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Social mistakes in my journey that fucked me up


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 27, 2023
Hello, ive been in pickup since a year now. I'm a teen in high school. Thing is I never went out to do nightgame as I am underage. That left me daygame and social circle. I didnt do daygame as I never liked approaching girls on my own and didnt really have a proper wing. So i used my pickup knowledge for social circle.

What this caused was that i developed a playboy reputation in my school and locality. This led to a lot of jealousy and shit and i lost a lot of my male friends. I didnt really care back then as I made new friends. However, this year i transferred schools to a lot smaller school and i am stuck with these people for 2 years. Everything was going great, until a guy started becoming jealous and started spreading shit about me. This led me to be kicked out of the school friendgrp and everyone hating on me.

They even tried to convince the girl that was into me to to file a case against me and tried to convince her that i "sexually harassed" her. But the girl stood by me and clarified to everyone nothing of this sort had happened. But this caused me and that girls relations to completely end and we dont talk anymore.

Thing is I dont care about these people, Im leaving the country in 2 years anyways and I have a good social life outside of school, But i do not want to repeat this mistakes ever again. Any tips and advice for new gamers starting out? How to deal with or prevent such a situation from rising again?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
That's why its better to do cold approach where you can make all your mistakes and learn calibration before doing social circle stuff.

My best tip: Do cold approach.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
On one hand, I almost fell into that position in high school. On the other, my high school was weird (scholar-athletes were so common that cliques never formed despite our size), and I am now in university.

I mostly avoided it by establishing a cushion and avoiding the accusation.

My reputation was cushioned by my other reputations. I was in a variety of clubs and different classes. I played a different role, so that made it harder to pigeon-hole me as a one-dimensional jerk. I was the helpful class nerd, so my stumbling were just me being awkward. I was the guy who sang in talent shows, so I was naturally getting other's attention. I was the class clown, so I talked to everyone at some point. Yes, one girl did tell her friends I was "creepy" which burned me from that group, but the other social circles were insulated. My advice? Be involved in different things so that no one social circle can truly burn you. Even if the whole school talks, it means less to the nerds who rely on your help if the delinquents who don't roll with you talk smack. Having platonic female friends helps. Again, having a female dance partner who knows you don't act creepy helps protect when some jock says you play *all* women.

Second, tailor your approach to the setting to avoid local issues. As a side note, this applies anywhere. Picking up Korean women needs different calibration than Latinas, hence threads disagreeing on which set is "harder". The issue with playboys (or fuckboys) is they don't care about girls. What worked for me is going indirect and trying to deep dive. My university's online circles typically has women complain about pick up artists, but no one's complaints match my MO. Why? I get to know people such that I come off as genuine, and I am not so direct that my actions run people the wrong way even if I strike out. I'm sure a more experienced seducer can go direct in a university, but a beginner should always try to understand local vibes first.

Jealous people will try to mess with you somehow. It is just proof that you are doing well. But try to insulate yourself so no one vector of attack can ruin you completely.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake