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Social circle help


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Hi team,

I came here to do cold approach, but i have a social circle thing i would love perspective on.

There are two younger women that are currently competing for my attention. One is 25 and one is 30. What i would like to do is bang them both! I don't really mind if it don't happen, but it would be nice.

Sooo many women in this circle are actively interested in me, it's a big circle, but unfortunately many of these women are just not attractive. But these two are. And they see how well received I am in this social circle, by men and women alike.

So i already took the 25yo's number and i'm gonna try to pull her home in a few days. i have questions about this interaction.

The 30 year old I kinda put on the backburner, she's a bit too old for my usual taste, but being with her would please me and i'm interested in it.

Younger girl

She met me two or three weeks ago, kinda been staking me out a bit. Her and the other girl seem to be going 'head to head.' Unfortunately i kinda fucked this up. My first real interaction with her was this weekend, and i asked if she wanted to get a nightcap after an event/some one on one time.

I fucked up in two ways. First she said that she had to get up early, and kinda... softly declined the invitation. Then she asked me what i was doing next. I let it go and took her number here, but i know i really should've pushed. i think there was a yes in there :(

Probably the worst mistake was the lingering. i took her number and kinda just kept talking to her, touching her lightly, sometimes cuddling a bit. But it just went on too long and she kinda knew it. I was like... trying to find my way into pulling her that night, or looking for a way forward (should've just pushed), but instead i choded out and made the vibe weird.

told her we'd meet for drinks, i texted her hello, and then a little while later after we parted i texted her 'goodnight' but she answered neither text. i'm going to see her again soon so i figured i'm just not gonna text her, but see her in person and try to pull her home.

so i'm kinda a middle of the road ladies' man, mostly, and i only have some concept of what i'm doing. one thing i do have going for me is a LARGE pile of failures to reference (always been a horny bastard) but there are questions maybe you can help with. also i am just re-emerging into a social life after pandemic, so i am incredible rusty. (just one night stands pretty much over pandemic)

1. so far i'm not taking any action to 'correct' my clumsy number pull situation, my instinct is to be still and see. what do you think.

2. more importantly, i don't think i've ever been good at knowing when to pull for sex. i think my entire life i just kinda... shot from the hip when it seemed right. if y'all could help me clean this up so i know better.

Older girl

She going head to head with the other girl. I've been trying to be discrete in any beyond-casual interaction.

Because i value the younger girl more, i have been purposely giving this girl the slip and not letting opportunity happen. I'm keeping the card face down until i'm ready to turn it. I'm not really sure best way to do this. Because i'm conservative, i'm trying to at least fuck the younger girl a few times first. I'm worried about fucking with this a bit too much.

The worst case scenario would be banging neither because i act like a dumb shit. feel free to give advice.

Finally, the last question. This is kinda embarassing.

I'm kinda nervous about having sex rn because i'm so out of shape. not sure i have the cardio to deliver the goods. i just don't know how it can be a peak performance, i am working on my fitness but it's slow going.

thank you!!!!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake