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FR  So f'n close! Almost pulled from night game


Aug 12, 2013
First I'd like to say that I'm happy this happened, I've only gotten this close from night game venues maybe 5-6 times in 2.5 years, so to get experiences like this shows me what I'm doing RIGHT which is like striking gold for me... as opposed to my day game pulls and online pulls which have a TOTALLY different vibe, it's like a totally different game!

On to the report:

I thought this girl was giving me AI's I couldn't tell if she was with someone. She looked very depressed or sad. She started walking, I grabbed shoulder and said "hey!" - she ignored me and kept walking. I shrugged and kept approaching other girls.

About 20 minutes later I see her standing by herself, I go up to her and say "Hey, hows your night going?" she ignored me for a second, I didn't walk away and just looked at her. She looked up and said "My friends left me and I'm all alone", I said "I wish I could cheer you up.", she said "What do you do?", I said "What do I do?", she said "Yea"- I didn't want to answer her directly because I didn't want to set a provider frame, but the tension was strong and I just didn't give a fuck so I said "I'm a programmer" she said "I thought so", I said "you?" she said "I work in marketing", I said "So do I", "What firm?", I tell her my firm, then explain to her that it closed down and I'm a freelancer. I tell her "I live in the area" she says "Where?" I say "Just down the street" - I can't remember what she said afterwards but the eye contact was intense. She stopped talking, and we were just staring at eachother. I was really close to her, my hand touching brazing her ass. Her lips were near mine.

I totally forgot to even ask for her name, she asked for my name (do you think this helped?). I grabbed her hand and started caressing it, she wasn't letting go. I don't remember what I was saying, but she told me "You're good, you're good at bantering" I said "What?" she said "You have good game". I said "I'm just being myself", and she said "That's good! you say the right things".

Between this there is a lot of silence, just eye fucking, sensual caressing, ass grazing, touching her blouse a little bit.

Out of nowhere she says "You're making me uncomfortable", as we're holding hands and mutual escalating. I said "I'm making you uncomfortable?", she repeated herself. I said "Then i'll leave.", she didn't say anything and looked at me. I said "I'd hate to make you uncomfortable so I'll leave", she said "Fine.."

We kept caressing and eye fucking, she's talking very slow.

She says "I have a boyfriend", and looks up and to the corner, while 2 guys are staring at me the whole time but I ignored them, for a second I thought one of them was the boyfriend, so I said "Is he here?!" and she said "No".. Fewww, I calmed down a bit.

(can't remember how accurate the following part is, but it went along the line of)

I said "Let's go outside.." she said "I have a boyfriend".. I changed subjects and built tension, she kept looking at my lips so I said "I won't let you kiss me. I know it's on your mind." - I don't remember what she said but she tried to defend herself, I said "I love the tension we're having" she 'said "You're really confident", I said "Why?" she said "For doing what you're doing". . I said "Let's go for a walk" she didn't say anything.. So I thought to myself "fuck it, why am I asking?" I grab her hand and pull it and then order her "Where is your jacket?" she says "At the front", I said "Let's go" and we walk to the front of the bar. She gets her jacket and we walk towards my place.

As we were walking we weren't talking at all at first, and I wanted to talk so I said "Where did you grow up?" and we started chatting about where she grew up, my area, she told me she lives right beside my place, etc.. just fluffing.. I don't know if this killed all the tension, maybe I should have just shut up and touched her ass all the way to my place. I don't know, I haven't done this in night game often. Usually when I pull girls from my place from online game, we chat on the way to my place.

Anyways, I told her we're near my place, I think this was a big mistake, as it kills the unpredictability. I don't know if this is true because some guys just go for the pull straight from the venue instead of "walking the dog" like I did this with girl. Right when we get near my place she pulls away and walks in the other direction. I'm like "WTF?" she tells me "You're a great guy and I would totally <can't remember what she said "be your girlfriend" or "hook up with you"> if I didn't have a boyfriend.", I started walking with her in her direction and she smiled and laughed and said "Are you walking with me?", I don't know if she wanted me to follow her to her place, she told me she lives near me earlier. i was scared her boyfriend was waiting for her at her place (if this is even true), so I tried to renavigate her to my place, I tried re-escalating a few times, getting close, she gave me cheek kisses, etc.. but the resistance just started piling on. So I eventually gave up and let her go..

This is the same scenario that happened to me in the past a few times, one with married chick which I pulled to an alley and fingered in my first month of pickup, the other times it was when we got near my place and they would bail last second.. So frustrating. The only times I actually pulled from night game was in groups, but never solo. I guess you could say she gave me clues earlier on in the venue that this is a waste of time and she was just leading me on.. I dunnno.

She was pretty hot too :(
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers