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Stating The Obvious


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Stating the obvious is an interesting way to pique a girl's interest in you and bring her out of autopilot mode.

Let's say you're outside and its raining. You could say to her, "Hey did you notice it's raining?!"
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
I am going to discuss this idea further and explain why I believe stating the obvious garners good reactions from women. My opening post was a little empty/vague.

Some other examples of stating the obvious:

You're in line at a store, and the line is really long. You say to the woman, "This line is so long!"

You're at a party, and there's tons of people. You say, "It's pretty packed in here."

You notice a guy getting yelled at by his girlfriend, and see a girl notice it too. You say, "Looks like she's giving him a hard time."

Why does stating the obvious get good reactions from women? You are pointing out what is happening in the immediate environment that she is currently experiencing. You are experiencing it too. When you say things like this, you are describing the situation for how it actually is, not your opinion of how you think it is. It's pretty hard for her to disagree with what you're saying since its factual. She can't really form any sort of opinion around you if you say something like this. The only opinion she will be able to form of you will be based off your fundamentals. In a sense, it starts the development of a connection because you are both sharing the same reality.

Her reply will most likely be one where she is agreeing with you. You can talk more with her about the situation, then easily transition into getting to know her.

The "Hey did you notice its raining?" line is a humorous take on this technique. If you're outside, how could you not notice the rain? You could add in humour to any of these lines. For example... "This line is longer than the Great Wall of China." Or turn it into a question, "Hey did you notice that this line is longer than the Great Wall of China?"