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Speed date / touching

Little Jester

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Guys i'm going for a speed date tomorrow, followed by a single party. My second speed date btw.
Last one was good for me, since I found I don't suffer from approach anxiety when I do this kind of stuff. Somehow it reassures me the girls are there for the same reasons and I go right into talking to them as if they are colleagues, friends, people I know. I'm okay in the talking area. No problem.

Anyway, because I know now that I have it easy on a speed date, sitting down and talking and then to run home with a match of 3 or more (less if I'm more picky, but hey).
I was now thinking of upping the difficulty and get touching and that kind of stuff in there early, cause that's what I need to work on a lot too. Also with the single party thereafter I want to touch. Not dance btw! Just touching and talking and if it comes to it I'll go for it, but I don't want to think about going for making out or sex for too long or I might get nervous about getting physical all together.

I wonder what kind of scenes or mindsets I can run in my head, so that I actually perform some acts of getting physical with the girl during the speed date?

In example, I'm currently playing with some ideas on how I can introduce myself to the cutest one among the bunch. I'm thinking I want to shake hands during introduction, but won't let her hand go as I start talking.. Any details I might want to think about there?

Any other ideas?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
If they have there hands on the table look for rings, examine them well holding her hand and don't let go.
Work the softness/roughness of hands into the conversation.

Note. Haven't field tested these in speed dating but work OK at a bar :)

Little Jester

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Speed date + party follow up was a success. Thanks for the blog, this forum, and everyone included. I've never felt so good about my presence in a situation like the one tonight, running a lot of girlschase theory along my mind; I scored points with a wild outgoing girl and then had her prettier girlfriend, miss pretty hot queen aloofness, very close to me all of sudden. She was rejecting multiple creepy guys over and over again while I was watching and smiling. She also had no good words for her friend who was intimidate with random player guys. Which I found.. interesting.

When I got queen aloofness alone, without creepy guys on her, I could practice touching on her while talking and she allowed me to: Arm around her, hand on butt, remove stuff from face, etc. She didn't touched me back though, which I didn't mind actually... My goal was touching pretty women for the night anyway and I was doing just that and she at least allowed me to touch her unlike everyone else in the room. At the end, when I really needed to go, I told her she should have moved with me earlier when I tried to move her, and then I started walking away because I needed to catch the last bus for the night, I all of sudden got this very strong double hand grab around my arm from her.... she didn't wanted to let me go! Way too cute! But I really had go sadly and she was hung up about her girl pal who was flirting with every guy on the scene, so she still didn't move with me. I hugged her and we are gonna meet up soon.In my mind she has been rejecting the other guys since I left. Hope she holds out till we can meet up :p

Anyway, I'll probably want to study simple date templates now and get her to bed when we meet for a one on one date, that I think is gonna happen soon.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Good for you, Little Jester.

I don't think I need to point out the obvious, but she's definitely into you. Next date, move fast and get her home for some sweet lovin'!

You're going to build some nice confidence with this. Use that confidence to meet women during the day!

Good luck
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers