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Openers  Something That's Served Me Well


Feb 21, 2014
This is for pickups at malls, department stores, grocery stores, or really any kind of place where something is sold. Make up a story. Example....

Me: Hey excuse me!
Her: Yes how can I help you.
Me: I'm terribly sorry to do this to you. I was walking around in the mall minding my own business when a group of crazy women started to harass me. At first I was flattered. Then as I tried to break away from them they just kept following me. I'm honestly afraid. I don't even want to go to the restroom by myself. I was walking by your shop/store/etc and saw you standing in here. I thought to myself that maybe if I walked in here and started a conversation they would think I had come in to visit my girlfriend at her work. Then they would finally leave me alone. Would it be cool if I just hung out with you for a couple of minutes until the coast is clear?

Then you can ask her if she is single or whatever. Say the entire story with a smirk on your face so that she knows your just making it up. Then if you get her number or not you can ask her as your leaving if she actually bought any of your story. Leave on a high note. It doesn't always work but it does work.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 9, 2014
I will definitely try this out and see what I can get away with. I seriously like that part about wearing a smirk that lets them know you are just joshing and having a nice time. Although,I may have modify mine slightly to suit just about any girl I meet anywhere.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
I wouldn't go that route unless you're just trying to enjoy yourself and have fun with people and women. If you're actually trying to pick that girl up it's probably going to come off pretty try hard, routine like, and indirect (hiding the banana).

It's more or less like a social freedom exercise which is cool! But It sounds pretty lame, long, and unsmooth to work well if you're actually trying to get with said shop clerk.

Remember you want to be communicating via the law of least effort. You want to communicate with the least amount of words possible to get your point across.

I think a better way to approach this would be to get said shop clerk to help you find something or get something for you and make some general probing small talk that can transition into something more socially calibrated and smooth. Women will respect you much more for this and also feel like the interaction is more natural and like "it just happened" which is how women would prefer all relations between them and men to play out.

It's good you're experimenting though and maybe this works for you.

If so how many numbers have you gotten and how many of those numbers did you turn into dates prior to getting them?

Cheers Wesmel!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
your making it hard for yourself


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Way too many words. Keep it simple.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
Im pretty sure that opening ruins your image of a dominant man

1. your easily breaking the law of least effort
2. your breaking mystery you basically gave her a whole paragraph of why the conversation is occurring and are basically forcing her to join the conversation via social (insert the term here #mental blank)
3. You don't look dominant at all cause you just told her how some ladies made your so scared you cant even go to the toilet by yourself
4. your intentions aren't clear to her at all she just thinks your talking to her to avoid the crazy ladies