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FU  SportyBalt—stunning rejection


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
I still have no clue what went wrong here.

Sunday I am walking in the park when a lady walks by in shorts, carrying a tennis bag. She is taller than me (I am 6'0") and has magnificent, smooth, honey-colored legs, ash-blond hair swept over the shoulder, and wide-set, mesmerizing eyes. My first impression is that she looks intimidating and barely attainable, as well as having immense sex appeal. She has that rugged, sinewy, feminine-athletic look that gets some of us hot and bothered :) At the time I guess late twenties, but later, at our date, she tells me she's 31.

I give her a glance out of the corner of my eye and to my surprise she returns the look in kind; we lock eyes for about half a second. After she passes, I turn to catch her up but she's walking fast; I'm not sure whether she's conscious of me following or not. I want to open her as we reach the park exit where the pathway narrows, but there are two gates and she doesn't take the one I expect. Fortunately she has to stop for a "Don't Walk" sign as we reach the street, and when she sees me coming she actually smiles.

I start talking but have to wait a moment for her to take out her headphones. Then I go direct, telling her that when I saw her walk past, I "couldn't resist coming back to say hello". She receives me with unexpected warmth and we get into animated conversation as we step into the crosswalk. When I ask her name, she gives me a common Russian name; when I ask where she's from, to my surprise she names one of the Baltic states. By this point I have detected a distinct Russian accent. I make a cold-read that she is ethnic Russian raised in the Baltics, which she confirms to be correct. I start speaking Russian with her.

We head straight on, up the street leading away from the park, toward what turns out to be her apartment building... good logistics for later, I imagine. About halfway up the street, she actually breaks the touch barrier herself, backhanding me playfully on my bicep as she asks me a question about how I arrived in the States. I suggest an instant date, but she has a yoga class at 4:30 PM, following on from her tennis lesson! She enthusiastically agrees to a coffee another time and I kiss her on the cheek as we part outside her apartment building at around 3:45 PM.

I set up the date using text messaging:

  • Sun 5:55 PM—Marty: Good to meet you, SportyBalt! No more sport today? ;) Marty

    Sun 7:25 PM—SportyBalt: Hey Marty! Yes I am done with the sports for today :) hope you had a nice rest of the Sunday!
Looking back, perhaps the 90-minute delay to respond to my icebreaker should have been a red flag. But at the time I merely imagine she is busy soaping up her luscious body and rinsing off in steamy water that turned her honey skin rosy... ummm, I mean taking a shower :) So I think nothing of it. With help from my friend PrettyDecent and kind support from CasanovaJr and PinotNoir, I write back next day:

  • Mon 12:30 PM—Marty: I did :) How about a cup of tea Tue or Wed evening? I'm traveling the week after.

    Mon 4:45 PM—SportyBalt: Tue night would be better.

    Mon 6:10 PM—Marty: Okay. Do you know Café Such-and-Such? We can meet there at 6 PM tomorrow if that works for you!

    Mon 9:30 PM—SportyBalt: I normally don't get off work this early so 7:30 prob would be better. But looks like we are expecting a couple of inches of snow :) so let's touch base tomorrow in case we need to reschedule

    Tue 8:25 AM—Marty: I know :) you and I could teach these locals something about snow! 7:30 PM is fine. See you.

    Tue 5:55 PM—Marty: All good for 7:30, SportyBalt? We can meet later if you're running behind.

    Tue 6:15 PM—SportyBalt: Yes. I could actually meet at 7, if you can.

    Tue 6:20 PM—Marty: Okay. 7.

    Tue 6:20 PM—SportyBalt: See you then!
That massive 9½-hour gap after my message the morning of the date, that forces me to reengage a second time to confirm it is actually happening, should have been a red flag for sure.

I get to the café five minutes early and stand outside. At the appointed time I see a very tall figure elegantly dressed, still about 250 feet off, sauntering down the street with the swaying, soft, feminine swagger of a confident, tall woman wearing high-heeled boots. I stroll up to meet her, kiss her on the cheek and tell her in Russian that I recognized her by her walk. She giggles, takes my arm and we enter the café.

I reject the initial table by the window offered us by the host, in favor of a cosier, more intimate location at the back of the premises in what they call the "loggia". SportyBalt orders a warm cider and I get a pot of green tea. Both of us have iced water on the side, which we sip throughout.

For the next 2 hours everything goes very smoothly, I'd even say ideally. I deep-dive her, she is compliant with this, tells me all about her history, ambitions, family background, preferences, feelings, aspirations, the works. Even past dating experiences (largely negative). I feel totally in command of the situation and keep the spotlight successfully off of myself and on the girl. She's staring at me with hugely dilated pupils and clearly having a good time.

At one point she tells me about a visit to the UK and is embarrassed that she can't remember whether she was in Oxford or Cambridge. I reach across the table, take her hand gently in mine to reassure her, and continue to hold it a couple minutes as I ask her basic questions (where was the river, how integrated with the rest of the city were the university buildings) to help her determine which it was. We speak Russian about half the time and English the rest. It's all very comfortable, enjoyable, and seemingly exciting.

I suggest we select some food for sharing and she orders hummus—perfect for eating from the same plate. All seems to be going swimmingly. At one point I excuse myself and head for the restroom; inside, loudspeakers play a Japanese lesson. Other times I've been on dates in the same place, it's been French, Italian or Spanish. I return to the table and remark on this fact, and we begin to discuss travel.

At around 9 PM she is starting to stare at me and become silent; I take this as an escalation window and ask for the check. I ask her if she would like to visit the restroom and let me know which language is being played in the ladies'. She declines. Frankly I am surprised that she does not need to urinate after such a quantity of iced water (we each had several refills) and cider. This lack of compliance, I feel, should have been a major red flag for me. I pay the check and we leave.

It is cool but relatively pleasant and fresh outside; she lives very nearby so I suggest we stroll a couple blocks before I walk her home. She takes my arm, and we head south along our city's major street. We both comment that this is the only really pleasant part of this otherwise unremarkable city, and she says that no one wants to visit her here; if she lived in New York or Los Angeles it might be different. She tells me that her parents have never visited, though she has lived here ten years. I ask whether this is because of the lack of interest in the city itself; but she says no, they are risk-averse and not accustomed to overseas travel.

She has been telling me much of the evening that in spite of her career success in banking she is looking to make a change, and has an adventurous, dive-in-the-deep-end, no-regrets spirit. So this leads to an obvious question from me... where did she get this, if not from either parent? Some hilarity ensues and I put my arm around her to keep her warm. We decide to turn back as it's getting cold, but just after we turn I tell her I "want to do this first".

I grab her and kiss her hard on the mouth.

She doesn't resist, back away or object as such, but she's not really into it either. She doesn't open up her mouth much and I pull away.

As we start walking again, I put my arm back around her and ask if she is cold. (Some of the following is translated from Russian and may not sound totally idiomatic in English; ignore the stylistic elements and focus only on the content.)

  • SportyBalt: No; but I'm a little uncomfortable.

    Marty: "Uncomfortable?"

    SportyBalt: Yes—this is a little unusual for me.

    Marty: In what way?

    SportyBalt: People usually ask first.

    Marty: So you prefer men to ask you first, before kissing you?

    SportyBalt: Well, that's what they usually do.

    Marty: You mean you're not comfortable spending time with men?

    SportyBalt: No, that's not what I mean.

    Marty: So you get nervous around men?

    SportyBalt: No! I don't! I mean... it should be mutual.

    Marty: Of course it should be mutual. Are you telling me it's not mutual?

    SportyBalt: Well, people normally discuss it first.

    Marty: Do they? Is human attraction something you normally talk about?

    SportyBalt: But I've known you for only... something like 2 hours.
At this point she goes very quiet, hunching her shoulders, pulling her scarf up about her face, giving the general impression of a tortoise retreating into its shell.

  • Marty: You were just talking about how good it is to take risks, to do what you're unsure about... never to live with the regret of not having tried something.

    SportyBalt: Well... yes, I suppose so. "He who takes no risks, drinks no champagne." I guess that's true.
The latter is a Russian proverb meaning, roughly speaking, "nothing ventured, nothing gained". By this point she is the very opposite of the self-assured, talkative alpha female that had met me outside the café. We are back at its door and the feminine swagger has been replaced by a shuffle; the erect posture by slouching; the giggling and playful touching by silence and bowed head.

  • SportyBalt: I'll walk the rest of the way by myself, thank you.
I look on in stunned silence as she walks away, never to be seen or spoken to again.

The unanswered questions come thick and fast:

  • What does "uncomfortable" mean? I've heard this from women a couple times before; it usually leaves me dumbstruck—I've no idea what they're talking about. Obviously it's not physical discomfort, it's in the social sense; but it just comes out of the blue, with no warning, after they were laughing and smiling a moment before.
  • Asking before kissing—really? Isn't that the polar opposite of what's taught here?
  • Not mutual? Seriously? So why did she accept the date?
  • Is there a value imbalance, with her being a well-paid banker? Is that the issue?
  • "Discuss it first"? I cold-approached her in the street; went direct immediately; and asked her on a date within the space of two minutes. Could she really think I wanted to be "just friends"? What on Earth was that about? I don't "discuss" things with women I'm attracted to and I'm quite sure they don't expect me to either.
  • Known me for "only" 2 hours? WTF?? Surely that's enough time to decide whether she's attracted to me? I made up my mind I was attracted to her in all of, oh, I don't know, .5 seconds I guess. Certainly well before I first opened my mouth to talk to her.
Thanks in advance for your input!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

Glad to see you are getting your second date in a short period of time! Things are certainly improving for you =). Anyway, let's get to the meat of this!

At around 9 PM she is starting to stare at me and become silent; I take this as an escalation window and ask for the check.

This sounds to me like a missed escalation window, actually! Remember, the idea here is to capitalize on high points in the conversation, not low ones. You waited until the momentum and the "magic" faded away, and then reacted to her "boredness" by trying to move things forward at that point. At this point, you probably already lost her.

SportyBalt: No; but I'm a little uncomfortable.

Marty: "Uncomfortable?"

SportyBalt: Yes—this is a little unusual for me.

Two errors I see her. The first one is that you kissed her before taking her to a secretive, "escalation" location. Remember, we always teach guys here to wait until you are at the location you're going to escalate and then you move in for the kiss. From there, ideally, you can escalate directly toward sex right after the first kiss.

The second error has to do with the situation. The magic has already passed, and she wasn't feeling the same excitement about you at this point, so the timing of the kiss was awkward. Her reasoning was nonsense, but it was basically her way of conveying that she wasn't in the mood for something like that to happen. The mood had passed long before you even left the café. Generally, the sweet spot for me seems to be somewhere around the hour and a half mark before I ask her to come home with me. It'll sometimes be shorter than that, but it is rarely longer. The idea is that you want to pull her when she's at the peak of her interest. It seems to me like you took her on a walk to try to gain the momentum back, and when it wasn't working, you thought a spontaneous kiss would solve the problem... but of course, it did not. So what you've learned here, hopefully, is that you can almost never go backwards on a date, only forward!

It would behoove you to read Tool's First Date Tactics and Logistics as it closely mirrors my process on a date, and we've both had astounding success with it.

Anyway, congratulations on your progress so far, Marty! I look forward to seeing more from you. =)

- Franco


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
EDIT: Oh shit, didn't see Franco's response there, haha! Well, at least some of the advice was the same anyways, so I'll keep it up here.

Hey Marty,

Nice job on setting the date, brother! Glad the text worked for ya :)

I think to understand why she acted so jarred, you've got to put on your empathy hat and ask yourself what was going on in her head. The fact she was so well-dressed and giggly at the beginning of your date means she thought of you highly (and attractively); you don't need to worry about that ;). And actually, I think she thought of you so highly, you were in the contention between the boyfriend and lover zones (moreso the former, but still both).

So, you probably could've left the cafe earlier to go straight to her place - it would've shifted you more toward the lover side of the spectrum, and I'm pretty sure you two would have gotten intimate, at least, with some initial resistance.

But that doesn't explain her auto-rejection (which is what happened). That meltdown happened because:

The kiss was too strong when it was unexpected (think short and sensual rather than all-in before you get to the place of logistics; and ideally, not at all). This caused the initial complaint: "No; but I'm a little uncomfortable." Then you were "deep diving" into why the kiss made her feel uncomfortable. And in doing so, you were cementing her negative emotions, which were malleable during the first complaint. It's the same reason why sexual frames work - you're cementing her feelings about her sexual attraction to you.

And then she felt you didn't respect her feelings which was the breaking point. The remedy there is to agree with a point she made, and then re-frame that point as something good, hard-push style. (i.e. "Yes, most men wait until they get permission to kiss...but I'm not most men, and we're not most people. I caught that look you were giving me in the cafe and when we met in that park...and it's not fair for either of us to feel so intensely desirous and pretend nothing is happening. I want to see you express yourself the way you truly feel in that heated, passionate body of yours, the way you'd be if we never saw each other again because we never know what happens after tonight. So let's leave this park, call it a night, and go grab a nightcap. It'll be on me [warm smile]").

Otherwise, nice job on getting a girl of that caliber out and even nervous around you! It's a real testament to your fundamentals and your ability to have women feeling deeply connected around you.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Hey Marty, not much I can add, but I wanted to give my thoughts since this is a continuation of your previous thread.

It sounds like you've really polished your teeth on deep-diving, cresting, and being a good conversationalist. Really, FUs are just LRs (Learning Reports ;) ), and it sounds like you've mastered that part of seduction.

Your report mirrors my own dates closely (i.e., great conversation and then doesn't go where I want). Because of this, I can't tell you what works, but I can tell you what I think the problems are that I have.

First, yes, Franco made great points. I hadn't read that post by Tool, and it's fantastic. And when I think about my past dates, they do all hit that plateau between 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours. It's like you're trying to "pull teeth" to continue good conversation.

Second, you can't just deep-dive a girl. Here are the key ingredients that I think your interaction is missing, and I may be wrong, as I don't know the exact conversation. This is based on my assumptions.

There's probably some more stuff I'm missing.

Does any of this relate to your interaction? Do you think it had enough (indirect/subtle) sexual conversation? If not, this could have added to the "un-comfortableness" as she had begun to view you as a friend or a "nice" guy, and not a lover.

Third, as far as her changing the time, I tested something last year. I had a girl do this on the first date to me. The text conversation pretty much went like this:

Her: "Sorry, I can't do 7:30. Can we do 8?"
Me: "Ah, I can't do 8 unfortunately. 8:30 or 9?"
Her: "I can do maybe 8:45."
Me: "Hmmm, let's be unique and do 8:47. ;) Sound good?"

OK, so this is pretty dumb, but it was my first time doing this. Even though I could have agreed to 8, I changed it up to try and maintain my leader position. I should have axed the 8:47 idea though. I was really trying an extreme version of being in control and the leader.

Fourth, on the first kiss, if it's a spontaneous kiss, I just do closed lips with no tongue. I've been in that same, exact situation where she didn't open her mouth. If it's spontaneous, I just never open mouth and never use tongue now.

For me personally, I feel like I need to work on all of the above and have been trying to do a better job of it.

She sounds inexperienced almost or from a very conservative background, and you mentioned that she has had a bad past with boyfriends. I think you didn't re-frame these in your favor, and this is probably why she felt uncomfortable.

Everything else she said is pretty dumb. "Well, people normally discuss it first." It just sounds like either inexperience/conservative or an excuse. I don't know if I'd buy into anything she said at the end and would be tempted to ignore it and just write it off as a nice way of saying "no."

Things you did fantastically:

  • Approach
  • Cheek kiss + comment on her "walk"
  • Leading at the restaurant; picking the table; her holding your arm
  • Deep-diving + conversation + making her feel comfortable in the restaurant (she stayed for 2 hours and accepts your invitation to stroll after)
  • Holding hands in restaurant
  • Confident kiss (even if she didn't like it, I see it as learning and improving and building confidence)

Based on other FRs, I know you're probably going to forget this girl. However, for me personally, I'd still try and get a 2nd date just out of pure curiosity and fun haha. If you don't get it, no big deal.

Thanks for posting it.

