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Solo Approaching to girls in groups of 2-6 (Tips/Tricks/Techniques)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2022
I would love some experienced feedback on the matter at had. I keep running into more groups of women during Daygame and Night game. It’s very rare to see 2 groups of girls. I see more girls in groups of 5 or 6. As a beginner it’s kind of intimidating to approach a group like that. So if anyone has any tips/tricks/techniques that would be awesome. Thank You.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Oh what the hay I'm going out in a few hours and will pay attention to this. Will report back.

At least during the day, I never really see 5 or 6 girls together. I would be highly aware of this, I am horny af.

Usually I see 0 girls, or 1 girl with an uninteresting friend or two. Do girls even exist? The only thing gettin fucked is my goddamn time. Will report back.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
As a beginner, you mostly wanna avoid big groups like that. Chase made an article with "rules" for newbies, and I think it's quite helpful even if you're more experienced. So for the most part try to avoid big groups like that, sets like that can turn into too much work and there's too many variables out of your control. The girl will likely be way more pressured to conform to the group (and reject a stranger) if she's with 5 other girl that she's not even close with (but still has some sort of social interest/obligation with) than say with just her bestie.

That said, I had some success approaching girls that were on big groups (at bars/clubs, mind you, not during the day). The first approach, and the most pratical, I would say, it's just wait for the group to kinda die down and separate a bit. Eventually people get a bit tired of just hanging out with their group and start distancing a bit from the "group formation". Maybe your target starts talking to just one of her closer friends in the group and they start looking physically separated from the group, or maybe they even go somewhere else just the two of them. Your girl could also go by herself do something else (say get a drink, at night) and you could approach her then, but there are other variables in play to know when it's a good time to approach (you don't wanna look like you were waiting to ambush her at the bar lol).

The other approach is try to socialize with the group and eventually get to the girl. This one can backfire big time, first because the group could straight up reject you and you're there standing awkwardly (maybe you could recover from that and get the girl later when she's more separated from the group, but she has to really be into you for that to be a possibility, I would say), and secondly because even if you manage to get into the group, they could only be trying to be polite to you, and your girl could be losing attraction towards you, as you take your time to try and get into the group (if she had any to begin with). They also have their own agendas and likely could try to cockblock you from getting the girl, so you have to be careful how you go about it. Also this is mostly only a possibility if you are solo or with just a cool wing (that could fit in with the group as well), because if you're on a group as well, it just gets too complicated, your friends could be mad you're leaving them to join another group, it could also look low value for you to leave your friends so easily for other people, so this could hurt your value as well (though it really depends on your group and how you handle it). Anyways I'm not a big fan of group dynamics, and as a beginner that shit is just too complicated and frustrating (even later down the line it can still be a drag).

I would say wait for some AIs from the girl and try to approach her when she looks more isolated from the group, quiet and chill (if she's talking, keep on walking). Approaching girls in groups in general is a waiting game where you wanna make minimal eye contact with the girl and strike at the right moment (I guess approaching girls in general is kinda like that, but in groups it gets worse). Good luck!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take