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Social Circle - is it worth it?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 8, 2013
Say a mixed group of 5-10 people (usually more girls than guys) who party and club every 1 or 2 weeks. You are always invited by a male friend in the group.

Is it worth trying to pull and hook-up within the group? If you are clear that you are not "boyfriend material", could you be lovers with more than one in a social circle? Do girls kiss and tell, or gossip about such with their best buddies?

Or is it better to just have interaction with them as pre-selection, although this would mean abandoning them partway in the night? Is it normal to break circle with the group of friends you have been invited to join?

Appreciate the sharing of any experiences and advice, risks and pitfalls. Thanks!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
leverage said:
Do girls kiss and tell, or gossip about such with their best buddies?

100% yes. I'd say more so than guys even; they just hide it better.

In this instance, since just wanting sex and met these girls through the one guy, I think it could actually work out. You're still kind of a mystery and not completely close friends with these girls yet. However, they will be a little more hesitant to sex I think (because afraid of their friends gossiping about them or you gossiping to your guy friend), so you'll have to tackle that. So in this case, I say go for it.

As for social circles in general, I don't think it's worth it. I've had a rough history with this. If anything goes wrong or weird, then she may gossip to your friends, or it may sour your friendships with the other people you know. And despite what TV shows say, it can be difficult dating another girl in the circle, and if you do, she feels like a spare tire or consolation prize. For example, if you have sex with a girl and don't want to be in a relationship and she does, then I bet that guy won't be inviting you out for the next few times. She'll pressure him by saying that it would just be too weird and awkward to be around you. This depends on a couple of things though: age/maturity of girl and how you frame/talk about it both pre-sex and post-sex.

EDIT: Also, I usually find better girls outside of my social circles; I just need to approach more ;) If you're at the clubs and see better girls than the ones you're with, go for those. The women there will already see you as a high value guy, especially since more girls than guys.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
More worth it than not trying it. :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake