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FU  Starbucks


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Sup fellas! I'm putting up this FU to show you all that I'm still kicking. I haven't been performing too well out there...keep getting a lot of iffy IHAB rejections after around 5 minutes of conversation. [An observation here: when I go direct twice within the first two to three minutes I ALWAYS get IHAB. If I go direct once, I don't get it until around 5 minutes in. If I don't go direct at all, the girl makes an excuse to leave and asking for digits doesn't seem congruent. How do you tell when IHAB is fake/a test??] This FU illustrates where my game is at as of today. A very short read that looks long thanks to spacing.

The venue

I see an attractive blonde in line at a tiny mall Starbucks. There are people all around seated and standing. An older couple is in line ahead of her. There's no chatter. I gaze at her after I get out of line. She looks over her shoulder in my direction but not directly at me...
The Conversation

Me: Hi!

Her: [she smiles, not a duchenne, still, I take it as an invitation]

Me: Quick question...did they stop you?

Her: Say what? Who?

Me: The talent agency booth over there

[Im referring to the mall booths where 'agents' stop those they think could be models]

Her: Hahaha no, no. Why should they?

Me: What! Tell you what. I'm going to be your agent. We'll make it big time!

Her: Hahhaa I'm a make up artist so I'd prefer to be on the other side

Me: Oh I see. That's too bad. We could be great you know.

Her: Haha, no, no. *hair flip*

Me: Interesting..hey, you know what.. I see Russian roots [her facial features]

Her: I don't know where I'm from actually. I'm adopted.

Me: Oh! Really?

Her: Yep. I'm adopted by Portuguese immigrants

Me: Oh so you speak?

Her: Nope, not at all

Me: That's a shame. Thought you'd at least learn by osmosis

Her: hah nope
Handling the Interruption

[Here there's a pause as she makes her order. I go to her right and lock in by the counter. I look around. Everyone in the shop is staring at me like I'm the Second Coming. There's a couple to our right that's playing NSA.] She's now fixing her purse so I want to occupy her mind so that she doesn't begin to wonder why I, a stranger, am still there since there's a gap in speech

Me: You know what. I have to tell you something....[pregnant pause for slightly too long, maybe. five seconds instead of 3. Due to nerves since I was trying to decide whether or not to add a more direct statement]

Her: Oh...I'm nervous about what you're going to say to me now [I take this as a red flag. I was about to say 'I'm only here to shamelessly flirt with you.' Instead I decide to do some more rapport to make her feel more comfortable]

Me: You strike me as the very competitive type. I get the feeling that in the past...you were big into a sport.

Her: Yep! You're totally right.

[Im starting to notice that we aren't eye banging. She's looking in my direction but not square at me.]

Me: Let me guess... Swimming.

Her: Nope.

Me: How far off?

Her: Very far. You're way off

Me: Soccer

Her: Wrong again!

Me: Okay, wow. I'm not doing too good am I...

Her: Nope *fixing scarf unnecessarily*

Me: Then tell me. What is it?

Her: Rodeo. I use to ride

Me: Ohh. Interesting. So you're a horse lover.

Her: Yep. I was born out on a farm. *exaggerated hair flip*

[in retrospect, how does she know where she was born...]

Me: Well that's too bad. I was hoping we could be friends but now that you love horses it just won't work.

Her: Hahaha I'm sure we can move past it!

Me: Say what? [I want her to repeat that she's trying to keep the connection going]

Her: I think we can work through it. [I'm laser eyeing her. She's looking ahead with a slight eye towards my direction but not making full contact]

Me: Oh...maybe. Yeah I've always been more of an aquatic lover [not true at all, lol]. So one thing I've heard from girls that love horses is that they have a "connection" with the animal. Do you feel that with your horses?

Her: Yeah..[she makes a face like wtf are you talking about. that's B.s.]..I do get that.

[We're not making sweet eye contact love. I continue to plow anyway. She's going to have to make it clear that I need to leave her alone. Everyone's still staring. It's dead quiet besides us]

Me: So you own your own horses then?

Her: Yep. Mhm.

Me: Interesting. That's very cool. So what made you decide to escape to the suburbs instead of staying with them? [I trip on my words here a little bit..it comes out audible enough]

Her: My husband. He's in the military. *vigorous head nod + plus slight curt tone here* [she didn't have a wedding ring on her left hand. However she did have an expensive looking ring on her right hand on the same finger. Usually, married women make a point of fixing their hair with their left hand when I accidentally approach them before seeing the ring, so I thought I was in the clear. Different hand, no obvious ring display]

Exiting the Set

Me: Ohh okay. Well that's too bad. You must miss them.

Her: Yeah, I do

Me: Okay, we'll tell you what- what's your name?

Her: I'm blah blah

Me: Okay, nice meeting you blah blah. I'm G_P [we shake hands. She has a pretty firm grip]

Her: Okay. It was nice meeting you too [I wonder if she meant that. Probably not lol]

As I left I noticed everyone was staring at me with their mouths agape. Especially this older woman hahaha. Although I felt zero pressure during the approach, I wouldn't have done it had she not looked in my direction. My sticking point in terms of approaching is taking the shot under 3 seconds. I can approach many sets now. It's just that I mental masturbate until finding the "perfect" opening line and by then the girl is 200 meter dash, stalker pounce distance away (my problem/fault, I'll fix it).

Main Questions (2)

I wonder if she was really married or I screwed up somewhere here. What's your take on it? I'm having a hard time distinguishing when IHAB is real or an imaginary friend.

Do sets ever succeed for you when there isn't raw, animalistic eye contact? I ask you guys out of pure curiosity.

Areas For Improvement

In terms of improving future sets that aren't married/don't have boyfriends, I'm thinking:

  • 1. Assuming that no set succeeds with tunnel vision eye sex, I should have picked up sooner that there wasn't much prolonged eye contact going on. Maybe I got fooled by some of the preening.
    2. Maybe I should have addressed the social pressure from everyone else, just in case that was making her self-conscious.
    3. Maybe I should have brought up age/should bring it up with every woman...The women I meet here at this time of the year are around 25 and up. I've been told that I look like I could pass for high-school. She must have been 24-26. I have read the younger me/older women article by Chase.

Thank you all for reading and I look forward to any and all feedback.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Gentle Phrases:

OMG you make me laugh with this stuff! The following was priceless:
Gentle_Phrases said:
Me: Quick question...did they stop you?

Her: Say what? Who?

Me: The talent agency booth over there
Also I loved this bit in the narrative:
Gentle_Phrases said:
Everyone in the shop is staring at me like I'm the Second Coming. There's a couple to our right that's playing NSA.
As soon as I saw your screen name with "FR" beside it, I knew it'd be worth a read for the laughs!

You know...
Gentle_Phrases said:
Her: Oh...I'm nervous about what you're going to say to me now [I take this as a red flag.]
I don't agree with your conclusion there. There seems to be no reason this should be a red flag, in my understanding anyway.

Gentle_Phrases said:
How do you tell when IHAB is fake/a test??
I have no idea about this, to tell you the truth, but if I tried to empathize and apply my own reasoning, imagining I was a girl, it would be something like this:

  • If I didn't like the guy, I might tell him about my BF if I had one, or make one up if I didn't; or if I didn't feel like discussing my relationship status, I'd come up with some other excuse to send him packing.
  • If I liked the guy, then regardless of the existence or otherwise of any BF, I damn well wouldn't raise the issue, in case it put him off and jeopardized my getting together with him. If I had one I'd certainly do my utmost to hide the fact (because revealing his existence would be irrational if she's into you).
Therefore, by my (no doubt faulty) reasoning, if she raises the BF objection spontaneously, it's a bad sign; but if she doesn't, you can't necessarily conclude about her interest in you by that alone. Plus, what she says or does not say about a possible BF has zero bearing on his actual existence.

That'd be my take. I'm bracing myself for correction by the experienced fellas :) No doubt girls aren't as logical as this ;)



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Marty wrote:
OMG you make me laugh with this stuff! The following was priceless:

Gentle_Phrases wrote:
Everyone in the shop is staring at me like I'm the Second Coming. There's a couple to our right that's playing NSA.


[in retrospect, how does she know where she was born...] .
I agree Marty G_P cracks me up.
I don't even think you're trying to be funny?

Anyway, my first thought after reading this was wtf didn't you go direct and then I re read it and it sounds like you did a damn good job with your opener and intent (I didn't get the pun on the agency thing at first but that was surprisingly smooth.. though if your vibe backed it up that's a whole nother story). That was a situation with high social pressure for you and her and you should be proud of how you handled it considering. I think you have cajones for pulling that one off, coffee shops (any small place with lots of eyes watching) challenge my social freedom to this day.

The fact that she wasn't totally trying to run away from you and was still in circle wasn't a bad sign upon getting her coffee. This was pretty good on her part and somewhat surprising considering the circumstance.
Me: Well that's too bad. I was hoping we could be friends but now that you love horses it just won't work.

Her: Hahaha I'm sure we can move past it!

Me: Say what? [I want her to repeat that she's trying to keep the connection going]

Her: I think we can work through it. [I'm laser eyeing her. She's looking ahead with a slight eye towards my direction but not making full contact]
though I think here instead of inquiring on if she connects with her horses perhaps you should've asked "and how do you propose we do that?" said with obvious mischief and playfulness. Perhaps then she would've invested a little more and then you could've easily transitioned into "I think we need to continue this conversation sitting down, here come sit for a minute." then go and sit down and drink coffee.
My two cents at least amigo.

Her: Okay. It was nice meeting you too [I wonder if she meant that. Probably not lol]
She did, you broke her out of autopilot and disrupted her mundane routine of life.

My sticking point in terms of approaching is taking the shot under 3 seconds. I can approach many sets now. It's just that I mental masturbate until finding the "perfect" opening line and by then the girl is 200 meter dash, stalker pounce distance away (my problem/fault, I'll fix it).
Ugh! I'm right behind you on this one. Definitely a bad habit that needs breaking. We should make a pact where we have to send each other $2 for every approach we deliberate on lol. Paypal baby!

I wonder if she was really married or I screwed up somewhere here. What's your take on it? I'm having a hard time distinguishing when IHAB is real or an imaginary friend.
I've always wondered the same thing as far as knowing whether or not it's true or not when girls tell you they have boyfriends. What I've come to realize is that if a girl tell you that it's either true or a brush off. With that said out of the two you're more likely to get the girl with a real boyfriend to join you on a date then the girl brushing you off. Don't take it personally and also don't always take it for face value, sometimes it's just a girl testing you to see how you will react. What I've noticed, even at my meager skill level, is that the more I progress the less I get the IHAB jazz I get. Just keep upgrading yourself and that shit will stop over time.

Though I still get it so don't worry just keep on keeping on.

Btw could you link this I've never seen it and sounds interesting
I have read the younger me/older women article by Chase.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Mr.Rob said:
That was a situation with high social pressure for you and her and you should be proud of how you handled it considering. I think you have cajones for pulling that one off, coffee shops (any small place with lots of eyes watching) challenge my social freedom to this day.
Agree with Rob. "In line" for anything is an extreme environment for cold approach; I've only ever done it once. (OMG that girl was gorgeous, I can still see her in my mind's eye. I'd never have attempted it otherwise, it's too tough. Kudos to you GP.)

Mr.Rob said:
Gentle_Phrases said:
My sticking point in terms of approaching is taking the shot under 3 seconds. I can approach many sets now. It's just that I mental masturbate until finding the "perfect" opening line and by then the girl is 200 meter dash, stalker pounce distance away (my problem/fault, I'll fix it).
Ugh! I'm right behind you on this one. Definitely a bad habit that needs breaking.
Can we start a support group for this? :) I'm only semi-joking.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2013
I did a successful cold approach in line at Target once. I thought it was genius myself. I was in line to actually talk to another women in front of me when suddenly I turned around and noticed a tall blond picking up some candy and putting it back quickly. Usually, I would never had said anything but could not pass up the opportunity.

Me: I saw that.
Her: Yeah, I don't know if I should get them.
Me: I think you should buy them.. pause.. because I love those too!
Her: Yeah, me too.
Her: She picks the candy back up and puts it in her cart! (I see this as a command or moving her)
Me: Ah, now we have something in common!
Her: Smiles

But before I could say anything further the clerk at the register told me there was another line open with no wait.
Looking back I should have told her that I'm staying. But I moved and then found myself back in the same line after another person jumped in front of me.

The funny thing about all this was the women in front (the one I originally was going to talk to) of me was like "oh no he didn't" when I started to chat up the tall blond behind me. She probably thought I was going to say something to her first. And the clerk at the register (a women also) was all enameled by me like I was the second coming as well. She flirted with me a little afterwards and had a big smile on her face. I think my boldness and confidence of what I said to the tall blond mesmerized both the clerk at the register and the women in front of me.

But it didn't end there. After I got back in line I told the clerk at the register that I didn't think our relationship was working and I was breaking up with her because she made me move to another line.
The register clerk loved it!

But most of the time I can't find situations very often like the one I just described above in lines. Lines are hard to cold approach since everyone is in such a darn hurry these days. But it can be done if you see a opportunity like the one I described and act on it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Can we start a support group for this? :)
The Undecided Heart Board
"Board to chat up and encourage other members to quit being such a pussies to go get what they want as soon as they see it."

lol you too Marty? It doesn't seem like it in your FR's up, then again I usually leave out the parts on deliberation when I write up mine ;).

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Mr.Rob said:
lol you too Marty? It doesn't seem like it in your FR's up
That's because I don't put a multitude of lousy interactions in my FRs. I made this mistake twice in the last two days, would you believe. Both were evidently undergraduate students; both were pretty. One was near to a private university campus, the other close to a state one (I think you can go figure, Rob). On both occasions, I saw the girl ahead of time, maybe 100 feet off; crossed to her side of the road intentionally, and tried to set up what Chase described here as a pAImAI.

It worked too well; both times the girl stared at me directly and smiled, once even said "Hi". I'd been walking for what seemed like ages and was about to give up, both days, so I was so unprepared for this and was like, Fuck, WTF do I do now? By the time I'd figured it out, I needed to do the 200-meter dash like GP described, and I actually started it on both occasions before realizing that so much time had elapsed and I had so far still to catch up that she would likely flip out over being stalked rather than respond well to a pleasant: "Hey, I just passed you back there and had to come back and tell you..."

Excuse the "confession".



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Hey Rob, Marty,

Can we start a support group for this? :) I'm only semi-joking.

I think the best thing that we could do is be Accountability Buddies! So I promise to notify you guys on just how many sets I skimped out on every outing (if you're willing to participate). You two can notify me and the guy with the least skip-outs gets bragging rights...or more (?)

Just walking and handling some chores today, I skipped out on 2 potential sets due to Undecided Heart Syndrome (U.H.S). What a waste. Going out to game right now , so expect a report later.
I don't agree with your conclusion there. There seems to be no reason this should be a red flag, in my understanding anyway.


Btw could you link this I've never seen it and sounds interesting

https://www.girlschase.com/content/young ... lder-women

I actually started it on both occasions before realizing that so much time had elapsed and I had so far still to catch up that she would likely flip out over being stalked rather than respond well

I feel you Marty. It's the worst when you turn around, stare and then think..."nah, to late"


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Gentle_Phrases said:
promise to notify you guys on just how many sets I skimped out on every outing (if you're willing to participate). You two can notify me and the guy with the least skip-outs gets bragging rights...or more (?)
Let's set up a separate thread. Also specify a starting-date, LOL :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
HAHA oh man, i remember these days. You might have had her in the beggining..... from my studies in body language the hair twirl can be a nervous factor or a flirty factor both mean the same thing they are nervous but still one is good one is bad. The fact that you said everyone is looking well im guessing she was just nervous and being polite. also she was looking for a way out but was hoping you would pick up on the hint faster.

Good News i have been here, Bad news it really kind of is embarrassing to be in these situations, but it will pass.

From my experience the corny lines like you used.... do not work, it could have worked if you put on a coy smile, winked and made it seem ridiculous and more like a joke. She knew you were being serious, which probably made her nervous. Also you asked her if you were doing a good job, thats when i think you personally lost everything..... it was an insecure question and she probably picked up on that right away. The conversation was running on to long and when she gave you the look of wtf is he taling about its probably because like chase said you were trying to hard and she had no idea what your intentions were... from the first part of the conversation she knew you were hitting on her but you kept dragging on the conversation and she got confused as to where you trying to get to know her and make a fool of her or ask her out, you missed the escalation window my friend!

Keep trying its totally worth it once you get past that level, i felt your pain reading this from my past experiences! Good luck my friend!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Hey thanks for the reply maximus

She knew you were being serious, which probably made her nervous

Yeah, I was dead serious. Even considered dragging her over there at one point.

Keep trying its totally worth it once you get past that level, I felt your pain reading this from my past experiences!

Yeah, I'm hanging in there man. Learning this stuff...is pretty tough.