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Speedrunning the mall


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 24, 2024


I am working on adding sexual intent and making conversation less boring.
  1. STRONG eye contact
  2. Walk up decisively with good posture and body language
  3. Be present and look for opportunities to tease her
In a recent field report I identified I need to work on my approach walking pace and fixing my posture before opening.


Today I went to the mall in the afternoon. Parking is free for 2 hours and I was determined to do at least 7 approaches before time was up.

Approach 1​

I noticed a cute girl while walking past a food stand. I was tempted to procrastinate, so I circled around and checked out the menu, within her line of sight. Then I decided to go for it, walked in her direction and "noticed her". She wasn't looking when I walked up to her side, seemed a bit surprised when I started talking to her and created a bit of distance from me. I paced my opener a bit more slowly, saying, "Excuse me...hi...I was just checking out the menu over there...when I saw you over here...and I had to come say that your hair was absolutely beautiful today. It's a really great color."

She thanked me, and I started some small talk, but was interrupted before we introduced ourselves when some kids ran in and hugged her. She got into an animated conversation with them, seems she was babysitting today, so I chilled for a few seconds then moved on.

The instinct to not procrastinate was good. I couldn't have predicted we'd be interrupted that way, just like I cannot predict many potential obstacles, so I should just approach as soon as possible. I forgot to correct my posture before approaching.

Approach 2​

While walking through the hallway, I noticed a cute girl start walking towards a department store. I try to catch up, and jog the last distance to try to catch her before she enters the store. I lenghten my stride, straighten my posture, and end up approaching her at the entryway to the department store. It's a bit of an awkward position and there are store employees and some customers who can see me, so I give a milder opener.
Me: "Excuse me, hi. I just saw you while I was walking in here, and I wanted to say that I loved your outfit. I thought you looked like such a hipster."
Her: "Oh, thank you."

Me: "You're very welcome. How are you doing today?"
Her: "Good, how are you."

Me: "Not bad, I just came shopping on a Friday. What about you, what are you shopping for?"
Her: "Uh, just look around."

Me: "Okay, okay. Let's get out of the doorway."
<She seems a bit reserved and the position is a bit awkward, so I try to move us over a bit. I broke eye contact a bit, and bumped into someone walking through. I expected her to make an excuse and leave, but she ended up following me instead.>

Me: "Did you come here after work?"
Her: "Yeah, I just got off work."

Me: "Oh, nice, what do you do for work? Wait let me guess...you look like you're a lawyer." <Cold read, but I could've used this opportunity to tease with something like "You look like you're an undercover cop. I hope you won't do too many naughty things to me for blowing your cover." Then again, this girl was a bit reserved and might not respond to this yet.>
Her: "Oh, no."

Me: "No? You don't like going to court?" <Teasing a little>
Her: "Um...I'm not a lawyer."

Me: "Okay, what do you do?"
Her: "Uh, you can guess!"

Me: "I did give a guess!"
Her: "Uh...I work in a tech company."

Me: "Tech company, okay. Software engineer?"
Her: "Um, data engineer."

Me: "Okay, so you do statistics, stuff like that?"
Her: "Uh, yeah."

Me: "Okay, do you like doing numbers, dates, that kind of thing?"
Her: "Yeah."

Me: "Oh, cool, how did you get into that? Was it through school or did you just have a big passion for data?"
Her: "Um, I had a big passion for data."

Me: "Oh, why? What's so interesting about it to you?" <Sort of a deep dive, I'm looking for anything to keep the conversation going at this point>
Her: "Um, when I took a statistics course in my undergrad, I found I am very interested in analyzing data. Also derive insights from data."

Me: "Oh, you like learning something from your data."
Her: "Yeah, yeah. And help company make some actionable strategies."

Me: "Oh...yeah, that's actually, like a really cool field. I feel like...I mean me, for example, I was looking at some of the algorithms people use for figuring out calorie expenditure per person. So there's a lot of datasheets, a lot of analysis, you have to work backwards to derive some sort of relationship. Then you discover something about the true nature of how human bodies work. I thought that was, like, really fascinating. That you could just use math and data to come up with some kind of theory." <Trying to relate to her here>
Her: "Yeah, yeah." <She's been agreeing>

Me: "Is that what you do? Is that the kind of stuff you do."
Her: "Um...kind of."

Me: "Okay, sorry, what was your name by the way?" <I forgot to introduce myself due to the slightly awkward opening position>
Her: <She introduces herself>

Me: <I introduce myself>
Her: "Nice to meet you."

Me: "So what are you shopping for today? Clothes, or...?" <I lost steam on the previous topic and am trying to keep the conversation going. I notice she still seems a little reserved and don't feel like I can close yet.>
Her: "Um, just looking around."

Me: "Looking around, okay. By, using your salary to buy a whole bunch of things?" <Teasing her a bit, since she's an engineer>
Her: <Laughs> "Yeah, yeah."

Me: "Okay...are you the kind of girl who likes to have a lot of luxuries? Like you go to the spa, you get nice pillows, nice bed...?"
Her: "Not often, sometimes."

Me: "Just clothes then?"
Her: "Yeah."

Me: "Are you a big fashion person?" <Screening her>
Her: "Um...it's hard to say."

Me: "What do you mean by 'hard to say' ?" <Looking for ways to keep the conversation going, but not letting her give this noncommital answer was also a nice way to be a bit of a challenge>
Her: "Uh, it depends on your definition of fashion. Uh, not very interested in that, but..."

Me: "Yeah, do you like dressing for yourself? Like for Instagram or TikTok or stuff like that?" <Teasing her a little>
Her: "Uh, I don't use that like TikTok very often."

Me: "Okay, so you dress mainly for yourself?"
Her: "Yeah."

Me: "Okay, I mainly like fashion for myself as well. I don't have any social media. But, I love the feeling of...to me, it's kind of like engineering. It's building a puzzle. Like, oh ok, what do I need to fill in this part of the puzzle, like the pants. Or a shirt. Then you have different combinations and you get something emergent from that. It's really cool." <Trying to relate to her a little>
Her: "Yeah"

Me: "We probably wouldn't get along though, because we'd argue about which clothes are the best. And then we'd fight all the time, it wouldn't be good." <Teasing her with push-pull>
Her: <Laughs> "Yeah"

<I think somewhere after this is when I notice her occasionally brush her hair, and I lock in soon after. She seemed like she was opening up a bit.>
Me: "Are you living in the area, or did you move here recently?"
Her: "Um, I moved here 2 months ago. Just relocated here."

Me: "Did you come from China?"
Her: "Yeah."

Me: "Okay, a lot of people come from China. And they kind of speak the same way."
Her: <Laughs> "Oh yeah. We have the same accent."

Me: "Well, China has a lot of places. They all kind of speak a little bit similar, but they all have a little bit of differences based on the region."
Her: "Oh yeah, that's true."

Me: <I elaborate a bit> "Where are you from?
Her: <She explains>

Me: <I relate about going to a city near where she's from once>
Her: <She responds>

Me: "Yeah, are you a big city kind of person? Or do you prefer more like this area?"
Her: "Oh, I prefer more like this area."

Me: "Oh, is this like your hometown?"
Her: "Um, no, I used to live in <Location>"

Me: "<Location>, okay...and then you moved here, for work? Were you down there for school?"
Her: <She says where she went to school>

Me: "Oh yeah, that's a beautiful campus."
Her: "Yeah, but it's a little bit dangerous around"

Me: "Oh really? So you just stayed on campus then? You didn't leave?"
Her: "Um, I always drive to school, yeah."

Me: "Okay, and now you're here."
Her: "Yeah, it's safer here."

Me: "Yeah, if you stay away from, like, certain parts of the area. I think this city is actually pretty safe."
Her: "Yeah, yeah, I know that."

Me: "Do you stay in this city a lot or do you travel a lot?" <Fishing for conversation topics to keep it going, looking for a high point to close>
Her: "Uh...I stay in the city. Because I need to go to the office three times a week."

Me: "Not anymore? Do you remote work now?"
Her: "Um, no, I go to office three times a week."

Me: "Oh okay, same for me. It's painful."
Her: "Uh, it's hard to say, I think I like hybrid work. I like to work with my teammates."

Me: "Uh huh. Get to talk to people...show off your fashion." <Teasing a little>
Her: <Laughs> "No, I, I sometimes wear very normal, for work...to not be too...um...too fashionable at work."

Me: "Oh, you don't want to show off too much. You're like a modest person."
Her: "Yeah"

Me: "Oh okay. I like that. I like that, I mean, you have the skill to be fashionable, but you choose not to. You choose to be responsible with it. Maybe we could get along after all."
Her: <Laughs>

Me: "Well hey, I've got to get going. But I liked talking with you. We should grab like a coffee sometime."
Her: "Oh okay."

<We exchange contact information>

Takeaways: This girl barely gave me anything to work with, and I had to work very hard to keep the conversation going. She was pretty reserved at first but seemed to open up a little at the end. Not sure how reliable this number will be. It seems like I asked a ton of questions and didn't mix it in with enough statements. This conversation was about 8 minutes long, but I felt like I needed the time to warm her up a bit. I should've used more compliance asks, like "Let me see your hands...yup, you're definitely into fashion. Look at these beautiful nails." I generally held strong eye contact but I could've tried closer physical proximity, but I did touch her on a high point a few times.

Approach 3​

I saw a girl that seemed pretty with wavy blonde hair walk by me. I hesitated for a few moments, but decided to follow her down the hallway and approach. I straightened my posture and lengthened my stride, then starting speaking. She did not stop when I started speaking, so I continued the opening while walking with, "Excuse me, hi...I just saw you walk pass back over there...and I thought your hair was absolutely beautiful today...and wanted to come tell you that."

She thanked me, and told me it was actually dyed, while still walking. I noticed she wasn't really my type. We chatted a couple lines but from her body language and the fact she didn't stop I guessed she wasn't interested, so I let her go.

Takeaways: I could have been a bit more specific with my compliment, something like "Your hair is a gorgeous wavy blonde." I forgot to focus on strong eye contact when delivering the compliment.

Approach 4​

While walking down the hallway, I noticed a girl farther up who seemed cute. I caught up, but hesitated because of a couple walking right behind her that made it a bit awkward. It got a little messy, but I got a lucky break when the couple left and the girl passed by right in front of me. I took that opportunity to catch up, having "noticed" her, caught up. She was looking down at her phone.

I straightened my posture, lengthened my stride, and opened with, "Excuse me...hi...I just saw you pass by back over there and wanted to come say that your outfit was incredibly pretty today! It looks so laissez-faire, like you're about to go on a yacht." She laughed and thanked me, but looked back down at her phone and kept walking. I took that as a sign of disinterest and let her go.

Takeaways: My compliment was a bit more specific here. I should have hesitated less and approached her earlier, bypassing the obstacles. I forgot to focus on strong eye contact when delivering the compliment.

Approach 5​

While walking, I noticed a cute girl walking in my direction. I kept her in my peripheral vision, thinking I saw her glancing at me. When she got close, I noticed her look in my direction, so I returned eye contact and saw her quickly look away. I thought this might be an approach invitation, so I turned around and caught up to her. I straightened my posture, lengthened my stride, then opened at her side.
Me: "Excuse me."
Her: "Yeah?" <Seems receptive>

Me: "Hi"
Her: "Hi" <Her pitch goes slightly higher up, although I don't hear it at the time>

Me: "I just saw you pass by back over there, and I wanted to say I thought you had a really incredible sense of style."
Her: "Oh thank you, this is actually what I wore to work."

Me: "Yeah, but I think it goes well with the hair. It's like a, you've kind of got a fancy look up here, but a relaxed look down here. Balancing out. I thought it was intentional, but guess not."
Her: "Thank you! It's my work outfit, so yeah. Thank you so much!"

Me: "What's your name?"
Her: <Introduces herself> "What's your name?"

Me: <Introduces myself>
Her: "That's my cousin's name."

Me: "Okay, well it's a common name, so I'd be surprised if you didn't know anyone with that name."
Her: "Yeah" <Laughs>

Me: "Alright, well, how are you doing today?"
Her: "I'm pretty good, I'm just about to go home from work."

Me: "Oh, nice."
Her: "My friend's waiting for me, so I have to go." <She doesn't leave quite yet, but I note that I need to close quickly here>

Me: "Oh okay, are you in a huge rush right now?"
Her: "No, it's actually pretty good today. Tomorrow it's going to be a huge rush though."

Me: "Oh, like at the mall?"
Her: "Yeah"

Me: "Oh, do you work at the mall?"
Her: "Yeah, at the <grocery store> actually"

Me: "Oh, it's like the grocery store right?"
Her: "Yeah, exactly."

Me: "Oh, I've never been inside!"
Her: "It's too overpriced, I wouldn't even recommend it." <Laughs>

Me: "Oh okay, thank you for the honest feedback. Yeah, that's really cool." <I tap her on the elbow>
Her: <Laughs>

Me: "Are you really into fashion normally, or is it just your work face?" <Screening a little bit before I close>
Her: "Uh, I'm kind of a broke college student, so..."

Me: "Oh, what do you study?"
Her: "I study bioengineering."

Me: "That is really cool."
Her: "So hopefully not going to be broke after, but yeah."

Me: "Yeah, I think that's really amazing."
Her: "What about you, are you in college?"

Me: "No, I graduated awhile ago, but I also did engineering."
Her: "Oh wait, sick!"

Me: "Not bioengineering, but I have respect for it. I heard all about O-Chem and decided I didn't want to do it."
Her: "Oh my god, it was awful. I'm done with O-Chem, thank god, yeah."

Me: "Yeah, like, I think it's crazy though that...like...engineering is not an easy degree. I know people in it who studied really hard, and on top of that you're coming here and working to pay for it." <Qualifying her to try to leave a positive impression before closing>
Her: "Yeah, oh my god, yeah. On weekends, but yeah."

Me: "That's really awesome."
Her: "Yeah, thank you so much."

Me: "Uh hey, I don't want to keep you from your friend..."
Her: "Oh yeah, I have to go."

Me: "...but you seem cool, we should grab like a coffee sometime."
Her: "Um, maybe, she's like calling me right now though, or like she called me two minutes ago. She said 'get your butt over here' so I gotta go, I'm sorry."

Me: "I can just grab your number..."
Her: "You know what, sure."

<She gives me her phone number>

Takeaways: I predict this girl is going to be a flaky number, she doesn't seem that hooked. I think it was indeed an approach invitation, but I may have chatted with her a bit too long and needed to close earlier. I didn't tease her much, but I could've said something like "Oh, this is your work outfit? Then I'll be shocked to see your clubbing outfit."

I use way too much of the pattern "Oh, <question>", it's kind of repetitive. I should replace these with more statements and cold reads instead, like "I bet you..." or "You seem like the kind of the girl who..."

Approach 6​

While walking down the hall, I noticed a girl standing to the side on her phone. She seemed like she might be cute, although I couldn't see her face. I decided to approach anyways. I opened with "Excuse me...hi...I just saw you standing over here and wanted to say I loved your dress. Is that linen?" She thanked me and said yes, but then looked back down at her phone and turned her attention away. I got the impression she wasn't interested, so I moved on.

Takeaways: Since this girl was stationary, I should have pre-opened her with a gentle nudge. It was good that I did not procrastinate, but I forgot to fix my posture and focus on strong eye contact when delivering the compliment.

Approach 7​

While walking down the right side of the hallway, I noticed a girl on the left side walking towards me. She switched sides to walk on the same side as me just before we cross, then I noticed her go back to the left side after passing me. I guessed this was an approach invitation, so I caught up and opened her. She seemed confused at first, then thanked me but continued walking on without stopping.

Takeaways: Was this not an approach invitation? I did not see any signs other than moving to my side. It's also possible she didn't like my approach. I forgot to fix my posture and focus on strong eye contact when delivering the compliment.

Approach 8​

While walking down a hallway, I saw a pretty girl walking in my direction. When she got close, I made eye contact with her and smiled, and noticed her break eye contact down as she passed. I took this as an approach invitation, so I turned around and caught up to her. I straightened my posture and lengthened me stride before opening from the side. She seemed surprised and a bit on guard when I opened her, but reacted positively to the compliment, although she also created some distance from me. I locked in quickly, leaning on a railing to talk with her, and we chatted for a minute. It turned out she was here to buy cakes for an anniversary with her husband, so I chatted with her about that before moving on.

