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Starting game with Ptsd


Apr 21, 2022
Hello guys, I have hypervigilant and extreme anxiety states even when I go in the street walking to buy things to the supermarket, in my city there aren't players just massive social fear.
So how to start in a place when you have ptsd and social anxiety/hypervigilance states even to normal conversations and there is no one player in your city because all have massive fear of doing this, plus I don't have friends and have no support of my family at all, I have so much anxiety because I also have dysfuctional family members so I feel in constant state of paronia with reasons, in my enviroment it's adaptative. So if you were me how you will reivent yourself?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Hi @MrRipley, welcome to the forums.

Is that PTSD a medical diagnosis or just your best guess?


Apr 21, 2022
Hi, is not based in a psychologist because I can't afford they, is based in the scientific assess for ptsd that psychologyst uses to diagnose (I have been investigating plenty books for start trying some workbooks, in those workbooks if your present those symptoms for a month like for example massive hypervigilance, or constant nighmares plus if you have some emotional/cognitive impedements/avoidance, you probably have ptsd. But again you need to look your own symptoms plus a scientific book that have those asses for your type of problem.

Like 50 cent says: If you lack of something you need to be more creative with the resourses you have.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Mmmhh, I don’t know man. Self-diagnosis is often wrong.
I have had several times when I had a physical condition and spent months in pain or discomfort before finally visiting a doctor to find that it was something completely different to what I thought.

Also, for a good psychological diagnosis you really need an outside opinion.

If you are really suffering from PTSD, my first priority would be to confirm the diagnosis and do whatever you need to do to get better.
Your health is mort important than pussy.

Also, think about it like removing the hand brake of a car.
You can try driving with the brake on… but it is much more effective to remove it first.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake