Okay I'm gonna give my 2 cents here, cause I've been asked by multiple people via Personal Messages. This is gonna be a bit long and I'm trying to write as little as possible. If I write in detail it'll take 50 pages..
Here's the first thing guys. You gotta think big if you want money.
Do you want to make 50 000$ per year or do you want to make 1-5 million $ per year?
Do you want to be average or a millionaire.
If you want the lots of money, you have to start thinking big. Is writing on elance and such, going to make you 1 million $ per year? No! Is having a blog like GC going to make you a million $. Probably not, especially since you'll need years to get it going.
So you have to think big-er that doing free-lance work.
Also you have to know the right niche. For example GC is a great blog, but it's limited as for earning potential. It's a limited niche. It's not mainstream and there aren't millions of people visiting it every day. There is the stigma in society about learning seduction and you won't see the media doing pieces on GC often. It's still somewhat of a smaller community.
Also consider the profit vs work done. For example I bet that those articles on GC take Chase hours if not a whole day to: think about the topic, research, write a draft, edit, fact check, proofread, SEO, interlink, read the comments and respond to them, visit the boards and write on threads, other stuff he has to do offline. I bet his working hours are crazy. And I assume his profit per day isn't more than 1000$ and maybe less(Idk it's just an assumption).
On the other hand take a youtuber like PewDiePie (the most subscribed youtuber with more than 27 million subscribers).He basically does game reviews-play throughs - 10min video of him playing some PC game or app-game. He uploads 1 or 2, 10 minute long videos per day. It takes him 30 minutes to shoot the video then 30-45 minutes to quickly cut and lightly edit it. He uploads it and most of his vids get 2-3 million views. From which he makes 20-25 000$ per day or more, since he also has a website selling stuff, and he gets paid by companies to do reviews of their games. The money he's made from youtube alone is 21 million $ and this was in December 2013. Now it's a couple of million more. And that's not counting the money he makes from selling his own stuff and getting paid to make a review.
Now compare the two working long hours and making less than 1000$ or working 2 hours and making 20-25 000$ or more per day.
Or the guy who created Flappy Bird - it took him 2 days to create and when it blew up in january it got 50 million downloads or more and started earning him 1.5 million $ per month from the ads in the app. And this is passive income - it takes 2 days work to create the app, a month or two of promoting it and getting lots of people to download it and then it's on autopilot - people play it and he makes money without doing anything.
Also compare how much does a normal programmer make and how much the owners of Facebook make, or the 2 guys who created Snapchat(which Facebook offered to buy for 3 billion$) Or a programmer might get paid 5000$ to create an iphone or Android app but the app can make 10 000$ per month.
What I'm saying is that working for someone else has less risk - you know you'll get paid, but also has a lot lower earning potential.
And I know what you think it's not easy to get millions of Youtube subscribers or get millions of downloads of your app. Or you can't even create an app. Or don't have an idea for a blog or youtube channel or app or game or anything. Well that's your problem - ideas don't come to you. You have to go and get them.
For example if you want ideas for apps - you go and download all the top free apps and start playing and see what they have in common or what makes them addictive like the app 2048. And you'll get ideas.
Or check out some of the coolest youtube channels some that I'm subscribed to are: pewdiepie, gametheory,vsause, buzzfeed,list25,Matthew Santoro,Grant Thompson, CrazyRussianHacker.smosh,
Also research most subscribed youtube channels. And if your vids are great,original and fun you'll start getting lots of subscribers and you'll start making money - you get between 3000$ and 7000$ per 1million views depending on your demographic, and where your viewer live.
About making apps - it's the same thing. Is the app going to be downloaded by millions of people? Or is it for some small niche. Mostly game apps are most popular and cheaper to make. And think about it being addictive. Also don't forget that the majority of players are kids or teens. The most people who download apps and games are between 10-18 years old. Also one thing the apps on iphone make more money from in-app purchases(buy a new weapon for 1$, etc) while Android apps make more from advertising. And btw if you release an app you make 1000000000% sure it's free to download. Free apps make more money because they can get tens of millions of downloads in a month since they are free and everybody will download it if it's cool looking. But if it's paid most people will never buy it. That's why the highest earning apps are all free with advertisements and in-app purchases. Free so lots of people can download, play and get hooked on them, and then sell them new weapons or extra lives.
If you have an idea for a social media website or sth like that. Well you can start working on it if you're a programmer and pitch to lots of angel investors, go to tech conferences, expos, etc to find funding if you don't have the money to finish it. Or if you have - you launch it. The this is still the same is it going to be used by millions of people or is it some smaller niched audience based.
If you have an idea of an invention/app/software/website/etc and you don't have the money. But you can create it you must try crowd funding. Basically kickstarter or indiegogo.
In a sentence the idea is that you put up a campaign and people start funding you so you can create your product. And most of the times you give them something in return, like the product when you create it. It's like people prepaying for your product so you have the money to develop it and start manufacturing.
There are campaigns that collect hundreds of thousands. And some of them are really stupid. Like I remember last summer this one campaign collected 150 000$ for a smartphone usb cable that was simply shorter than the average usb cable..
So go check indiegogo and kickstarter.
You can also write an ebook on a topic you know lots about. Like Chase writes about seduction, some people write about losing weight. etc. Or if you're talented you can write a horror ebook, or Fifty shades of Grey. You must put it on amazon kindle and sell a pdf on your website. The thing is again thing on a topic that can get millions of people to read it.
Here's where I disagree with Chase.
When he talked about learning to copy write. The number one skill to have is marketing - knowing how to get millions of people to buy your product. And that's the thing most people never learn. Also there is lots of useless advice out there - the only way to learn is by doing it.
Here's an example. You have a great idea for an app/game/invention/gadget/website. You don't have the skills to do it but you have the marketing abilities.
- you can create an indiegogo/kickstarter campaign and raise 100 000$ in 1 month
- you can find programmers to create the website
- app developer to create the app
- video editors and photoshop experts to create the pics and videos
- hire someone to write the press release
- hire an engineer to create your product
- and you on the other hand have the skill to get the initial funding
- create a buzz about your product
- get millions of people to buy it
- make it famous
- get investors if you need them
- and you get the big money
Or you can find programmers and engineers who are your friends, students in the same university as you, coworkers. So you give them a % instead of money if you have nothing in the beginning.
And it usually depends on the marketing how much a product earns. Imagine if GC was read by 10 million people per month. Do you think that it'll make more $ than if it's read by 100-200 people per month?
And it costs you absolutely nothing to write an ebook and put it on amazon kindle store, create an app game (if you can program in objective c(iphone) or java (Android),okay it costs 25$ one time only to be able to upload as much apps as you want on google playstore, and it costs 99$ per year for the same thing on the apple app store, but after that it costs you nothing for the development) It costs 12$ for a years worth of hosting at godaddy with unlimited bandwidth and it takes 1 minute to install wordpress and start a blog. It cost nothing to shoot videos for youtube. It costs nothing to create an indiegogo/kickstarter campaign and start collecting money to create your product. It costs nothing to think about and design a product.
So it's not that it takes lots of money or skill to do it. It's that most people have no idea how to get massive traffic to their product.
That's why I've had so much success - because I know how to get millions of people to download my apps/ software and buy the products.
Also once you have a product and get lots of people to come to it - you must learn how to convert those people from spectators to buyers. Meaning when a person sees your ebook - he buys it. When someone checks out your app - they must download it, etc.
And most people spend time to become good at creating great content but know neither how to market it nor how to convert those people into buyers.
Here are some quick examples regarding GC.
Some things that would make GC make lots more money.
1) Chase must deep-dive the reads who come here for the first time. It's really impersonal GC. There should be his face on every page (and not that annoying pop-up cause pop-ups are always annoying and off-putting). Also the stories are always impersonal - "I've slept with lots of women" "I've seduced lots of women" etc. There are no details or proof of any kind. A person who visits for the 1st time has no way of knowing if this is true or total BS. And this hurts GC because those people write it off. Every story or every time you say you've been with lots of girls - you need to give lots of specifics (you can change her name) this is especially for the other writers who give way to vague of statements that they've bedded lots of women with absolutely no evidence to support that.
This also means shooting videos of Chase talking. This is what Gambler does and it's working for him. People watch the videos (me included) and you get used to the guys face. voice, you get to view him more as a human being. And a thing that bothers me about GC is that I never know if the article was actually written by Chase of he pays someone to do it, since I've found inconsistent information that doesn't match in different posts.
And every article can be summed up in a 3-4-5 minute video and uploaded to Youtube so people on Youtube can come by it view it and go to GC to read the full article. Plus it's easier to view a 5 min summed up video and share it with friends and on facebook, twitter,etc.
This will also deep dive the readers and get them to view Chase as more of a human being, rather than some lump or written text. People will trust him more and buy more, cause he's put himself out there. Everyone can write lies but if you put yourself and your face on videos and put them on youtube it signals that you should be trusted more.
Also talk about your story more maybe a really long "about me" so a person will get to know him better
2) Definitive call to action on every post! Things like "Share with your friends/coworkers and everyone you thing will benefit, on Facebook, twitter, etc" and "If you want more great information about abc.. go check out my ebook/couse (insert link)". This is a call to action that will make people buy more and share more. The call to action must be on every post at the end and maybe at the beginning.
3) Create a special program like "30 day program for beginners" or "How to get laid! From zero to sex in 30 days" - Just like the 14 day newbie challenge. It can be a full 80-100 page ebook that would take 1 week to write. And include lots of details. It can be sold for a low price of 5-10$ and include the basics of how to overcome approach anxiety and start approaching. This is to get newbies hooked and once they've started approaching you can tell them to now go and buy the other product that lays out the full process of seduction.
4) Make a better and easy to use affiliate program!!! You can make a super easy to use affiliate program (if you use e-junkie or sth else) so every guy can make money by simply telling other people. Affiliate marketing works like this. Say Chases ebook costs 50$, you get 25 or 20$ for every person you tell and who buys the ebook.
Here are lots of guys who wander how to make money! If you make it super easy for them and explain to them step by step how to do it(this must be done by an article that is pinned on the top of every single page, so every person who comes on GC will read it and can start getting people to buy the programs) - they can start bringing more people to GC and to buy the products.
If someone has lots of male friends/coworkers who can benefit he can persuade 10 people to buy them and make 250$ doing it. They can then go online and tell their facebook friends or twitter followers to come check it out and make money doing so.
And you explain this in a few articles and in your books and after every blog post - that everyone who reads GC can make 20-25$ for every person the refer and that buys the program.
5)Expand on topics - there should be weekly posts on weight loss (this will bring lots of new people). You can get someone to write 2 articles per week. Also weekly articles on making money and financial independence - GC must be about becoming a better man, not only picking up girls. I bet lots of the guys would love to read such articles. You can find someone to write them for cheap. More articles on other stuff like clothes, watches, some other manly skills. etc. Think like menshealth and askmen. This expands the readership a lot.
6)Create GC events. Like once every month organize gatherings with the guys from the forum to go to a bar or club. Or the guys who live in the same cities can meet up. How awesome would it be to meet with Chase, Franco and the other top guys on the forum! Or maybe just once a year like the under21convention or sth like that. The top 10 guys on the forum and others meet once a year for a few days. Talk, get to know each other, have a few speeches on some topics. And then party like there is no tomorrow during the nights.
7) Start a podcast and upload it on Itunes Once a week, choose a topic to talk about for 1 hour or 1.5 hours. Record it and post it on Itunes so people can download it for free and listen to it. And once you start getting lots of listeners it starts climbing the Itunes podcast charts and more people find out about GC.
WIth podcasting and youtube videos, press releases + some networking with other blogers/ news websites and twitter and facebook marketing GC can easily tripple it's readership and earnings in less than a year.
And then you can release some other product like an app that helps guys while out. Like having lots of phrases to approach a girl. Or the specific process to follow, so guys can check it out right before they approach. Or while the girl is in the bathroom he can check out what to do next. Then while she's getting her coat he can see what to do while taking her home. Then while at his place he can check out how to escalate while she's in the bathroom.
You get what I'm saying right? Always think about expanding to a broader audience, more products for them to buy. Most of the stuff I listed are free or really cheap to do and will bring in lots of more money.
You see how the marketing part is more important than creating great content? Cause lots of people can write and create great content, but they can't market it. And I learned how to do that. Writers and programmers are dime a dozen. But if you become the guy who can take their ideas and products and turn them into millions - they'll be chasing you and begging you to work with them and share the profits.
If you know how you can raise the money beforehand on indiegogo/kickstarter or get investors, you can have multiple people working on creating it, while you network and get more people to buy the product.
I can keep writing this for days. Everything I mentioned - I can talk about it for 10-20 pages. How to get 1 million youtube subscribers. How to get your apps downloaded millions of times. How to raise 100 000$ in funding on indiegogo and kickstarter. But it'll get way to long.
One final and most important advice: Don't think only about creating something useful. Don't think about what people need, create what people want! It can be total BS that is a money waster and time waster but if lots of people want it and are willing to buy it - you'll be rich.
Think about fast cars, jewelry, fast food, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, stupid apps and games, stupid pointless youtube videos. No one need them but millions of people want them and pay for them. So think about creating something that people want not about what they need.
P.S. sorry for the spelling errors if there are any I don't have the time to spell check it.
BTW I'm helping my 15 year old brother make 1 million $ till the end of 2014. If you're interested I can write a post explaining exactly how he'll do that.