Takeaways: I think it might have been a sign of interest, but she had a husband which was why she was on guard and created distance from me. Locking in quickly was good.

Approach 9​

While walking through the food court, I noticed a cute girl with colorful hair and clothes on her phone, sitting and waiting at a stool, probably for some food. As I pass by her, I say, "Wow!" but she doesn't notice. So I pivot, waving my hand in front of her face to catch her attention. "Excuse me, hi. I love how colorful you look today. Did you match your hair and clothes on purpose?" She laughed and thanked me, and said yes, but looked back down at her phone. I got the impression she was pulling away so I moved on.

Takeaways: Using an insight instead of an observation was good. I forgot to straighten my posture and focus on strong eye contact when delivering the compliment.


2 number closes.

I generally did a decent job with eye contact and my body language, but I should pay more attention to it to lock it in more.

I talked a lot to just try to keep conversation going, and used a lot of questions. I could work on incorporating more statements and cold reads.

When girls continue walking without stopping, turning their head away from me, or look back down at their phone after I open, I am not sure if it's because they're not interested or if it's because they think I just wanted to give the compliment and didn't plan to continue talking (meaning lacking clear sexual intent).
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024

Approach 1​

You're right; don't procrastinate because interruptions may arise. Also, try not to excuse yourself because it comes off as low value.

Approach 2​

Nice one! You might want to look into qualification. You could have qualified her a few times to elicit a response.

Approach 3​

II could have been a bit more specific with my compliment, something like "Your hair is a gorgeous wavy blonde." I forgot to focus on strong eye contact when delivering the compliment.
Women love it when you notice details.

Also, if she doesn't hook, you could try to use intrigue bait related to her hair color. If she seemed like a movie fan, you could say, "You know what's interesting about horror films? Alfred Hitchcock only cast blonde women as heroines." Or "Do you know what I think you are?... A businesswoman. There are more blonde CEO women than any other hair color."

Approach 4​

She laughed and thanked me, but looked back down at her phone and kept walking. I took that as a sign of disinterest and let her go.
Maybe you're right, but persistence is sexy. You could have given it another try before calling it quits. Try another opener or cold read.

Approach 5​

Again, persistence is sexy. But you also need to know a bit more about windows. Getting her number on a high point is key, and taking too long can make her less likely to hook.

Approach 6​

It was good that I did not procrastinate, but I forgot to fix my posture and focus on strong eye contact when delivering the compliment.
Good fundamentals are key to hooking her. But if she isn't open, it'll be tougher than a girl giving AIs.

Approach 7​

While walking down the right side of the hallway, I noticed a girl on the left side walking towards me. She switched sides to walk on the same side as me just before we cross, then I noticed her go back to the left side after passing me. I guessed this was an approach invitation, so I caught up and opened her. She seemed confused at first, then thanked me but continued walking on without stopping.

Takeaways: Was this not an approach invitation? I did not see any signs other than moving to my side. It's also possible she didn't like my approach. I forgot to fix my posture and focus on strong eye contact when delivering the compliment.
If she was dodging foot traffic, then maybe she was just in a rush.

Approach 9​

While walking through the food court, I noticed a cute girl with colorful hair and clothes on her phone, sitting and waiting at a stool, probably for some food. As I pass by her, I say, "Wow!" but she doesn't notice. So I pivot, waving my hand in front of her face to catch her attention. "Excuse me, hi. I love how colorful you look today. Did you match your hair and clothes on purpose?" She laughed and thanked me, and said yes, but looked back down at her phone. I got the impression she was pulling away so I moved on.

Takeaways: Using an insight instead of an observation was good. I forgot to straighten my posture and focus on strong eye contact when delivering the compliment.
Maybe it's my delivery too, but I tend to hook a lot less when I use compliment openers like that even though I only use it with girls of distinct style. Then again, it might just be the lack of approach indicators as these girls tend to be more focused on stuff from my experience.


I talked a lot to just try to keep conversation going, and used a lot of questions. I could work on incorporating more statements and cold reads.
Cold reads are great. Even if you're wrong, they can start conversations. Maybe she thought it was funny or interesting.
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