), this has the potential to get messy as I may have to see her often. While I'm working out, I decide that I'll call her "Miss Virginia" as I'm leaving (partly inspired by Marty's amazing nicknames for women in FRs) and see if conversation continues.

As I'm leaving, she's at the counter with no one around. I approach, and we both smile at each other.

Me: "Hey Miss Virginia."
Her: "Hey there! Miss Virginia?"
Me: "Yeah, it's my new nickname for you." (I smile)
Her: "Haha. You know no one has ever given me a nickname before."
Me: "Really? Your past boyfriends must have not been very creative."
Her: "No, I guess not haha."
Me: "Well, if you ever want to date a creative guy for once, just let me know."
Her: "Hmmm.... well, yeah! I'd love to date a creative guy."
Me: "OK, let's go out. What's your number? I don't need your name; I'll just use Miss Virginia."
Her: "Haha, I'll tell you anyway. My real name is....."

Very simple, very easy. No conversation/rapport built at all haha.

I just thought of this line right on the spot. I love it because she would never say "no" and make it awkward for us in the future. Instead, she would have just said, "OK, sure, I'll think about dating a creative guy one day." Then I would have just left and known that was a "no." Instead, if I had asked her out directly and she had said no, that could have been kind of awkward for future meetings.

I wish this is how ALL of my interactions would go! Love it.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers