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Some insecurities am dealing with and a racist question?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
First of all if you have a group of women, lets say 4 or more and you are attracted to SEVERAL ones what to do? What I mean is if one rejects me, how can I approach the next and the after because it seems ridicolous to be going into a group of women and you are going “do you want me? No! What about you? No too, how about the other one “etc...
You need to pick one target. Open the group as a whole and select whichever you like the best to game.

I can’t think of any girl with self worth socially who would take a guy who just got rejected by her pal.

Imagine you and your bestfriend are sitting on a park bench. A cute girl walks up and starts heavily flirting with your friend but he turns her down cold. Now she comes on to you.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 24, 2019
There is a strategy for this described in mystery method.

Basically you ignore the target, and work in through one of the others, probably the ugliest as shes most likely to cock block you later.

read mystery method and that deals with the whole process which is far to extensive to deal with here but basically DHV the group and neg the target



Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 31, 2019
You need to pick one target. Open the group as a whole and select whichever you like the best to game.

I can’t think of any girl with self worth socially who would take a guy who just got rejected by her pal.

Imagine you and your bestfriend are sitting on a park bench. A cute girl walks up and starts heavily flirting with your friend but he turns her down cold. Now she comes on to you.
I get your point but I personally would be ok if my friend didnt like her

So a group of 4 women I like two, one doesnt seem intersted or I dont make it for her, cant the second be more into me?

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Get in and see which one bites, but have a target in mind already...
Also be aware that some girls are just flirty flirts and don't get too baited by those, but it happens, sometimes you really can't tell if she's just the flirty one in the group, or maybe is just teasing or tintilating you just to kill some time or something, or if she really is interested.
If you get rejected, you don't want it to be in front of the other girls, ideally you will be social and nice to all of them, but focus on your target and isolate her. If things go sour if her, chances are she'll tell her friends, but maybe some other girl in the group will be interested and will give you a chance, if you didn't fuck up that bad, but in this case, I would wait for the girl to at least give me some AI and make it easier for me to talk to her. But yeah, most of the time you only have one shot, so pick the best one and go for it (but again, I wouldn't go too hard for just one if like I like two or more equally. I remember opening two girls, and I was going for the blonde one, but it turned out her boyfriend was coming. Brunette was also a hottie and honestly was funnier and more open to me, so I just kept talking to both, and got both their IGs when they left. Later on, I went on a date with brunette, she asked me "you wanted my friend, didn't you?", and I was like "well, to be honest, you're both really attractive, I wanted you both". We made out a lot and it went well in general in the date, but I didn't pull her because I was going out later to meet some other girl, in the end we ended up not having sex, but I would say that having the balls to approach both and keep a convo equally with both of those hotties really made her even more attracted, in this case. It really depends on the situation).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
I get your point but I personally would be ok if my friend didnt like her

So a group of 4 women I like two, one doesnt seem intersted or I dont make it for her, cant the second be more into me?
I can’t think of a way in which this would consistently work in a cold approach. There has been times for me personally where I gamed multiple friends but it was in a social circle environment and on separate days.

Butttt, maybe you could game multiple girls in one group after being rejected if you divert your attention from the girl rejecting you before you get rejected.

For example start off gaming your first choice girl, and if she appears unreceptive and you feel an oncoming rejection quickly divert your attention to the second girl so not to get rejected technically.

This allows you to save face so that the girl will not feel lower social status than her friend for taking the guy her friend didn’t want. Since you never technically got rejected, her friend’s social intuition won’t make her feel like she shouldn’t invest in you romantically.

This is all in theory as I haven’t tried to game another girl in the same group after being rejected.

Also since you aren’t being rejected and are avoiding resistance you won’t be able to persist with a girl who may have needed just a little persistence.

I personally try to pull the girl I want to the side so she doesn’t feel pressured to end the interaction by her friends presence. I also try and close most girls which may lead to resistance so I would never use this method myself.

All in all I don’t think its worth trying to game another girl in a group after trying to game their friend, it makes you look like you would take anything even if the second friend was hot.

Caveat would be unless you’re in social circle environments.

Use at your own discretion.