EDIT: PrettyDecent beat me after Franco :p His re-frame example is golden; that's what I'm trying to get across with framing above.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
I agree with mostly everything the other guy's have said here, especially that it seemed that you tried to kiss her while her energy and interest levels seemed to have faded. Also, kisses in public should be soft and no tongue unless you've built her compliance threshold up to a very high level. (ex: think how a girlfriend would let you kiss her in public versus a girl on the first date, and how she would let you kiss her in public)

With first dates, I've noticed anything more than 90 minutes without a transition of some sort, things start to get a little stale. With first dates you either need to- (a) get her somewhere alone with you, or if you can't do that- (b) end the date while there is still some intrigue. Either one of those should put her in full-on chase mode and then the interaction is yours to steer however you choose.

So, on the kiss: I never kiss a girl on a first date unless we are alone or it's the end of the night and we're saying goodbye. I feel like pretty much any other time, it will be unexpected. If you're alone together, she's expecting you to kiss her. If it's the end of the night and she's getting in her car, she's expecting you may kiss her then, also.

I'm certain you'll have more dates lined up soon, and just like approaching you need to practice this too!

Looking forward to the next one,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
2 last things I wanted to mention.

1.) Deep-diving also involves connection-building, but I'm betting that you did this well. You want the girl to feel like you're in sync. "I also love that!", etc. You probably had a lot of opportunities since both from similar/same country.

2.) How to get a phone #. TheWiseFool PMed me this article recently, and as I was reading it, I realized that it also applied to this situation. In the article, it talks about getting the phone # during the peak high point of the conversation, instead of waiting until the end because it's expected. As Franco/PD/NJ already mentioned, it's usually suggested here to wait until you're back in a seduction location to kiss (but, I have problems with this myself). However, if you can't/don't, then getting the kiss on the high point is important, to make it feel comfortable and expected. I think that's what she was really trying to say with her subtext.

Did you also sit across from her? Next time, try sitting right next to her, if possible.

Sorry for the bombardment of thoughts and if you don't think these apply to your situation. I'd also be interested in hearing if Franco/PrettyDecent/NarrowJ have ever experienced a date like this? And what did you change to create more successes? I seem to have too many dates like this -- where conversation is fantastic, but I can't move the interaction back to her place for sex, and I think it's due to all of the above that I have mentioned (most importantly subtle/indirect sexual talk), but I'm really curious what you guys think and did to move past this, especially based on your past experiences. I definitely don't mean to hijack Marty's thread though, and I will create a new thread if necessary.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

I can't move the interaction back to her place for sex, and I think it's due to all of the above that I have mentioned (most importantly subtle/indirect sexual talk), but I'm really curious what you guys think and did to move past this, especially based on your past experiences.

For beginners, I almost always find the main problem here to be exactly the one that Marty made: they don't strike when the iron is hot.

The conversation starts to become SO good and SO enjoyable that you get caught up in it, and as attraction is growing on both sides, you begin to think: if we just keep going at this rate, we'll definitely end up together...

...and then before you know it, the awkward silence comes. You realize it, react to it, try to make your move THEN and THERE, and it fails. The magic is gone, and, usually, so is the girl. So make sure to keep your thoughts clear when on a date! Always be noticing her vibe and keep track of the time. If you are somewhere around an hour and half and the vibe is great, then make your move to pull her!

- Franco


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Franco, NarrowJ, PrettyDecent, PinotNoir:

I'm very pleasantly surprised by the amount of helpful and actionable commentary you've given me on what I'd thought was a mere fuck-up report—thank you! I feel a little overwhelmed, like a bear after hibernation emerging blinking into the daylight...

It'll take me a while to process all this. It seems I have so much to learn—but in the meantime: Franco, I remember you've said on occasion that you believe you have a relatively high level of empathy. That must be a very helpful quality in life in general and especially in seduction.

Given what you've read, is it possible for you to utilize your empathy in this situation or can you only do it when you have physical interaction with someone yourself? If it's possible, what do you suppose her impression of me is, if indeed she thinks of me at all? Would it be something like: "What's the matter with this guy, he should have gotten me out of there a half-hour earlier—is he just clueless?" ...or: "What a disappointment, that man seemed confident on first approach, but he was hesitant to take me home!"

PinotNoir suggested getting in touch with her again after I return from vacation, something which I was actually not planning to do. Is there any point in doing it at all? My inclination was to focus my efforts on new day-game. So what should be the tone—"Sorry I didn't give you what you wanted", something like that? Did her attraction for me disappear completely over the course of a mere half-hour, never to return?



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

If it's possible, what do you suppose her impression of me is, if indeed she thinks of me at all?

It really depends on what she wanted, but the fact of the matter is, moving quickly and hitting escalation windows is always a step in that direction, regardless of what it is she actually wanted.

For most girls, it'll be an emotional thing -- i.e. "I was so excited about this guy the other day, but the date just... fizzled! *Sigh*" or "It was going so well and then... I dunno, I just didn't feel it anymore!"

For some older women, it can be a "I thought he was going to give me this, but instead he did this" type of thing -- i.e. "I thought this man was going to give me some passionate sex, but instead he got sappy on me."

It really depends. Either way, the problem is always solved by moving things forward because, in both scenarios, she needs to know that you not only WANT her, but that you're a man that will ACT to GET her. If you don't push toward sex, then both of those things become a big question mark to her, and in the process, the excitement fades away.

PinotNoir suggested getting in touch with her again after I return from vacation, something which I was actually not planning to do. Is there any point in doing it at all? My inclination was to focus my efforts on new day-game. So what should be the tone—"Sorry I didn't give you what you wanted", something like that? Did her attraction for me disappear completely over the course of a mere half-hour, never to return?

It really depends on how you feel about the situation. I think you're at a point where you've overcome approach anxiety, so you don't have to worry about getting a "one-itus" mentality and chasing her. So in that case, it wouldn't necessarily hurt to send her a text and see if she responds. Or you can try going silent and see if she wonders about you and decides to hit you up later. The first option seems a bit more "chasey" to me, so you might just want to move on to the next one, and maybe she'll hit you up in a couple of weeks to try again. It all depends on her at this point, so I wouldn't mull over whether or not one or the other is a better option because, in all likelihood, they are both low-percentage shots in the dark.

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Great replies! I'm bookmarking this.

As for a 2nd date, I agree with Franco that it will be a shot in the dark with low % of success (see 3 2nd Date Strategies, which pretty much says it's a lost cause). I didn't really mean it as a suggestion (even though that's what's implied when I re-read my post). I just meant that's what I would do. I think this is due to my personality and attitude towards certain risks. Even during bad dates, I've gone in for the kiss because I just thought, "Whatever, this is hopeless anyway; let's see if this does anything." Surprisingly, I've had girls accepting of the kiss. And for a 2nd/3rd date, I'm the same way. I just have an adventurous/carefree attitude towards it and don't get upset if she she says no or doesn't reply. It's just amusing, and it scratches my curiosity if she will agree or not to another date. If it went really bad, I wait about a week. If it went okay, I just wait a few days. So that I don't waste my time/energy, I just text. If no response, then goodbye. (Note that I never do the above for social circle girls, only for cold-approached girls, as it can ruin your reputation.)

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012

Just read this. Not really sure what else I can add that others already haven't, but I think that despite this being a FU I'd also add it sounds like great learning. Escalation windows I've found are a hard skill to pick up, and it's great to see that you've reached a new level in this process. Looking forward to the next one!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
first of all, BIG respect to you man! securing a date with a chick like this is a great achievement, something im not mentally capable of at the moment - which makes failure annoying as hell. and feels like the whole effort was money & time thrown out of the window. it sucks. it really does.

re taking _interested_ girls home: i think its easy, almost as easy as messing things up there, my speciality. we just need steady supply of quality material to practice on because the broad selection is really crappy - and that makes you being ahead of me because you got to the point when securing quality dates is not much of an issue - the rest is just grinding though a couple and then youre good.

the site says that the key is spotting attraction and capitalize on it asap - nowadays if i see the spark in her eyes i try to hint going back to my place as early as possible in the conversation without explicitly telling her to come with me. her immediate nonverbals and subsequent change in nonverbal communication are valuable tools to determine the right course and she also gets the idea into her mind and - like in a previous report of mine she could even propose to drink that wine/try that massage chair/whatever at my place.

from the last 4 dates i used this 1 was an LR, 1 an LR- something im still sad about, 1 a FU by not insisting and 1 a nogo but i got dead eyes on the hint itself and the girl wasnt attractive though really entertaining personality so i used her time for some fun and studying friendzone-material girl behaviour fo educational purposes.