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Socially Sanitary Texting [with examples...]


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

3 tactics for showing women you're not a social outlier​

What is Social Frame?

The social frame is a concept coined by Gunwitch. It refers to the malleable social dynamics constructed in every virtual or physical interaction.

One way to build social frame is to communicate to women you're socially similar to her and not part of an opposing group. This causes her to feel more comfortable around you and....melts resistance towards exploring the exciting possibilities between you two....

It can be accomplished through text using the following 3 tactics: landmarking, implicit social proof, and othering.

1. Landmarking

Communicate that you are familiar with her environment by mentioning relevant landmarks in locations important to her. It could be from her hometown, the city you're both living in, or any environment you're discussing that she's found herself in

HB: youre in medellin?
FOG: yeah what neighborhood are you in
HB: im in san janvier
FOG: oh, close to the metro cable. nice place.

HB: yes, very close.
HB: where do you live?
FOG: your heart

2. Implicit Social Proof

Imply that you've communicated with and had relationships with other people before in work and play.

FOG: hi darling are you from around here
HB: hiii im venezuelan
HB: living in medellin.
HB: and ur canadian?
FOG: canadian yes
FOG: ive heard so much about venezuela
HB: yes?
FOG: yeah my ex girlfriend kate is venezuelan and she told me some good things and bad things about the culture

HB: ohhhh u like venezuelans?
^Quick note, I like how this implied social proof can fly under the radar as a side piece of information. The focus of the topic is the piece of information thats been heard - NOT who you've heard it from. Regardless, It can serve as a branch for the girl to spin off who you heard it from into the main topic - as seen in the above example.

HB: so what kind of things do you like to do?
FOG: i love to volunteer at the old age home :) its very fulfilling to visit with the old folk

HB: aw thats so sweet! i bet they have good stories how often do you go?

3. Othering

Compare and contrast yourself and the girl against other less desirable social groups on a topic. Communicate that its you and her vs. the other people. This forces her into a "either you're with me or against me" position.

HB: where are you from?
FOG: canada, you?
HB: im venezuelan but ive been living in colombia since 2018
FOG: ive heard so much about venezuela
HB: omg hopefully the good things about it!! our arepas are the best.
FOG: ive tried them and i agree :)whats your opinion on colombian arepas?
HB: jajajaj well the ones from the coast are good and arepas de heuvo soooo good. but still prefer venezeualans jajaja
FOG: some people do not like arepas de heuvo. i cant believe it they are crazy

HB: omg get away from those people, probably theyre psychos or dont like happiness
HB: both options are not cool at all
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake