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So Torn...



So I've been very inactive since my second post because of two reasons, one: approach anxiety got the best of me and two I've been talking to this girl online she seen my pics and thinks im very cute so im working on her and im gonna meet up with her shes made it very clear shes interested but now for the tuff part when I get around girls I get too nervous until a certain amount of time has passed then I get comfortable, but I invest in one girl a lot and get heartbroken ALOT so I try to force myself to talk to lots of other girls but the approach anxiety get the best of me evrytime..... almost to the point where I want to give up, what should I do?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Don't think that every girl you talk to is a do or die thing, meaning don't weight the whole interaction as your only shot at bedding or getting with a lady. There are so many other girls out there that it doesn't really matter if you mess up or stumble your words think of it as a ordinary interaction and keep calm. People usually can't tell your nervous until you make it evident that you are so face your anxiety with a clear head and accept that you will make mistakes and fumble and other times you will succeed its all trial and error my friend! Good Luck ~ Novacane
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey there Lambardi,

Yeah, approach anxiety is actually one of the BIGGEST hills you'll have to climb in seduction, and unfortunately, it is Step Numero Uno (#1) that needs to be accomplished before you can begin to practice your other techniques with women.

If it makes you feel any better, for almost an entire MONTH when I first started going out, I did not approach a single girl. I would go out about twice a week to a club or bar and just stand there (sometimes socializing with my buddies if I wasn't solo). But I would force myself to stay there until the place closed -- even if that meant standing there for four hours and accomplishing nothing. Believe it or not, just standing there for 3-4 hours and not even approaching a girl would actually build up my comfort level. All of a sudden, chilling at a bar or club by myself did not even become scary, and eventually, you finally move your feet and approach a girl.

I'm going to describe what approaching a girl and getting rejected feels like. It's similar to a bee sting but an "emotional" one. For the first five seconds, your insides and your mind are racing like crazy. But after that initial "sting," and you've moved away from the girl, you start thinking: "Wow. I did it. It was hard, but I am okay!"

The first night that I approached a girl, I actually approached about three or four total. I realized it wasn't so bad. You really just have to get out there and teach your mind that rejection is something that really isn't so bad. And trust me, when you finally get some success (such as your first number), your mind will be RACING with good emotions. It will make every single second you stood there feel like it was worth it.

Good luck!

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I tried out an idea with a girl I meet online. We both said how nervous we were.
I suggested that as soon as we meet I would kiss her, that way it would be easier to talk as I wouldn't be thinking about how I'm going to kiss her the first time.
Long story short it worked well and it escalated well