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Smoothie's Newbie Assignment


Aug 14, 2018

Sup boys and girls, I am a 20 year old uni student, who was a virgin until about 4 months ago. From what my friends have told me I have no game, but for some reason i am usually surrounded by girls. I have since then found this site and started to get a hell of a lot more aggressive, making moves and the such, which led to my first two lays (both converted into FWBs) Prior to learning seduction I learned how to make friends. I had like two in elementary, but I was joining random groups of people in highschool. I tend to lose confidence when trying to talk seduce though. Well I have more or less run out of girls to hit on in my social circles. I am on summer break right now but no way in hell am I letting not being on campus stop me. Well hopefully cold approaching gives me new girls to flirt with, and new adventures to be had. (On the down low, one of my dreams is to travel the world picking up girls, gotta love wanderlust) Here I GOOOO!!!


Aug 14, 2018
Day 1:

Felt demotivated about finding places, didn't think there were any good places close to me, I live in the suburbs of toronto. So I decided to go to my campus. I skipped the first four days of the challenge because that's just the arrogant guy I am. I felt like just saying Hi would be too awks so I started with "Hey, How's your day going".

Girl 1: I first started chatting up a girl on the bus, she was already talking to an older lady so it made my life easier. I just joined the conversation. Found out she has a boyfriend to which I commented "In Highschool, you look like that, and only one boyfriend". She smiled a bit and said many boyfriends but loyal to one. Not sure how I played that. The rest was kind of platonic. I told her to sit with me on the bus, I "stole" some of her chocolate. I got her number. She said she likes skiing. I said no way I need people to ski with. Didn't end up texting her due to age and boyfriend.

Girl # 2: I was walking by and mistook her for my friend. I went up to her and said "______" and she said no its "girl". I was a little embarrassed so I just walked away at that point, But she smiled and seemed happy. (thank you improving fundamentals)

Girl #3 Met up with a friend I had been flirting with previously but she was a little colder to me. Also met me with a mutual friend. I texted her after saying we should meet one on one to get to know each other but she said she prefers meeting with friends. I guess my attraction has expired.

Girl 4: This was where I realized the true power of "Hey, How's your day going". It seems to be perfect if you are just stuck beside someone. I was waiting in line chatting with friends when she joined the line right behind me. On the down low, I saw her walking up and went, damn she's cute earlier. I excused myself from my friends dramatically (Saying, oh my I can't know you anymore - I think they had said something dumb). Then turned to her and said, hey, How's your day going. She seemed taken a little off guard, (I think I gave her too much focus, like my full body turned towards her, I also didn't invade her personal space at any point which might have been a mistake, probs a good thing though.) Anyways I talked to her, deep diving, called her attractive under the radar. Wasn't super sexual, but not platonic either. Improvement. I ended up grabbing her number by saying, wait let me grab your number before I forget (we were at the front of the line).

Texts were:

Hey m, it was great meeting you. It's Smoothie the guy who adores putting people on the spot.

Hey! Nice to meet you too :)

2 days later:
Hey M, just finished trekking through the wild jungle of Toronto! How's your week looking?

4 days later: ?

Still got no response.

Girl 2 Take 2: Went to grab lunch, when I saw girl #2 Again. She was sitting in the cafe, so I started talking to her. grabbed her number. Texted her but she didn't respond :(

Girl 5: This happened in the library on campus. I bumped into my friend who pointed out a cute chinese girl, the girl noticed looked up, looked at me, then I asked her how her day was going. The conversation was kind of meh. (I don't remember it tbh) I cold read that she was from china. then left.

Girl 6: A hired gun, library staff, just tapped her asked her hows her day going. then moved on, nothing special.

Girl 5 Update: Straight up walked up to her and copied a line from a lay report I read. "Hey I don't normally do this, but I think you're really cute. Would I be able to grab your #. Got the number moved on"

Girl 7: Asian on the bus, Asked her how her day is going. She gave me a weird look, asked if she wanted to chat, it's more fun than being alone, she said she preferred loneliness D:

Girl 8: Running to the bus along with an older lady, just told her they really need to put more time between transfers. We started talking, the conversation went purely platonic. She was a recruiter so she gave me advice on with stream I should go into. (Software Development)

I am quite proud of my first day. But I have no idea why M stopped Responding any ideas would be greatly appreciated


Aug 14, 2018
Day 2:

Today I took to the streets of Toronto with the express purpose of getting rejected. It was depressingly easy. First rejection on the bus, awkwardly transitioned to a girl asking if she wanted to chat. She said no. :'(
People on the streets of Toronto won't even make eye contact with you. There are cute people but like yikes I just got straight up ignored most of the time. left with my ego in tatters having been rejected more than 3 times. I didn't even get to do stupid stuff like ask the girl if I could hide in her place until the mafia forgot about me.


Aug 14, 2018
Day 3:

Was in the states shopping so I decided to try day 2 of the challenge, making eye contact with people. There are not enough cute girls in the states. I prefer slender girls and yikes, they did not exist much. I think I did an all right job making eye contact although I definitely have not learned how to notice a girl watching you, via peripherals yet.


Aug 14, 2018
Day 4:

Read Nino's report and decided not to be so pessimistic about there being no good places and arrogant (thinking I'm already a beast at cold approaching and can skip a bunch of steps), so this time I tried for actual day one. It was sunday afternoon and I went to the mall. I then found that there were barely any girls to talk to. In any of the locations. I saw like 3 cute girls in an hour. I also went to the chapters but maybe found one alright girl. Finding places is going to be hard. Campus is great but it's kind of far, an hour by bus. I decided to try to go to square one on a weekday so we'll see how it goes.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take