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FR+  Starting Out Part III


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Summary: Two girls pick me up. Things get steamy, then go awry and end with a flake.

[Irene] Chinese [Rating: objective 7/subjective 7][Age: @30](closed)
[Jane] Chinese [Rating: objective 5/subjective 5][Age: @25](closed)

Open: passive
I was walking home from a failed interaction (FR: Starting Out Part II), but feeling fine because I felt I had learned a lot. Then I realized I had forgotten my hat at a previous venue and debated whether or not I should go back to get it (the venue was nearby). I decided "what the heck, I"ll grab it."

I went into the venue, and the owner ([Irene]) was there with a friend ([Jane]). [Irene] operates the venue, which is a home base for me, and she's married w/kids, and I've met her husband, so she's pretty much "off limits". However, I'm still strongly attracted to her, and she has openly expressed attraction for me in the past. [Irene]'s friend was younger, not great looking, and Chinese (I don't mess with Chinese girls). She was, however, showering me with IOI's, and [Irene] was throwing a couple my way as well.

Move: passive
After thinking so hard about PU from the previous interaction that night, it was very interesting to see it work in reverse, as [Jane] showered me with IOI's and tried to get me more interested in her. [Irene] suggested we go to another venue where she knew the bar owner, and I agreed, so we jumped in a cab. [Jane] continued to flirt with me heavily in the cab.

Escalation: passive ([Jane])/fail [Irene]
We got to the new venue and the owner got us all free drinks...some heavy stuff, and they just kept coming. The music wasn't that bad, and I was having a good time dancing. [Jane] was dancing all over me, while [Irene] hung out at the bar. I reached past [Jane] for a drink at one point, and she just kissed me. I kissed her back, but wasn't really into it. This was in full view of [Irene]. I didn't pay much attention to [Jane], and continued dancing, not wanting to bother [Irene] too much, since she was known in the venue...and known to be married. When I looked over later, [Jane] was kissing another dude. "Thank god..." I thought to myself.

It was pretty late at this point, and things started to taper off. I was ready to go home, but [Irene] decided we should leave the venue and go to yet another. I was feeling pretty worn out, but decided "what the heck". The guy [Jane] had been kissing--we'll call him Flincher--decided to come along with us. I went downstairs with [Irene] while Flincher and [Jane] went to collect their things. [Irene] and I were isolated downstairs, sitting waiting for them to come down:

Her: "Why don't you get together with [Jane]?"

Me: "Because I only want you, [Irene]."

Her: [smiling broadly] "I don't believe you."

Me: [leaning in close and gazing into her eyes]"Come on, [Irene], I've wanted you from the moment I first saw you."

Her: [gazing back, still smiling] "Really?"

Me: "Yup..."

[Jane] and Flincher appeared, and we moved to the next venue. I had been drinking for 6 hours straight at this point, but it wasn't really affecting me (mentally, anyway) I was tired though, and just wanted to go home. We arrived at the next venue and [Irene] seemed quite interested in continuing our earlier conversation. [Jane] noticed and moved off to a table in the corner, playing on her mobile phone and pouting. [Irene] and I shoved Flincher in her direction, but he physically ran the other way.

I continued talking to [Irene] who was enjoying the attention, but unresponsive (not surprising since there was no chance with us anyway). After a couple more drinks, [Irene] decided we could finally go home, and left with Flincher (they knew each other as friends). I found [Jane] at her table and tried to reengage her, but she was still pouty and wouldn't look at/talk to me--this is just a thing Chinese girls do. I just laughed it off and told her to come along. We got outside the venue, and she told me she "didn't want to go back to her home". I told her it was fine, because she could just come home with me.

Close: fail--[Jane] flaked

[Jane] and I were in a cab going back to my place. Just before we arrived, [Jane] realized she had forgotten her bag way back at the first venue. We decided to go and get it. It was actually inside the bar, so we had to call [Irene] to come by and open the venue (which was closed, since it was about 5 am at this point). We arrived before them, and had nothing to do but sit and wait outside the venue. [Jane] straddled me and started kissing me.

Flincher and [Irene] arrived minutes later, but [Irene] had succumbed to her alcohol and was sagging in the back seat, virtually unresponsive. We decided we had to get her home immediately (she lived in walking distance), and so I went to haul [Irene] out of the back seat of the cab. I hefted her in my arms, but she was virtually unconscious and didn't hold onto me or anything, so she slipped out of my arms and fell onto the street. I was horrified: her head hit the pavement with an audible *smacK*.

I hurriedly gathered her up in my arms and walked to the venue, feeling the back of her head for swelling/bleeding. Luckily there was none, and she didn't seem much worse for wear. I stood there with her in my arms and asked her the number of her building and apartment. She muttered something incomprehensible, and I asked again:

Me: "Come on [Irene], you have to tell me your building number, we have to get you home."

Her: "*mumble* *mumble*."

Me: "What? I can't understand, you have to tell me your building number."

Her: [nestling deeper into my arms and rubbing her head against my chin] "I...I trust you..."

I felt a surge of attraction for [Irene] at this moment, but focused on the task at hand. Flincher and I managed to get [Irene] back to her building, and she had recovered enough to almost walk on her own. She was adamant about us not seeing her to her door (where her...husband would be waiting), so [Jane] decided to see her upstairs and come right back down. Flincher and I waited downstairs chatting for about 20 minutes, then I left and went home when it became clear that [Jane] had flaked for some reason.

[Irene] called me the next day and apologized for getting so drunk. I ran into her husband days later and he half joked with me about the whole thing.

[Interaction Rating]: 5
I gave this a higher rating because it was so interesting to be on the other side of picking up, that is, being picked up. It was also interesting that there was virtually nothing I could do to lose the interest of [Jane] who wanted me from the outset. Overall though, it was just a night of insanity that went on way too long and didn't accomplish much.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take