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- Nov 20, 2012
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Summary: Meet a girl at the venue where I work, with some management, everything falls into place.
[Kate] French [Rating: objective 7/subjective 7][Age: @22](closed)
Open: natural
[Kate] showed up at the venue where I work. I had met her before, but had forgotten her name (she remembered mine). She had previously expressed strong IOI's but I had thought nothing of it. I noticed it and called her over. She invited me to go with her friends to another venue after I got off work.
One of the people in [Kate]'s group of friends had a car, and we all piled in to go to the next venue. There wasn't really enough room to fit everyone in the car, so I told [Kate] she would just have to sit on my lap. She agreed, but sort of ended up straddling my knee instead (vaginal contact). She was also holding and stroking my hand. I engaged the group of friends only minimally, but I was friendly and polite, and seemed to leave a good impression.
We arrived at the next venue, but [Kate] wanted to go get some money from an ATM before we went in (old me would have offered to just pay for her, like an idiot). We went to the ATM, but a friend from the group just would not leave us alone, I gave him minimal attention until he got the hint (don't break circle). Inside the venue, [Kate] and I danced and engaged in light conversation. I was careful to do light sexual framing and cold reading with daring/adventurous clues throughout the interaction.
Things were pretty "friendly" ([Kate] kept peeling off to talk to a friend), but I she also grabbed my cigarette at one point and took a puff, so I wasn't that worried. Things wound down at the venue, and the other members of the group left while [Kate] and her friend went to the bathroom. I caught up with them outside the venue, and [Kate]'s friend said she was going to anther event, but that it probably wouldn't be that interesting (actually, she was obviously pushing for [Kate] and I to get together). I suggested [Kate] come back to the park near my home, and she agreed. I made sure to keep conversation light during the transition.
I wanted to escalate immediately, but had always been awkward at initiating kisses. Fortunately, I had just read Can't-Miss Tips for Getting the First Kiss with a Girl, so it played out like this:
Me: "Yeah, I want to kiss you, but that security guard over there looks like he's watching us."
Her: "You think so?"
Me: "Yeah, it's probably the high point of his night--watching couples come here and make out, we should move over to that river over there." [guard is bored as hell and seated facing the opposite way]
Her: "What, so you can dump me in the riv---" [she didn't even finish her sentence, and actually initiated the kiss with me]
Things got pretty heavy pretty fast. [Kate] straddled me on the park bench and (for some reason) my hand kind of moved on its own and undid her bra. After a minute or two of kissing, [Kate] suggested we continue things at my place.
I seated [Kate] on the couch, gave her some water, and put on some music. [Kate] was quite eager to get intimate though, so we pretty much went directly to bed. However, I was amazed to find myself...not aroused. I was certainly attracted to [Kate], but a combination of drunkeness and a head game problem (I have guilt issues) prevented me from becoming aroused.
I fell back on other tactics to make sure [Kate] reached climax, and she fell off to sleep. I couldn't sleep at all because executing the whole thing had been so mentally draining, and then actually doing it had started to mess with my head something fierce. I had accomplished my goal, but felt terrible because I was essentially leading [Kate] on. I had no plans to pursue a relationship with her, and had number closed that night with another girl minutes before she arrived.
I kissed [Kate] goodbye the next morning (we both had work) and didn't call/text her until a few days later, which was the weekend.
[Interaction Rating]: 9
Everything was textbook. I gave it a 9 because I accidentally burned [Kate] on the arm a bit with a cigarette while we were dancing (clumsy much?), and because I managed to offend [Kate]'s friend a bit when I ignored him, rather than finding a more socially graceful way to isolate her.
[Kate] French [Rating: objective 7/subjective 7][Age: @22](closed)
Open: natural
[Kate] showed up at the venue where I work. I had met her before, but had forgotten her name (she remembered mine). She had previously expressed strong IOI's but I had thought nothing of it. I noticed it and called her over. She invited me to go with her friends to another venue after I got off work.
One of the people in [Kate]'s group of friends had a car, and we all piled in to go to the next venue. There wasn't really enough room to fit everyone in the car, so I told [Kate] she would just have to sit on my lap. She agreed, but sort of ended up straddling my knee instead (vaginal contact). She was also holding and stroking my hand. I engaged the group of friends only minimally, but I was friendly and polite, and seemed to leave a good impression.
We arrived at the next venue, but [Kate] wanted to go get some money from an ATM before we went in (old me would have offered to just pay for her, like an idiot). We went to the ATM, but a friend from the group just would not leave us alone, I gave him minimal attention until he got the hint (don't break circle). Inside the venue, [Kate] and I danced and engaged in light conversation. I was careful to do light sexual framing and cold reading with daring/adventurous clues throughout the interaction.
Things were pretty "friendly" ([Kate] kept peeling off to talk to a friend), but I she also grabbed my cigarette at one point and took a puff, so I wasn't that worried. Things wound down at the venue, and the other members of the group left while [Kate] and her friend went to the bathroom. I caught up with them outside the venue, and [Kate]'s friend said she was going to anther event, but that it probably wouldn't be that interesting (actually, she was obviously pushing for [Kate] and I to get together). I suggested [Kate] come back to the park near my home, and she agreed. I made sure to keep conversation light during the transition.
I wanted to escalate immediately, but had always been awkward at initiating kisses. Fortunately, I had just read Can't-Miss Tips for Getting the First Kiss with a Girl, so it played out like this:
Me: "Yeah, I want to kiss you, but that security guard over there looks like he's watching us."
Her: "You think so?"
Me: "Yeah, it's probably the high point of his night--watching couples come here and make out, we should move over to that river over there." [guard is bored as hell and seated facing the opposite way]
Her: "What, so you can dump me in the riv---" [she didn't even finish her sentence, and actually initiated the kiss with me]
Things got pretty heavy pretty fast. [Kate] straddled me on the park bench and (for some reason) my hand kind of moved on its own and undid her bra. After a minute or two of kissing, [Kate] suggested we continue things at my place.
I seated [Kate] on the couch, gave her some water, and put on some music. [Kate] was quite eager to get intimate though, so we pretty much went directly to bed. However, I was amazed to find myself...not aroused. I was certainly attracted to [Kate], but a combination of drunkeness and a head game problem (I have guilt issues) prevented me from becoming aroused.
I fell back on other tactics to make sure [Kate] reached climax, and she fell off to sleep. I couldn't sleep at all because executing the whole thing had been so mentally draining, and then actually doing it had started to mess with my head something fierce. I had accomplished my goal, but felt terrible because I was essentially leading [Kate] on. I had no plans to pursue a relationship with her, and had number closed that night with another girl minutes before she arrived.
I kissed [Kate] goodbye the next morning (we both had work) and didn't call/text her until a few days later, which was the weekend.
[Interaction Rating]: 9
Everything was textbook. I gave it a 9 because I accidentally burned [Kate] on the arm a bit with a cigarette while we were dancing (clumsy much?), and because I managed to offend [Kate]'s friend a bit when I ignored him, rather than finding a more socially graceful way to isolate her.