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Openers  "so what do you do for a living, actress or model?"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 17, 2013
I'm not into idolising women, but I decided to try this opener in a club yesterday and I had better reactions than I expected.

I tried it on 4.

the first was a very hot girl who was standing on her own and rejecting all guys who talked to her. She had a very cold and bored facial expression (normally I avoid this type, but I was in careless mood so I said what the hell I'll try it). She actually smiled (I didn't believe she actually could smile with that ice face) and chatted with me 1 or 2 minutes.

the second one reacted very positively but I realised some seconds later that I actually didn't like her.

the third one:said "none of the two" with a neutral tone of voice but then one guy came and grabbed her

the fourth was very receptive. we chatted around 5 minutes, we exchanged contacts, now she texted me, maybe I'll ask her out
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers